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Title Traité d'anatomie pathologique générale et spéciale : ou description et iconographie pathologique des altérations morbides tant liquides que solides observées dans le corps humain: Atlas, volume 1
Call Number RB24 .L42; Record ID 99136490102001
Date 1857
Description Hermann Lebert studied medicine in Berlin, Zürich, and Paris, where he also practiced medicine. He was one of the first anatomists of the nineteenth century to use the microscope for pathological diagnostic studies. In his research, he distinguished between tuberculosis and cancer. In Traité D'Anatomie Pathologique, Générale et Spéciale, Lebert was one of the first to describe premalignant polyps of the colon, rectum, and stomach. Traité D'Anatomie Pathologique was the most comprehensive illustrated medical dictionary to date, containing clinical material from the best-regarded physicians of France. The illustrations are steel-face copper engravings printed in color using multiple runs by the most renowned publishing house of the time.
Creator Lebert, Hermann, 1813-1878
Subject Anatomy, Pathological
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language fra
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Holding Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Scanning Technician Natalia Soto
ARK ark:/87278/s6769wd9
Setname uum_rbc
ID 1424042
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Title Page 685
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Setname uum_rbc
ID 1424727
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