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Show vr the Hiftory of Plants. $$ Biittimippinofum : eff Beta Creticafemine aculcato Bauhini Math, Page.374- {mall branches, abour This fendethforth from one root_many round greene fttrailing, ioynted, likc adoor:long = ithe: leaues ate of a light greene colour, and grow. at cuery ioint one; fomewhat or.any manithe:leaues: ofgreat Sortell,but they areround topped without barbes or cares below, felttaftelonfmell vary like theleaues of Beets,but, muchfmaller: the floures grow cluftering toge- containing fie ther about the ioints andat the tops of the branches fmall.and)greenifh,each floure middle ; which paft,there com or fix very {mall blunt top; ed leaues,and a few duftie chiues in the methgreat prickly fhriuelled feed,growingeue nclofe to the root,and vpwards onthe ioints, cach fide-waics,which indeed may be more proper. feed hauing three fharpe prickes at the top growing feed nd containethone ly called the huske,whichhuske inthe in-fide is of a darke reddith calour,a informe like the {ced OFF os Adonisroundat the lower endyand ‘cornered towards the top,ahd tharp appeateth poinredjcotered ouerwith adatkeyellowith skins whichskin'pulled away, the kernel!’ into very {mall touchfall ‘light a with will and withiny g white exceedin Gde,and out the yellowon pouder like meale. Gerany Baticefpecies Boely. > This hath at che beginning manybroad leauesinidented/about the edges,famwhat diui i tho of Ge Creticam put ofa lighter greene ‘colour, afd ‘finaller Gale michte tmafiy rourd hairy kneed ttailing branchés,diuidéd into many other branches, beating leaueslike Scorpivides multiflorus Bocly. folio : the This Plant is in creeping branches and leaues like the common Scorpioides bupleuri : the floures are al fo alike, but a little bigger,and grow foure or fiue tovether on one foor-ftalke codsiare rougher,andvery much turned round, or folded one within another: inall things elfe alike. Scorpioidesfiliqua craffa Boeli. This is alfo like the other in creeping branches and leaues : the floures are fomething bigger than any of the reft, and grow not aboue one or two together on a foot-ftalk : the cods are crooked, without any roughhaire, yet finely checkquered, and feuen times bigger than any of the teft,fully asbig as a great Palmer-worme, wherein is the difference : the feed is almoft round, yet extending fomewhat in length, almoft as big as {mall field Peafon, of a browne or yellowifh colour, This al- fo peritheth whenthe {eed is ripe. Sept. 1. 1621+ Silibum minusflore nutante Boely. isto fay, The This Thiftle is in ftalkes and leaues much fmaller than our Ladies Thifle, that ickly edges three or foure foot | ftalkes are round, ftraked, fomewhatwoolly, with narrow skinnypr high, diuided into many branches, whereon grow long Ieaues,deeply diuided,full ofwhite milkeand branlike ftreakes and fharpe prickles by the edges: thefloures grow on thetops ofthe ftalks with very | ches, forth of {mall heads,commonly turning downwards,of the bigneffe ofan Oliue,fet like abroad {preading chiues, purple {mall nothingbut containing pricks, fmall flender fharpe in downe,and | tho(e ofLecea,with fomeblewith chiuesinthe middle : the feed followerh, inclofed The whole as clammy as Bird-lime. | isfmall and grayith like the feed of other Thiftles, but it is the formér,but-fmalterjand no'more divided. Phe floures are'fmial like thofe at Gerauum ‘Moftbhataw, written plant peritheth at VVinter,and renewethit felfe by the falling of his feed. I finde not this | off Iwas firft gathered by Boelsws in Spaine, and imparted vato M‘. William Coys, who friendly | gaue me feeds thereof. Boelius a Low-countrey-mangathered the feeds hereof in Beticaa part of Spaine,and imparted It hath {mall weakefoure fquare ftreakedtrailing branches, twofoothigh, leffer, but like thofe offix, of Fetches’, whereon grow manyleaues withoutorder, and euery feuerall leafe is compofed rib, middle a of fide each on Lentils,fer of thofe like leaues, pointed fharpe final } feuen, or more the which middle rib endeth with clafping tendrels :the floures grow forth of the bofomes of 2 but of | keaues, but one ina place, almoft withoutany foot-ftalkes at all, like thofe of Vetches, thenailes whitithcolour,with purple ftreakes, and ofa deeper colour tendingto purple towards but of deeper reddifh' colonr,each floute hating five final! ronnd topped leaves’ after followeth {mail long Hairicfeed,¢ ¢ at the lower endofa fharpe pointed beak like that of Geranium Mofchatum:the Whole plant perifheth whenthe feea-1s tipe. them to M*.WilliamCoys,a man very skilfiill inthe knowledge of Simples, who hath gotten plants Seaond of infinite otherftrange hetbes,arid friendly gaue me feeds hereofjand ofmany other, Anno, 1620. ‘ Antirrhinum minus flore Livarial This hathat the firft many veryfmall, round, fmooth branches from one soot, trayling on the ground,about foureor fiue inches long,fer with many{mall greene {hort fharp pointed leaves, like thofe of Serpillum, but that thefeare longer,fmooth, and three or foure growing oppofite one againft another: amongft which rife vpfiue orfix, fometimes ten or twelue vpright round {mooth little ftalks a cubit high,diuided into branches bearing {mall long fmooth g teeneleanes, growing Withontorder,as narrowas the vpperleaues ofO¢Aanthe Aneuftifolia: atthe toppes ofthe fralks and branches growcluttering togetherfiuefix or more fmall yellow floures, flouring vpwards, leaving along {pike of very fmall huskes,each huske hauinga fmallline or chifke as though two huskes were ioined together,the One fide of the huske beifig.a little longer than the other, whereinis contained exceeding {mall blackith feed.The root is very fhort,fmall,atid white,witha few threds,ana perifhethat winter. . This plant isnot written of char] can finde.I'receiued feed thereof from M". William Coys otten remembred. Liwaria minor aftina. The ftalkes are round, fmooth,ofawhitith greene colour, a foot high, weake, not able to ftand vpright : whereon growlongnarrow fharpe pointed leaues, moft commonly bending or turning downewards. The floures grow in {pikes at the toppes of the branches, yet nor very neere together,and areyerie {mall and yellow , with a {mall tayle: tle feed’ of this plant is {mall, fat, ahd of a blackith gray colour, inclofed in {mall round huskes, and you fhall¢ommonly haue at one time floures and ripe feedall oma ftalke. The wholeplant is like‘to the common Lita But that it isa great'deale leffer, and the floures’are fix times as fmall, and perith at Winter I alfo téceittedfeeds thereof from M*, William Coys. ecorp. Aracus maior Baticus Boely. inchJong, not ofthe vpper couering leaues :afterwhichfollow the cods,which are little aboue an about fully fo big as thofe ofthe wildebeane, almoft round, and very hairy : wherein is contained cofa blackifh 4peafon,feldom round, moft commonly fomewhartflat, and fomerimes cornered,o when the lour, neere as big,as field peafon, and of the tafte of Fetches : thewhole herbe perifheth the fame kind feed is ripe. This plant Boelivs {ent to M’. William Coys, whohath carefully preferued euer fince,and friendly impartedfeeds thereofto mein Anno 1620. Legumen pallidum Vlifsiponenfe, Noni Brandong. but the floures This plant is very like, both in {talks, leaues, and cods, to 4racus maior Baticus, and nothing fo hairy. ofthis are of a pale yellow or Primrofe colour, and the whole herbe fmaller, : Itperitheth alfo whenthe feed is ripe. I receiued the feeds likewife from M".Coys. Vicia Indicafrnéin albo. Pifum Indicum Gerardo. eaues,cods, fafhion of the floures, This Vetch differeth notin any thing atall, either in ftalkes,l is higher, andthe fruit otcolonr thereof, from our common manured Vetch, but that it groweth than Vetches. M*. Gerpeafon to like more colour, white cleare very a of and bigger and rounder, gottenby himaf. rardwas wontto call this Vetch by the name ofPifwm Indicum, or Indian Peafe, hath in my iudgM*.Cays faid Butthe me, to reported M*.Cays as Herball, his of ng publithi terthe call it by, onely to fit mot thought nameI which albo Ment more properly namedit Vicia fructw 621. adding zndica toit, from whenceit is reported to haue been gotten, J#/.30.1 Aftragalus marinus Lufitanicus Boeli. This hath fiue, fix, or more roundftraked reddithhairy ftalks or branches, of areafonable big- neere the ground, and fometimes heffe, proceeding from oneroot, fometimes creeping or leaning out of order landing vpright, a cubit high,with many greene leaues, fet by certaine diftances, round topor more likethofe of Glaux vulgaris, but leffer, eery leafe being compote d offourteen ped XXXXX XK 2 here ———— feed which Ireceiued from M". Coys,1620.and Imadethefe defcriptions by the Plants the 22, of Auguft, 1621. wert 4 An Appendixto eda, eaToe heseSISceTENG 1626 metas |