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Show ice Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 366 Lapin, ‘Lite. and Italy: from whence we haue receiued feed for our Englith gardens, where theycome bearing : butthe cod doth not come to that bright red colour which, naturallyitsisspoffefte with, which hath happened by reafon of thefe vnkindlyyeeres that are paft : bur weexpedt bette when God fhall fend vs a hotand temperate yeere. 367 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 1 Papawer cormutum flore lutea. Yellow horned Poppie. 2 Papauer cornutum flore rubro. ‘Red horned Poppie. q The Time, si The feeds hereof muft be fowen in abed ofhot horfe-dung,as muske- Melons.are,..and xemoo. ued intoa pot when they haue gotten three or foure leaues, that it may the more conueniently be caried fromplace to place to receiue the heate ofthe funne sand are toward Autunane tobe caried into fome houfe, to auvide the iniurie of the cold nights.of that timeofthe yeere; whenitism beart hisfruite. spe G The Names. at Aitatins calleth it in Greeke sw: in. Latine,Capficwm : and, itis thought to be thatwhich Aw. ‘cen sameth ZinXiber caninuw,or dogs Ginger:and PlinySiliquaftram, whichis moseliken tafe to pepperthanis Panax, andir is therefore called Piperitis, as, he hathwritten, in. his 19.;booke, 12.chap.Parax (faith he )hath thetaft of pepper and.Siiquaftrum,for, which caufe it. is.called fi, . vit, Thelater Herbarifts do oftentimes call it Piper Indianum, oxIndicum, fometimesPipe'til cuthinm,or Piper Hilpanicum: in Englith itis called Ginnie pepperjand Indian pepper: inthe Ge mane tongue,Judtanifcher yBfelker tin low Dutch, wWeelilie wepers in French, Poiure a’ Indeyerie well knownein the {hops at Billingfgate by thename of Ginnie pepper,whereit is vlually be bought. f | The Temperature, Ginnie pepperis extreame hotaiid drie euenin the fourthdegree : thatis to ays, farhorteraid * drier then Auicen fheweth dogs gingerto be. A : @ The Vertues. <n oy Ginnie pepper hath the tafte ofpepper, but not the powerervertue,notwithftandingin Spaine and fundrie parts of the Indies they do vfe to dreffe their meate therewith,as we doe with Cale- cute pepper :but (faith my Authopr) ithathin ita malicious qualitie,whereby it is an enemy10 B the liuer and other of the entrails. Avicénwriteththatit killeth dogs. ji Iris faid todie or colour like Saffron, and being receiuedin fuchfort as Saffron isyfually ken, it warmeth the ftomacke, andhelpeth greatly the digeftion of meatés, Itdiffolueth the fwellings about the throarcalled the Kings Buill,as Kernels and cold fv © $ 3 Papaner corniculatum phenicenmclabrum, Red horned Poppie with {moothleaues, "lings and taketh away {pots andlentiles from the face,being applied thereto with home. ES Cua iL, Ofhorned Poppic. GaN q| The Defcription, He yellow horned Poppie hath whitith leaues very much cutor jagged, foment like the leaues ofgarden Poppie, but rougher'and morehairic, The {talks bel@és round, and brittle. The floures be large and yellow, confifting offoure leans which being paft, there come long huskes or cods, crooked like an horne or cornet, herein : conteined {mall blacke feede. The roote is great, thicke, {calie, and rough, continuits ong. 2 The fecond kinde of horned Poppie is much flenderer and Jeffer than the precedent hath leaueswithlike deepe cuts as Rocket hath,and fomething hairic. The ftalks be veryflent = brittle, and branched into diuers armes or wings, the floures fmall,made of foure little ae ofa ted colour,witha {mall ftrake of blacke toward the bottome.after which commeth the fers inclofed in flendet,long.crooked codsfull of blackith feed, The rootis fmallandfingleante*™ euery yeere. i. + 3 Thisis muchlikethe laft defcribed,and according ro Clufiusxathera variety than aie rence. It is diftinguithed from the laft mentioned bythe Goonies of the leaues,and. pee of the floures,which are of a pale yellowith red, bothwhichaccidents Clufizs afarmes happe the former towards the later end of fommer. £ 4 ay There is another fort ofhorned Poppie altogether leffer than thelaft deferibed, bau tenderer leaues, cut intofine little parcels : the floure. is likewife leffer, of a blew purple like the double Violets i ; ; 4 Papaner cornutumfloreviolacee. Violet coloured homed Poppies |