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Show ne Land, ~~ Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 3 Buphthalmum vulgare. White Oxe-eie. Crap. 257. Of Oxe-Ete. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. q The Place. The two firft growe of themfelues in Germany, Bohemia,andin the Gardens of the Low-countries ; of the firft I hauea q The Defcription. plant inmy garden. Thelaft growerth in I barren paftures and fields almoft euery where, ¢ The laftis alfoa ftranger withvs,for any thing that I knowor can learne ; nei- He plantwhichwee haue called Buphthalmumor Oxe-eie, hath flender ftalks growing from the roots, three,foure,or more,a foot high,orhigher,about whichbegreenJeaues finely iaggedlike to the leaues of Fenell, but much lefler : the Houres in rhe ee the ftalksare middle,afer sreat,muchlike to Marigolds,of a light yellowcolour, with yellow threds. a thecalled Adonis, thercan [ conie&ure what our Authour meant here: firft in that he faid the floures before decribed, which commeth vp alittle heador knaplike to that of red Mathes tothe confiiting of manyfeeds fer together. The roots are flender, and nothing but firings,like roots ofblacke Ellebor, whereofit hath beene taken tobe akinde. > ofthis were white, and fecondlyinthat it grewin barren paftures and fields almoft cae hath many leaues fpredThe Oxe-eie whichis generally holden tobe the true Buphthalmum ofverymanyfine if vponthe ground,ofaligh tereene colour, laiedd farfaraabroadlike wing$,confifting the iags,fetv>pon tender mid dle rib : among; whichfpring vp diuers ftalks, fliffe and brittle,yponinthe atter,fuch asinthe , orball of thrummie matter,fuch abou top whereof do growfaireyellowleaues,fet aboutahead certaine firings middle of Cammomill,likea border orpale.. The root istoughand thicke, with a : fafined thereto. grow long oa, 3| ‘Whe white Oxe-cie hath {mall vpright falks of a foot high,whereondo faw. Bs fines compofedofditiers fmal leaues,and thofe fnipt about the edgeslikethe teethofa every where. ¢ © The Time. They floure in Mayand lune. The laf in Augutt. q The Names. Touching the naming of the firft of thofe plants the late writers are of diuers long,creeping aot thofe of great Dafie,called Confolida media vnulnerariorium. The rootis Opinions: fome would haue it tobe akind ofVeratrum nigrum, blacke Helleb fomeConfiligo,or Beatefoot,and againe thers, Se/amordes , and {ome, Eleboraftrum le or out leaues of the floure white, writers that haue delivered the hiftorie thereof,hath northepa umo But there be found twokindes of blacke Ellebor amongthe old writers,one with a ; the ier w hereotis growon the topsofthe ftalks,infhape like thofe of the other Oxe-cie mppeniy likewife made ofa yellow fubftance,but the pale or border oflittle taues,are excee common veal ! the vpper cruft of theearth, whereby it greatly increafeth. + This by the s the Buphthalm as out Authoraffirmes,but of a.brightand perfedyellow colour. Andthisi Tragus,Matthiolus,Lobel,Clufivs and others. $ 1 Buphthalmumfive elleborus nigerfernlacens« Oxe-cie, ; feafe like vnto Laurel, withthe fruit ofSe_famum:the other with a leafe like that of the Plane tree, with the feed ofCarthamus or Baftard Saffron. But itis moft euidenr, that this Buphthalmam,in Englith,Oxe-eie, 2 Buphthalmum verte Theright Oxe-cie. Which in this Chapterwein the firft place haue defcribed,doth agree with neither of thefe: what om Confiliga is of, we finde not among the old writers. Pliny 26 cap.7 faith, That in his time itwas found among ft the Marfi,and was a prefent remedy forthe infirmitie of the lungs offwine, and of allkinde ofcattell,though itwere but drawne thorow the eare.Colamella in his 6. booke,Chap. 5. dothalfo fay,that in the mountaines called Marfi there is very greatftore thereof,and that it is very helpfull toall kind of cattel,and he telleth howand inwhat mannerit muft be put into the eare; the roots alfoofour Oxe-cie are {aidto cure certain infirmities of cattel,if they be put into the flit or bored eare:but it followeth not that forthe famereafonit fhould be Confiligo ; and it is anor- dinary thing tofind out plants that are ofa like force and qualitie: for Play doth teftifie in his 25 booke,s chapter,That the roots alfo of blacke Elleborcandothe fame: it cureth(faith he) the Cough in cattel, if itbe drawn thorow the eare,and takenout againthe next day at thefame houre: whichis likewife moft certaine by experimentsof the countrey men ofourage ; who do cure the “ucafes oftheir cartell with the roots ofcommonblack Ellebor. Theroots ofwhite Elleboralfo dothe like,as Abfyrtus,and after him Hierocles doth write who notwithftanding do not thruf the "On white Ellebor into che eate, but vnder the skin of the breft called the dewlap : after which Manner allo Vegetins Renatus dorh vie Confiligo,inhis fir booke ofthe curingof cattell,chapter 12. “tuled, Ofthe cure of the infirmities vndetthe skin: althoughin his 3.booke,2Chapter,de MalVriteth,that theyalfo mutt be faftned thorow the eare:ivhich things dofufficiently declare, fundry plants haueoftentimes like faculties:and that ic doth not arall followby the famerea -. Hat our Oxe cie is Confilica becaufeit doth cure difeafes in Cattel as welas Confiligo doih. But emul coniesture by the faculties,Confiligo then fhould bee White Ellebor : for Vegetins vfeth ~, 9210 thevery fame maner that Ad/jrtus and Hierocles dovfe white Ellebor. This fufpition 1s ‘de the Sreater,becaufe itis thought that Vegetivs hath taken this manner of curing from the twhich caufe alfo molt doe take Confilizo to be nothing elfe but white Ellebor: oF “tbe fo.then (hall this prefent Oxe-eie much differ from(oafitigo , foritis nothing at at : ute Ellebor, utthe fame is not Sefamoides either the firftotthe fecond, it is better knowne,th anneed °¢ confuted, se Fhis |