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Show . the Hiftory of Plants. 14. a acre Lf Appendix to —— ene bigstebeviel reafon of his death whofent them me,which hapned fhortly after ; i I have madethe formeof the leaves with the manneras I con. A branchofthe Corall tree. 1 Lenticula marina anguftifolia, Narrowleaued Sea Lentill. i6i5 ‘ 2 Lenticula marina ferratisfolds. Cut leaued Sea Lentill. ieGured they grow, to be delineated in the f. gure which I here giule you. Whether Atarhy. olus in his Jaft edition of his Commentatics vpon Diofcorides would haue expreft this, by the Iconof his fir Acacia, whichis prickly and hath leaues refembling thofe of Aili Iude,\ knownot;but if be would haueexpref- NM. fed this tree, the painter did not well play his part. After that Clufize had fet forth thus much ofthis tree in his Hil rariornmplant, the learned D*, Caffanedaa Phyfition alfo of Cinill certified me, faith he, that the foutres of this tree growhicke together at the tops ofthe aaa a fy \ We NY, (Ww branches, ten, twelue, or more hanging vpon fhort foot- ft alkes, growing out of the fame place: whofe figure he alfo fent,bur’fo rudely drawne, that I could not thereby haue come to any knowledgeof the floures, but thar he therewith fent me,two dried floures,by which I partly gathered their form. Nowthefe flours were very narrow, 2. inches long or more,con- Gute ZS Bw) KS \ ; Y ky BO) \ VR ONIN ai} fH (fiat " ba fifting ofthree leanes,the vppermoft ofwhich much exceeded the 2.narrow ones on the fides both in length and breadth, and it was’doubled;but before the floure was opened itbetter refembled a horne or cod, thana floure,and the lowerendofit ftood in a fort green cup, inthe middeft of the floure vnder the vpperleafe that was folded, but open at the top;there came forth a {mooth pointall,diuided at the top into nine parts or threds, who fe ends of what colour much fhipt aboutthe edges,ofcolour reddifh,oftafte infipide,or without any fenfible biting, but lourwas quite decayed,and the pi@ure itfelf expreffed no feparation of the leaues in the floure,no cachleafe growesa feed roundlike a pepper corne, of awhiti(hcolour, and fometimes of white they were, as alfo the threds,I know not, becaufe | could not gather by the dry floure, whofe co- whatis rather drawne from thefalt water, than naturally inherent inthe plant. Attheferting on of forme of threds, but onely the flotires {hur, and refembling rather cods than floure,gand thofe of adeepered colour. But if Icould haue feen them frefher,I fhould haue been able rohauegiuen a more exaét defcription : wherefore let the reader take ingood parr that whichI haue here perfor- and red mixed, very tender whenasit is firft drawneforth of the water, but hard whenit is dried, but by reafon of the thinneffe very, fragile, and fullof fale water: there is no root to be obferued in this plant, but only the marks ofthe breaking offappeares; and it is likely it growes in thedeepe and fandy bottomeofthe fea, and hath fmall roots ; yet {omeare ofopinion that this herb is plue- med. Thus much Clufiws. Iflands intothe Oceked vp and carried away by the rapide courfe of waters that fallout of many ; Cuar. 22. faian, Nowthe Mafter ofthe fhip wherein I wasdid ftiffely maintaine thisopinion ; andinthe reich ling here we were becalmed, butasfar as euer wee pais fee ng faw me fea wally spuered the weeds from the fhip, an this plant. and fending down fomeyong Sailerswhich fhould driue ; clenfe thewater, we plainly faw pial heapes thereofrife vp from the bortom ofthe fea where by Of the fea Lentill. ; 1 founding we couldfinde no bottome. be vietin fiean A See plant pickled withfalt and vineger hath wfobs -< a same q The Defcription, ; ; to. * ; : Sts call se Vna marina, and others have thought it the Lenticula marina pent but ee oe nope for his ue seanedcterioeaby Died rate ae op £ any Sap. 9 + tofcorides, lib. 4. us marinus or Bryon thalafion, deictibe Role that compares thefe two places Lopeihee may plainely fee. : {hort branchea s fet thick with 1 The formerofthefe hath many windingD> ftalkes> ,whereon grow llow, 4 Befomeflax, > and among thefe grow many skinny,ho narrow leaueslike thofe of Beluidere,or 3 growes this name: the takes whenceit empty round berries of thebigneffe and fhape of Lentils, thereof, and alfo eaten by fuchas faile, in place of Gapets.4 willed it ould be giuen newly taken forth of the {ea, to oan whrch we seatiae,inthe aes they fed vponit geetily. ; L found nofaculties thereof ; bur one of the Sailers troubled witha difficultie of makin water B r ; pene . onValleeeae and groffe humors, ate thereofy chance Bostcaw great good by the eating eafting out fand he found tafte thereof pleafed him :aftera few dayes hee told tome that came afhore. Hitherto he when it vfe might he fo that him, thereof, and he tooke fomeofit with B Rafia. othe : in diuers places ofthe Mediterranianand Adriaticke feas. fhipt oa of 2 This differs little from the former,but that the leaues are broader,fhorter,and edges. But this being in probabilitie the Sargazo ofC4co/ta, youfhall here whathe faiest ne Inthat famous and noleffe to be feared navigation del Sergazo (for fo they which faile inf: -' Indies call all that {pace of the Ocean from the 18.to the'34.degree of Northerly Jatitude) a deepe and fpatious fea couered with an herbe called Sarguazo, being a fpan long, WIpPer the tender brariches as it were into balls, hauing narrow and tender leaues fome halfe aTaa \ : : Vuuuuu 2 C HAPs |