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Show THE SEC BOOKE QF THE FISTORIE OF.PLANTS:; (Containing the defcription, place, time; names;nature, and vertues ofallforts of Herbes for meate, medicine, orfeet /melling vfe, Gt. E haue in our firft booke fufficienttly deferibed the Graffes, Ruthes, Flags, Corne, and bulbous rooted Plants, whichfor the moft part are fuchas with their braue and gallant floures decke and beautifie Gar dens, and feed rather theeyes than the belly. Now théreremaine cer. taine other bulbes, whereofthe moft (though notall) ferue for foods ofwhich wewill alfo difcourfe in the firft place in this booke,diuiding them in fuchfort, that thofe ofone kinde fhall be feparated from” ano- = ther, + In handling thefe and fuchas next fucceed them,wefhall treat ofdiuers, yea the moft part ofthofe Herbes thatthe Greekes call by a gencrall name Ac,: and the Latines, Olera >and we in Englith,Sallet- herbes, Whenwe hauepaft ouer thefe, wethall {peake ofother plants, as they fhalkhaue refemblanceeachto other in their externall forme, + Cuar.t. Of Turneps. q The Kindes, Here be fundry forts of Turneps, fome wilde ; fomeof the garden; fome with round roots globe fafhion other ouall or peare fafhion , and another forr longifh or fomwhat like a Ra- dith : and ofall thefe there are fundry varieties, fome being great, and fome ofa finaller fore. | The Defiription, 2X, He Turnep hath Jong rough and greene leaues,cutor fnipt about the edges wich tea deepe gathes. Theftalke diuidethit felfe into fundry branches or armes,bearing % atthe top {mall floures ofa yellow colour, and fometimes ofa ~_, Whichbeing paft,there do fucceed long cods full of fmall blackithlight purple : feedlike rape feed. Theroot is roundlike a bowle, and fometimesa little ftretched fhallowin the ground,and often fhewingit {elfeabouethe face of theout in length, growing-very earth, i # 2 This islike the precedentin each refpeé, but that the root is not made fo globous of bowle-fath ionedas the former, but flendcrer, and much longer, as you may perceiue by the figure wee here giue you. ¢ The finall Turnep is like vntothe firft defcribed, fauing that itis leer. Theroot is rauch “veeter : intafte, as myfelfe hath often proued. ~¢ 4 There isanother fort of {mall Turnep faid to haue red roots; t and there are other-fome {ole roots are yellow both within and without; fome alfo are greene on the outfide, and otherome blackifh, + 3i @ The Place, oe ‘He Turnepprofpereth wel ina light,loofe,andfat earth,atid fo loofejas Petras Crefecati ns faith that |