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Show r Naxl <u) Indica, Nux Indian Nut The e. anc Nuttree The Indiian ~~ Ln. 3. Lim, 3, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants; _ 1922 OF the Hiftory ofPlants. e t d q The Vertues and vfe, ere- 4 tenderbranches toward the evening, at thé ehdswh and twigs the cut The Indians do vfe to fit toreceiue the water that drop, s fit things, like fuch and canes, w loy haue bottle gourds,hol ofthey dtinke in ftead of wine;from the which th fromthe branches thereofywhich pleafant liquor they vfe in time of need againft all manner they h whic comfortable Aqua Vite, isdrawne a ftrong and houfes;ofthe trunk or body ofthe tree, offickneffes.ofthe branches and boughes they make theirfrit,t hey make ropes and cables ; and of the of part rd outwa nthe hempo ofthe ; fhipsand boates Ships. the finer ftuffe,failes for their inwhich we likewifevfe in England, Likewife they make of the fhell of the Nut,cups to drinkel feruet h thet for bread and meat,the kernel The es. gamithed with filuer for the fame purpof ftamd {pirits : Out of the kernel whenir is mrilkie juice doth {erue to cooleand refteth their wearie it they utalfo for medi¢ine, whererew with ped,is prefled a moft precious oile,not onely g00 d for meat,b whereof the ache and paine is mitimeanes by trauell, tedious their after lims feeble amoint their gated,and otherinfirmities quite taken away proceedingof other caufes. . Cuar. 141. Of the Dragon Tree. Draconis fructus. oa The Dragontreefrait. 1 Draco arbor. 2 Seer oT The Dragon tree. 2 Nucala Indica. Thelittle Indian Nut. or Bes. [t is omeinchlong,ofa triangular figure, with ahard and wooddy fhel:which broken, fhewesthreecells or partitions, in each whercofis contained a long kernell whiteand fweet. $ 5 : q The Place. This Indian Nut growethin fome pla- ces ofAfrica, and in the Eaft Indiesand in all the Iflands of the Wett Indies, efpeci- ally in Hifpaniola, Cuba,and Saint Iohns Ifland, and alfo vpon the continent by Carthagena,Nombre de Dios,and Panama,and in. Virginia, otherwife called Norembega, part of the fame continent, for the mio part neere vnto the fea fide,and in mo! ft in it is feldome found oe andifh countries. the vp- It groweth greene Winter and ee ee ig) D6, : : @ The Defiription. G The Names, dwell in bag Indians, Cocus : of the Portugalsthat b aitied ype SeigomAieather 5 nthe e poea- : ieiSerapio and Rhafis do callthis tree Gtehetesid oeee sco rel ypeek pileR fruit al hend : of the vulgar people, A¢aro,and the oF Glausi no aong the Pethascand Atbians stots alledan Matson Sonne =ne TOs dd egreenc fruit, £leri : in, Goaitis called Lazhan : Sea ar : a; ith PNat Niber. bt, ee made thethereof, and the oilethat is made Sula;Te liquor is called Copra. | aediftilled tis ofa meane temper betwixt hot andcold, : dat q 7m itdoth i whichatcb Siacby reafon the Pinetree, great,refembling His firangeand admirabletree growethorvery — i ew acl lengthand ofequal branches boughes his alwaies flourith,and hath and naked,ofeight or nine cubits long,and ofthe bigneffe ofa mans arme-frorm the— Ae = i long, and fall two inches broad, fomewhat thicke, i do fhoor out leautes ofa cubit and a halfe for middle,then thinner and thitiner likea twoedged fword : among, which come aye aifed vp in the little moffic floures,of fmall moment, and turne intoberries,ofshe bigneffe of Cherries, of e 7 |