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Show a aTee LE : 984 Of the Hiftorie of Plants, tie is ‘Ny Y hath alt binde witha kinde of fiveetneffe : :and : tof Pcionie,é as Galen faith doth-gently The roo $9431 < ; hor, little mo joined with it acertaine bitterifh fharpnefle : it is in temperature notvery than Lis. 2. , ! OF the Hiftory‘of Planes’ 4 Dentdzia. Pentaphyllos olf ’ Biteleafed toothed Violet2: + 3 Dentaria Heptaphyllos Clufy: Thefeuen leafed toothed Violet, meanly hot ; but it isdrie,and of fubtill parts. A B q The Vertnes. Diofcorides writeth,that the root ofthe MalePeionic being dried, isgiuen to women thathenoe well clenfedafter their deliuerie,being drunken Mead orhoniedwater tothe quantitic ofa bean. ; for it feowreth thofeplants,appeafeth rhe griping throwes andtorments ofthe belly,and bringeth ; downethe defiredfickneffe. Galen addeth,that it is good forthofe that haue the yellow iaundife,andpainin the kidnies and _ bladder,it clenfeththe liuerand kidnies that are ftopped. Iris foundbyfureand euident experience made by Gaven,that the frethroottiedabout thenecks of children,is an effe@uall remedie againtt the falling ficknefle;but vntothofethat are gtowne vp i in moreyeares,the root thereof muft alfo be miniftred inwardly. Itis alfogiuen, faith Pliny againtt the difeafe of the minde. The root of the male Peionieis pre. ferred in this cure. i i Ten ortwelue ofthe red berries or feeds drunke in winethat is fomething harfh or fower, and F G red,do ftay the inordinateflux,and are goodfor the ftone in the beginning. The blacke graines(that is the feed)to the numberof fifteenetaken in wine or mead,helpes the ftrangling and paines of the matrix or mother,andis a {peciall remediefor thofe thatare troubled inthe night withthe difeafe called Ephialtes or night Mare, whichis as thougha heauy burthea were laid vponthem,andtheyoppreffed therewith, as ifthey were overcome by theirenemiesorouerpreft with fome ¢teat weight or burthen;aid they are alforood againft melancholickedreames, Syrrup made ofthe floures of Peionie helpeth greatlythe falling fickneffe slikewife the extta- &ion of the roots doththe fame, Cuap. 381. Of toothed Violets or Corallwoorts. I Dentaria Bulbifera, Toothed Violet. 2 Déeptaria Coralloideradice, five Dem.« Enataphyls The Corall toothed Violet: t § Dewtaria Pent aphyllas aliera. The other fiaeleaued Corall-wort. q The Defiription, I He firft kinde of Dentaria (Called in Latine Dentaria bacc 2 of Do us, Deutaria prior : in Englifh,Dogs tooth hatha tuberous and knobbie rqor, toothed or vete kneed like vnto the crags of Coralf, “of vnpleafant fauor,and fomewhat tharp'in'tafte: which {pring forth certaine {mall and flen+ ftalkes a foot high, which haueleattes verie h cut or iagged, like vnto thofe of Hempe,of he forme andfafhion of Athen leaues:at thetop heftalkes doe grow fmall whitefloures , in ¢ Viole matronalescthat is, Quecnes Gilfloures, ratherlike ftocke-Gillofloures,ofa Ww hite yellow colour, laid over with a light {prin- kling of purple ;among which comeforth{mall g¢ vpon the ftalks among the leaues, to be feen vpon the Chimifts martagons ich being ripedofall vpon the éround,where- fmany other plants are ingendred. 2 The fecond kinde of Dogs-tooth violet sringeth forth {mall round ftalks, firm and ttiffe, leaues much brodder, a foot-high, befét with rounder,and greener than the former, bearing at ¢ top many little floures confifting of foure ee ur > wh \leaues, of a pale hetbie colo er eoddés flend anc long eed firec e } paft, ther fomnewhat |