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Show 1619 Li bh. Ot the Hiftorie of Plants: } j hak Nie nies Viale sfor take we matt nor be deceiued,taking mountaine Parfley to be thatwi ich groweth on rocks Pariley isa lant,of fome it is called, Weelqueta in Latine,A1altitona, (in Englith, much named becaule it is-good,and | rofitable for many thing s:and this is notalto. good:.) for it is f¢o > } 0 rofclinum, or mountaine Parfley , forit groweth as wehaveid on termed gether vnproperly = a. i wit lone Parilev = the feed ot like totha f Cumin, tania mountaines,andis not valike to ftone Parfley : the feed is not like to that of Cumin, for ifitwere * fowhowould denyit to be oreoftlinum,or Dioftorides his mountaine Parfley,. ; * | The Temperature and Vertues, Oreofélinum.or mountaine Parfleyis,as Galen faith, like in faculty vnto Smallage, bur moreeke: Guall; Diofcorides v riteth that the feed and root being drunke in wine rovoke vrine, bring downe the menfes,and that they are mixed with counterpoifons, diurcticke medicines,and medicines that are hor. The root of Meeleutta, or much good, is alfo hor anddry,and that in thelater end ofthe fecond desree,it makeththin, it cutteth, openeth,prouoketh, breaketh the ftone and expeileth ityopeneth the toppings ofthe liuer and fpleene,and:cureth theyellowjaundife:being chewedit helpeth the tooth-ach,and bringeth much waterout of the mouth, 1 Tempt. ¢-lib.g'cap. 3. acre differencirom th all hereatt gure, inhich was apreeable tothe hifory, forthe fue ou in she chap f Peucedasan. ‘Lien ‘Of theHiftorie ofPlants. root hewriteth nothingat all: and P/imy is morebriefe as rib or femin the mid ft, (omething like,but yet not altogether,tothe f frage ; the talke is flender,anda’cubit and ahalfe high; the flouresGn thie fpokie t fi ‘ the feed fomething blacke, like to ‘that of Arcos, and f rden Parfleysvery fivéet of f : thing fhatpeorbiting’: the rootis flenderiandfull of ftrin,IgS. 2 ‘Lobel alfo in ead of the right ftone’ Parfley defcribeth ahdrhes,whichthe Verctigns call ftoneParfley of Maecdonia:this hath leaves like thofe ofgarden Patfley,or rather of the Venetian Saxiftage whichis the blacke herbe Frankincenfeformerly deferibed: the ftalkke 15 arcubit high’, mferiour to thar of the fpokie tuftsfomething white: the feed finall,quickelyvading (as he faith) garden Parfley in temperature and vertuestbut whether this bethe trueandright {tone Parfieys hic ’ addeth; he is ignorant, q The Place. . # ia, WKercupog it bea- It groweth on craggy rocks, and among ftones: but the beft indVfac reththe fiirname Macedonicum, of Macedonia. ql The Time, It fourethin the fommer'moncths. q Cuar. 399. Offlone Parfley of Macedome. The Names, Itiscalled in Grecke,xSeane, of the ftony places where it gtoweth sin Latine, Pe Parefilimin Maccdonicum : in Bnelith, tone Parfley : the Apothecaries knowitor: the dectiued that would haue the herbe which Fuch/ivs pitureth to be Aimomum for Amomum dif- t 1 Petrofelinum Macedonium, Fuchsy. Baftardftone Parfley. t 2 Petrofelinum Maccdonicum verum. The true Parfley of Macedonia. fereth from this,as it is very ‘plaine by the'defcription thereofin Diofcoriaes : but, wehold this for the te fone Parfley,till {uch time as we may learne fome other more like in leaues to the Par- fliesand in feed, fuch'as that‘of {tone Parfley ought to be: and the very feed it felfe may caufe ys to hold this opinion, being’ fo ‘agreeing to the defcription as no herbe moré; for it is tharpe and bitingand of a fiveeter fmell’tkanis that Of Ameos,and ofa moredpicyfent ;yct do not theleaues guinefay it,which though they have not the perfeé forme offother Parfleyes, yet notwithftanding aenotaltogether vnlike. + The firft of thefe is thought by Anguillara, Turner, Gefner, Cordus, and others,to be the'Si/on of Diofcorides,and Tragus calls it, Amomum Germanium, and the feeds in thops retaine the name of Sém. Amomi, “The {econd is thought by Calumna'tobe the fecond Dana MOEDiofiorides. + : | The Temperature. \ _ Thefeed offtone Parfley which is moft commonly vfed, is hor and dry, hauing withall a cutting quality. qf The Vertues. Itproucketh yrine, and bringeth downe.the floures; it is profitable againft winde in the fto7ckeandcollicke gut,and gripings in the belly : for itis,as Gulem faith,zem, that is to fay,a wa‘et otconfumer ofwinde:it is a remedy againit paine in the fides, kidn ndbladder,it is alfo mixedin counterpoifons : Diofcarides. foure th ais OG * eh et Goure that was formerly inthis chaprerfhonld haue Beeh in the fecondplace,and that etalon he ficft a es in the fecond place wag of Alex ands: ue ¥ Cuarp, doo... 3 rt and thould hae been ets OfCorne Parfley,or Hone-wort. Gi. The Defeription. 12 herbe commeth vpat thefirft fromfeed like Parfley, with twofmall long narrowleaties, He next that fpring are two {mall round {moothleaues nickt about the edges, andfofor two ss ares couples ofleaues of the nextgrowth there are fuch round leaues growing on hig OFL ay couples, and one round ane, alfo pb theytopsafter asmore leaues {pring vp,fo the fa : bee alfo change, that is to fay,cuery leafe hath about eight or nine {mall fmooth greene : @| The Defcription. sa th wa shat til 3 Neriga Jy faith tt F fone Parfley very little is'written of the old writers, Diofcorides ¥omatcal hath feed like 3to that of Ameos, but of a more pleafant finelis fae fafhion ‘ S, 4 Spiced : touching the formeof the leaues, the colour of the flouses 5 beg owing on eachfide ofa middle rib, one oppofite,againft another, aid one growing by at the top, andare finely fnipt or indentedabout the edges, in forme refembling thofe of niany final eat Tragibutnotfo bigee, long; or.at all brownith ; amongtt whichrife vp eae or branches, about to foot long,now, and then about srentyifrom onc raot, Showing ypright; fometimes creeping nor farre Qqq4 3 rom che grounds joynted erskneed, i and |