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Show ee tc es q The Names. Lis. 2. Lis. 2; A. i Thefe plants arenotoncly ofa fingular aftringent facultie, and thereby helpe themthat bee gticued with the Dyfenterie and hot {we lling;but of {uchfingular efficacy to heale {preading and eating cankers,and corofiue vicers,that their vertueina mannet paffeth all credit in thefe fretting fores,vpon fure proofe done vnto fundry perfons, andef peciallyvpon aman whomPena teporteth tohaue his nofe eaten moft grieuoully witha canker or cating fore,who fent for the Phy fitions & Chirurgions that were famoufly knowne to bethebeft,and' theywith one confent concluded to cut the aid nofe off, ropreferue the réft of his face: among thefe Surgeons and Phyfitions came a poore forie Barbar, who had no more skill thatthe hadlearned bytradition, and yetvndertooke tocure the patient. This forefaid Batbar ftanding in the companie and hearing their determination; defited thar he might make triall of an herbe which he hadfeenehis matter vfe fot the fame purpofe, which herbe E/arive, though he were ignorant of the name whereby it wascalled,yerhee knew where to fetch it.To be thort,this herbe he ftamped,and gauethe inice of itvnto the patient to drinke,and outwardly applied the fameplgifterwife,and in very fhort {pace perfelycuredthe manjand ftaied the reft ofhis body from faith cotruption,which was readytofall intoa leprofe, Aduer[ar.pag 197. . B lative helpeththe inflammation ofthe cies;and defendéth humours flowing vnto them,beeing boiled,and as a pultus applied thereto. C The leaues fodden in the broth ofa hen,or Veale, ftaieth the dyfenterie. D__ Thenewwriters affirme,that the female Fluellen openeth the obftruétionsor ftoppitigsofthe liuerand fpleen,prouoketh vrine,driueth forth ftones,and clenfeth the kidneies and bladdet,according to Paulus. E Theweight of a dramor of a French crowne,ofthe pouder ofthe herbe,with the like waightof treacle,is commendedagainft peftilent Feuers. 627 a q The Defcription: I Tx firft kinde of Veronica is a {mall herbe,and creepeth by the ground,withlittle reddifh and hairy branches. The leafe is fomething round andhairy, indented or fhipped round about the edges. ‘The floures are ofa light blew cdlour,declining to purple : the feed is con- tained in little flat pouches ; the root is fibrousand hairy, + 2 The fecond doth alfocreepe vpon the ground, hauing longflender ftemmes, {ome foot high,and fomewhatlarge leaues a little hairy,and pleafantly foft. Fhe floures be blewlike as thofe ofthe former, but fomewhat bigger,and of abtighter colour;and they are alfo fucceeded by round d veffels. me The third kinde of /eronica creepeth with branches andleaues like ynto Serp/I/um,for which caufe it hath beeric called Veronica Serpillifolia, The floures grow alongthe {mall and tender branches,ofa whitifh colour declining to blewneffe.. The root is fal! and threddie, taking hold vpon the vpper face of the earthwhere it fpreadeth. Thefeed is contained in {mall pouches like the former, 4 The fourth hatha root fomewhat wooddie, from the whichrifevp leaues like vnto the former.The {mall vpright ftalkeis befet with the like leaues,but leffer , at the top whereofcommerh forth a flender {pike clofely thtuft together,andfull ofblewith floures,whichare fireceeded by many horned feed veffels. ea $ 5 This hath many wooddie round fmooth branches, fome handfull and halfehigh or better ithe leaues are like thofe ofwilde Tyme, but longer, and of a blacker colour, fometimes lightly fhipt: at the tops ofthe branches grow flouresof a whitith blew colour,confifting of foure, fiueorelfe fixe little leaues a piece ; whichfalling, there follow round feede velfels, containing a sound {mall and blacke feed.. It floures in Auguft,and growes vpon cold and high mountaines,as the Alpes. Ponacalls this Veronica Alpina minima Serpillifolio : and Clufiws hath it by the name of Verbhica 3 fruticans + Cuar. 192. Of Fluellen the male, or Paul's Betonie. u-Veronica vera cy maior. Fluellen,or Speedwell. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. iil Their feuerall titles fet forth their names as well in Latine as Englith. @ The Nature andVortues, > analcheersioe Ofthe Hiftory-of Plants. 626 ee 3 Veronicaminor. Lictle Fluellen, 7 Veronica recta minima, The fmalleft Eluellen: + 2 Veronitareitama, The male Speedwell. # 5 Meronics |