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Show The Table of Vertues; ‘The Table of Vertues. Be Forrunning Gicers in the heads of young Children.) Sze. ‘ chores. To heale Uileerg of the fecret parts and fundament, 31,1033,¢ O39s% To ftop bleeding UWicers, 430 d. For Glcorg of the kidnies, 307.g¢1116,d+ Good for Wticerg in thelowgut, 1197ybe 5765 be To heal and fill vp the Wicers growing inthe eyes, 1436,¢825,¢.1285, 719,9. 458,b.500, mouth, the of Uitcerg Forrotten To, takeawayrugged@latts, 963.2. Totakeaway atte in anypart ofthe body,290,d, 336, 37456 $066.15 11 ,he 1545936 For ftinging of Wafps, fcc Stinging. For paine in making Mater, lec Daoppille, Dilurp, & Grangurp Tocaufe one make Water,243,2.1107,a. fee Brine, For tatering of the eyes, fee ‘Epes. Toamend cormupt tater at fea,67 24¢, Good tater to wahh a fore throar,mouth,and priuitics,421,f429 ©. 76656.450,2+ 892 sf. 99 8s6.127410139528, 162542. b, 1203.3. 1396,a, 1508,d~ Tocure Biers growing on the glandulous part of the Yard, 63>1Fonieschinat Uleerg of the mouth, and almonds of thethroat, fee Month & Pimonds. For Gicerations inthe priuitits ofmanorwoman, $65,¢, 632,¢. 1285,b. 157156 : ‘ For Gicerattons ofthe matrix, 363,i. Againt Giceration of thclungs, 306,f.631,c. 694,a,t07.%809 a Sut. Toure Wieerations ofthe kidnies and bladder, g09,b.q21d. 949 2Forthe paine ofan Uncome, 447,cGood forthe Underftanding, 1435.2. 1501. AniQFgnente for wounds, 537,b. 805 .b. 100552. Anexccllent Wnguentco bring vp ficthin deepe wounds, $37 b, 64g To cleare the Golce, 38,2. Againtt harfkneffc of the Utgice,fec Hoartene fle. To tay Uatdiug of bloud, $07, f. Sce Wioud. To proxoke orcaufe Womit, 9 5,8. 132,h.174,¢. 239,b,% 242,b. 2795€+ 330 2-441,20 49$,2-497;0<48,D.715,f. 783d, 837 2. B70,b. 96926. 13149 f 13:5. UL 1319,b. T405,a, 1408,k, 1428, Againft Gcatenefis of the liner, 1204,0,fec Liner, Toreftore Wieake perfons, 940,b, For Giteake backs,fec Wacke. To caufe atraueller to fecle no GHearifornnefte, 1104,4.1388,9, 1187,¢€. 12064, 121 15M, 1303, 1531301535 ,b 61536560 1535,b. nts. Toitay Womiting,34:2..400,c. 421,b-669,2. 672,d.681,4,84 1,26 $83.1. 993,9. 10:2,a.10325¢-14199D. 1420, 1433,5. 1452,b. 1479,a. 1472,% T5016 T51S,he 152150. 152) 5¢. 155852. 156498 1§71,°.1594b. For Giomtting ofblond, $7252.63 1,b. 681,\b 766,d:884,a.1097,4 14$2,¢e 1625,b. Eeiiiee To ftay Weepirig in cut or hurt finewes,634,b.1015,d. Tobeautifie yong Menches faces, 391,h. Againft Hens, 70432.894,b. ont Toconfime,difolue,and take away Otteng, 79% 8373¢ 1012,d 12250. Againft night tobeales;1098, i. 1393,¢ Totakeaway all tobeaies,fce Pimples & Face. To takeaway the painc of, and heale 1Mhitlolyes, 306, ¢. 624,45 870,¢.1331,% Toftay orhelpethe bites; 6315;b. 681,b.692,k. 7o4,c. 815) Sarsb, $83,1,10355a, 1118,a. 1264 jk. 1282,¢,1294;2.1341sb0 1364, b.1379,'1393sf1413,b.1475 sb. 1g9%5c. 14945b, 1558.be TFoprouoke Girine mightily, 177,b.340,f. 342,2. 296,. rraik. 13 6494. 337854, E53 $2800 $940 To ptouoke Wiring, 4452+ 64,a,he 7252.9 5,2, 116,2. 1$450-179,b. 174,d.177,2: 178,180,d.232,b, 239,¢,240,9. 24590. 2485¢. 258sb. 28458, 33134: 430,3- 431,8.5275d.529,b. §32,4. $34,3. 5411945455256524. §74.8+5 783fe 58656.6 054-626, d. 649526 655,b. 661 ,2.962,2.6655%. 667,b. 672,2.674,2+ 679:b, 683,Ce 70S. 40739, 72530-74651. 792,45 794,b. 81450. 838,d.841,b. $42,a985958. 881.¢. 885 ,b- 907,2..909 ,a- 91 yc921 2939%.924,f 1002,h. T01g,% 1016,2. 10174, 1019,be1023 a-10245c,162 55 a. 1027,4.1028,b, 1029,b. 1032,c, 103333. 1037.4. 10395b, 1042,b. 194936. LO$1,a, 1053)8, 1055,b. 106 152,1065,a.1078,2 1021,2-1086,2.10$9;C,1221 jf 1149490 12 4,c. 1156,b. 1158,c. 1172,1188,a« 1206,c, 121656. 1219,h. 1229,b.1226,f.1240a 4246,¢.1257,a,0:12 74,0, 1292;f.1294,f.13 11,4. £31 5,0.1323,a 4336,4, 1356s6-1350,0.1408,2 143052. 1434.b.14723h.1517, b. 152536: 1$33 52+ 1534,2 15365% 1541,b.2564,d.1620,b. Againft the topping of the Urine, 33132. 6745¢. 708,10 1162,°, Toproucke Urine gently, $3 4,6. $78,2.103552,1145,k. 1325,h. 1342 ,6+13 73 29+ 139728-14339K.144 5,1. 146 5,1. Po purge much Gringout ofthem that hauethe Dropfie,’ 191,k. 5320. To clenfe or purge'the Urine veffels of tough andraw humours, 0,8. sro allaySharpe Weine, 342, a-623,a,144556. Toclenfe ili humors by Vrtne,10975c. 11 77,4, Forfwelling of the Whula, 450.3. 509,f, 707,b. 730,b. 853, n. $925f11362,8-1424.k.1508,d. For loofacife ofthe Uiuta, 639,d- 109544. 1508,d, W O helpe tétamblitig ofthe ftomacke,1032,¢, To ee ofwomens ftomacks being with-child, 15183) To kill Gittivebeafts fee eats. To raife grofleand fiimy humors out ofthe conduits of the Yindpipes 1145,<, For tindin the bowels,766.d,ic08 a.to1g b.t023 d.r02$ ¢.1028b 1032 €. 1033 as 103 §/a, 1257 % For fhort Winbedpeffe,674,c.. 90% )%. Againft Gindein the ftomacke and colicke gut, 34,2. 91,0. 39$:8e $77 sbs 101442; 10393. %0495°030$3,2, LO8I,¢: $388,b-16263¢, fee Hentofities. Womtr in womenwith childe,s34,2. To ftay defire of Womttat the f-a, 669,2. 1081 5¢6 For Uipbsatbings of the fLomacke, 876,a,d. Tobreake, expel, and confumeOinde, 170,b, 1783¢0$74,4- See Wentolitics. To break or wat the to indineffe ofthe matrix, 940,2See Mpateig To keepe thins from fowring, 1753¢.1130,b. —. Moderat vie of tpiue commended, $815 Tocaufe tons tafte well,1045,d. To reftore fpiritin tine, 1564,f, Difference of tottes,872.2,bTo temper or allay them,881,882. For what perfonstpinieis itrett,881,k, and for whom not, 881,1.884,d. Choice of Hinew,879, 2. Againk (itcherafts 100%;¢ To kill @elfeg,903,aAgain poy fon of toolfes bane, $2754, 880,b. 1257,0, t To clerf{e the barren Gombe, and make it fit for conceptions 15§29:b. To cure Auxesof the Gombe, 639°. Hurifull co #pomenwithchilde, 833,k, Toraife Women out of their fitsbeing fickeaf the Mothef, Sc Mother. Goodfor the ouermuch vomiting of Gtomen with childh.fee Mee miting. For fwellingsin Gomensbrefts, 355,b. Tomake Giomen peabsiliAbat 766,20 Tobring downethe naturall cknefle oftomen,feeflowers & TMes, To d‘flolue the hardneffe of Somens brefis or pappess See Weealtg: Goodfor Moment with childe,1455,d. 3 To caufe caficand {peedy trauellto Gtomen that are with childe; $45,¢. 892, 2, 90952, 1029,b, 1038;k, 1095,c.Sce Wirthand Deliuerance. Good for toomem newlydeliuered, 1445,¢, , Toftay lufting or longing in Comen with childe, 876,8.281.{4 S-cLonging, Goodfor omen not well clenfed after their delimery,3 50,6849 3 r 3..984,2-1257,f 2 To ftay the Flux of Spomens termes, foc Cermec, B17sing7I 4! 35854, 522,b, $4852» 57 43b- 64430+64928.705,b. 14,¢8145b54, 1097 ,¢+1 100,44 110758 I110,b, 1172,c.1218, fy124Sof- 12 $3,% 13.7 30k. 13.7856 1441,61447,4.¢ 1465.7. 1508)2-1 5459+ 1575,b- 16084b, 1626,c,1620,b, 1622.6 Fodriueforth flat and round Wogmes. 174.8; 239-25 273,%335 4, e20sh 651,688.f, 110T,a, To void Wopzmeg of the guts, 178,d. 25 14d, 3605%, 580,°,.647,a, 113),8.1158. a, To kil Mozmes in the eares.688,f. 13 53,9. Tocleke vp Cound without perill ofinflammation, 639,¢,692,¢ k, 697,b. 2005.a, 1047,h, 1073546 1§23,b.1558s% Totakeaway t0ebg of the eyes, 360,f, 657,b. 694,0.°33,6.848,da Toflay . kecpe backe the Gligb in theeye, b, 1086,b. 19cm 1367, To kill eotopeef in yong children, 3,b, 3452. 204,4, 233,8, 242,92, Tocun Wounds, 24,7 18.67,).195,b- 306,2.356,2 360.y.563, To remoue Gtearinefle, 7005¢. 756,h, 88,1, 892,a.13615b,1408 ds Howto be hardened againft the paine ot fohipping 24,4, To reprefitomermuch omitting of Choler, 1451,d, See Fellos To ftay Toconfume diag kernels, {ec Herneis. Fo drine forth MiowBts,793,¢. 866,2, 916,h. 969,0.978,k, 1012, te Tokeep green founds from inflammationot ficry fwrelling,362 hs 445.b. $57.0-621.¢- 718.b, 826.4,828,4, 93550% Good tofoment or wath deepe and perilous Gowns with, 541.6, Tocure @onndg of the inw ard parts. 409 b. $41.b. 6316, 632.b, 533 24649.a, 7126s 71 SB, 78752. 89752» 939,b. 94958» 986,46 9934. 1121,C6 Toftanch the bleeding oftoeunds,12. 276,b. Toheale andskinnevp @owndg that are made in the head, 1364 © 1393¢. Good fo;wounds made with avenomedweapom 1007.', 1058, k.1188.h. Good for toonndgof the dugs,939,2. ForGlaunds ofthe priuitics. 939,a. 993,d. $41,b.796,¢, For the burning heateof iewnd,363.h.998.4. ©393.4. g07.d- f0p0%e 41430-44754, 491 52 $09. 52.7.,¢6537 For fOonnd@ madeby venomous bake Sce Wengmong , and A $412. 629.9-630,2. 632,b. 633,a2 635,8.6625%. 7005a4 7055 Weafte. , 742.0. 714.2» 71 8yf, 839d. 9385. 93910-941,%943,a.949.8 For Girtnches ofthe ancles,132 c, 9939. 1004,b. 1024,8. 1078,b. 112454 1126,a.1195,b.1264, Totake away Orinchles,870.0. 3, 285,a. 1433,f. 1509,c. Togiuc togethcr and cure greene tonnds,3,b. 24,2.28157. 3295 b. 36318. 40352. 480,b. $45,5485-79942» 807,b, 906,2.936-a . 100$,8.1070,8, 1116,a,1132,% 1303sf1315,0.1361,¢.1366 b O helpe the fwellings, vicerations, and excotiations of the 14365b. 1447,1466,c, 1482,b, 15181. 1891.0. rhxbgks Tocomfoit and heale Giloundg in fiacwy parts, 396,27934:360,8 v Grdz945,b. 3) 107 3,0: D 5 - take away the Peliotonelle ofthe skinne’ 2) 615,2. $56,a+ 43: For Gioutidg in the head, 60,g. £ hi : ftay orhelpe Peoring, Z95.ae 5.49 682.1.1027d Toknirer loynt together great MIOMMDB, 132, 403604» 363,b0 ToBiche. ,1 Rc Mice Po PYeoring. ° 1027.0,1033:2. 42S,20 Y¥ |