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Show : . ‘ ee Te Fe per Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 192 Ba SS by place fecond this innthis: rfeir, n counte bedfigure and figured iptio Lilly,deferi and defcr P! Antaine boththe I iudge ofthenamon tanus, leaued for thatred n itead of Taber Sie flouredred Lilly in his ftead. This hatha root [ haue omitted them, and here giue youthe many- ; the floure alfo in fhape is like that of the like that ofthe laft deferibed, as alfo leaues and ftalkes of floures it exceedeth the precedent, for number in ,and former, but ofamore light red colour ftalke. $ fometimesit beares fixty floures vpon one but not fo tall ; the leaues be fewer in number, former, the vnto like is Lilly d Thisre 3 + , where it beares fome bulbes. The floures in ftalke the of top the s toward broader, and downy is more red,and thicke dafht with blacke hereof colour the that fauing fhapebe like the former, ; . former the fpecks. The rootis {caly like hat ribbed, broader thanthe laft There is another red Lilly which hath manyleaues {omew : ftalke groweth totheheight of twocumentioned,but fhorter, and not fo manyin number. The the former : among the foot-ftalks of s like flour grow do upon , where higher imes fomet nd bits,a browne of colour, tending vntoredd roots, cloue s or ne bulbe certai forth come which foures g root and growing,in the fame takin d, groun the t vpon Auguf of neffe ; whichdo fallin the end eth forth feed for his propabring it neuer eor place, wherebyit greatly encreafeth,for feldom a Dia.it rs Ofithe- Hittorie -of Plants. ‘ : —— , f saith tinincttinansinenthie . eee 1932 ooThe thofe ‘ thape rootofinthe of thed The out top iedike ith {pots. h fome black reft, grow s inthe r,wit Thefloures,a on colou going. afore n ith thofe Saffr narrowertha ofa purpl kith,and , andare ftalke the precedent. + @ The Place. Thefe Lillies do growwilde in the plowedfields ofItaly and Languedocke,in the mountaines c gardens, as and thofe places adiacent. They ate commonin our Englith of Hetrurta and a Cesen o oO —— so Oevallies alfo in Germany. G The Time, Thefe red Lillies do floure ¢ommonly alittle before the white Lillies, and fometimes togetherwith them. nermateg cruentumbulbifer Lilium bemea $04) alte ed bulbe-bearing Lilly, gmyo) cruentumlatifoli raee at 3. Lilinm rhe hete The fierie red Lilly, gation. + 2 Liliumrubrum, 1 Lilium anreum. Thered Lilly. Gold-sed Lilly. i i Nal r TT es NK q The Names. $2 Thefirftof thefe is thought by fome to be the Bulbus crucatus ofHippocrates, as alfo the Lilismpurpurenm of Diofcorides : Yet Matthiolvs and fome others would Hate it his. Wemerocalis.Dodoneus and Bapt. Porta thinke it the Hyacinthus and Cofimofandalos of the Poets, OF which youthall ~ morehereafter. Itis the Martagon ChymiftarumofLobell, and the Lilinms aureummajus ofTa. aesThere beteo is anot——*~ee illi i a ae i fealy or cloued root, yellow aboue, and ouer-worne browne colour. fet fro th I TUE VD a Alte ftitfe ftalke crefted or furrowed , of a8 eee : Nae m the lowerpart to the branches, whereonthe floures doe gto¥ by the ftem grow clofe order. without eget peced forth parthine Ons clouesoforroots of i j Among the branchesGarlicke Bt before they af pilled : whichbein fllce, a oak pee, like vntothe cloues of der flrings or un do take holdofth at their timeofripeneffe,do fhootforth certaine tel ; whereby it greatly encreafeth. The floures the other sed Lillies in fhape like toon. are Gendtbicts sbutt ofeeas adarke Orange colour,refemblinga flameoffire {pot $+ 6 Thishathamuch tho l A 4 zl tter ftalke, being but a cubit or leffeinheight, withleaves pe ct crnamentanus 2 Thisis isis. Martazon Chymiftarnmalterumof j F Lobell, 3 This 1s1 clufiashis Martagon bulb p. fecundum, 4 Martagonbulbiferum primum ofClufius. 5 This Dedoweus calls Lilium um tertium,andit is Martagon bulbiferumtertinm ofClufius. 6 This lafeZobelland Do Liliumpurpureumminus. 3 i you that difcourfe ifc i the Poets Hy touching thought godhere alfoC to gitie Thane beingtranflatedott of Dodomews, Was formetlyvnfitlyput into the chapter of Hyacinit! therefore I there omitted, andhaucherereftored to his due placey.asoyou mayfeeby Dedoneus, *oe pes 24 ee t ae : a dere isa] ally w hich Otic sit etamorph. tb. to. calls Ayacinthns, oF the boy Hyas whofe bloudhe feigneth that this floure fprangs whenhet pevithed as ‘hewasiplaying 4 i |