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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lis. t Of the Hittorie of Plants ss @ Theplace. Cuar.73. Thefe Lillies do grow in my garden, as alfo in the gatdens ofHerbarifts,and louers of fine and rare plants , but not wilde in England, as in other,countries. Of Yellow Lillies. @ Thetime. ThefeLillies do floure fomewhatbefore the other Lillies, and the yellowLillie the fooneft: Thenames, q Thekindes. ye fhall haue occafionhereafter to fpeake ofcertaine Clouedor BulbedLillies, weé Diuers do call this kinde of Lillie, Zilalphodelus, Liliago,andalfo Liliafram,but mot commonly Lilivn non bulbofum : In Englith, Liriconfancie, andyellow Lillie. The old Herbarifts name San chapter entreat onely of another kinde not bulbed , which likewife is of two forts, differing principally in theirroots ; for in floures they are Lillies, but in roots Afpho- nefleth.rAeophraftus, in his fixthbooke of the hiftorie of Plants. Pliny ferteth. downe the fame dils, participating as itwere ofboth, though ngerer approching vnto A{phodils than Lillies, 2 Lilinm non bulbofum Phaniceum, 1 Liliumnon bulbofum, The Day-Lillie, The yellowLillie. it Hemerocallis : for they haue twokindes of Hemerocallis ;the one a fhrub or woody plant, as wit- fhrub among thofe plants, the leaues whereofonely doferue for garlands. The other Hemerocallis which they fet downe,is a Floure which perithethat night,and buddeth at the Sunne rifing, according to Ath:meus ; and thereforeit is fitly called succseante; that is,Faire or beautifull fora day : and fo we in Englifh may rightlytermeit the Day-Lillie,or Lillie fora day, @ The nature. The natureis rather referred to the Afphodils than to Lillies, @ The vertues. Diofcorides faith, That the rootftamped with honey, and a mother peflarie made thereof with A wooll, and put vp, bringeth forth water and bloud, Theleaues ftamped and applied doallay hot fwellings in the dugges, afterwomenstrauell in B shilde-bearing,and likewife taketh awaythe inflammation ofthe eyes. The roots and the leaues belaid with good fucceffe vpon burnings and {caldings, Crap. 733 £ t Iris Bulbofa Latifolia) Of BulbedFloure de-Luce. Broad leaued Bulbous Floure de-luce; G The defiription. HeyellowLillie hath very long flaggic leaues, chamfered or channelled, hollow in themiddeft like a gutter , among thewhichrifeth vp a nakedor bare ftalke,two cubits high, branched toward the top, with fundrybrittle armesor branches, whereon do grow many goodly floures like vnto thofe of the commonwhiteLillie in fhape and propottton, ofa fhining yellow colour; which being pat, there fucceed three cornered huskes or cods; fullofblacke fhining feeds like thofe ofthe Peonic. The root confifteth ofmany knobs or tube- rous clogs, proceeding fromone head, like thofe ofthe white Afphodill or Peonie. ? 2 The Day-Lillic hath ftalkes and Jeaueslike the former.. The floures be like the white Lillie in fhape, ofan Orenge tawnycolour ; ofwhichfloures much might be faid which I omit. But in briefe, this plant bringethforthin the morning his bud, whichat nooneis full blowne,or fpred abroad, andthe fame dayin the cuening it fhuts it felfe, and ina fhort-timeafter becomesas rottenand ftinking as ifit had beene trodden in adunghill a moneth together, in foule and rainie weather : whichiis the caufe that the feed feldomefollowes, as in the other of his kinde, not brin- ging forthany atall that I could euerobferue , according tothe old prouerbe, Sooneripe, foone rotten. His rootsare like the former. : q The 2 Iris Bulbofa Anglica; Onion Floure de-Liiced eG |