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Show ‘TheTablé ofVeleifes; The Table of ‘Vertues. ely Vif Me wafteawaythe hard Sp%weltqrgs of'the mother! coriwatteawhy plague Sores. 725 726 crit 72,f. away Dozgrow 692,9:738 07 97,2-79961 208, 2 Way Eegowlultielic procteding oF mélancholly.674,1. To heale the paine and ache of the Stomathe, proceedir gofcho, ler 279 ,4.308,4 391, ¢,1097. aToclofe vp the mouthof the ptematke, 1012,a, #°798,01943 Jc. Againtt the Stonein the bladder, 541 4+59240,782,2,876,0035 + pattie and Apoplexy.g1 7a Tr80,d.1294,¢. 1448,1. Good againft the Srone:254,d.258,b. 387,8°529,b,$97,2,6¢ 9,b Totake away Sounving inthe earcs, See €sres. : Toseltorelon Tpecch vate chefe that are token with the dumbe 610,a.6 Toinereale Syperine.See Herd. Good againtt Spetting of bloud.2765¢.37 b.g21,b,s 65,a.60459.71538 766s¢ " 1436,¢ ea See Wied. ‘© procure itting.378,b. Agua the HE ore SHpider called Phalanginm.36,c. 49 2. T16ja,310,d. $4§ 4. 1O1S;C. 10}0,G- 1123,2*41257,0+ 1375 ~ 4e3qib. To make the vitall Spirits fieth and liuely.652, £705,4.998,°. 1263,a+1541,2. n> Tocoole and r-frefli the fainting Spitits.1$23;bDopieeve.Scc Fnkirmities, Dbitrnctens, and Hreppings. To helpe the-Hpieneifir be wated.g74,f. Remedies for thofe that haue cuill Spleencs.s 5, b-31 720-9595 4. * 8585b.856,a 1130,a 149 4,0. cpaine ofthe Spleene.64,2.395 ,2.§72,¢-875,¢ he Spleens overcharged with grofle bloud. 1097,¢, Againit hardnefle ot the Sypleen.4 7152-8 49,b.8 92 ,a.8 96,¢°1139, b 1199, 9.1257,¢.1351,C-1379,<1509 ¢,1529.c "To openche toppings of the Sypleene.3505¢.5 2752. 5$8,a.1100,¢ 1139yb.1311,61379,8.1472)f1508.g.1949,2.1612,d.Sco Milt Dbftracion.and Stepping. i rth Syplinters fixed in anypart of the body.37,2,106 7030.7:95,€.849,¢.870;¢.1055,f. Sce Chores. or clenfe Spots in the face, 132,b.29953,366,c. and blew’ Spots of the face or anyother } 14,3 402,d.509,f.688,¢.994,¢.118,¢.12 Wiacknetle and Marker. ? Totake away Sporgof checiescalled in Latin Albupines.1195,a ohelpe Squatts, 1002 ¢.1488.h.{ec Falls, Weurles. ferthe sorainanee or Squiney.175,¢.499,c. 557k. 852, f, o 1 AGIMANCY.395,f688,9,1035,C+1121, M61 ZT9;Ce 2353 K-1362,2. . A pure white Sptarth. 835,¢. ‘To cure the Stench of the mouth 402) a, Totake away the Stench of the armcholes.fce. Gmeh. Good for SeifFeneiie of the ioints.1394,1: : ‘Againft Scttriatng ofbees and waspes.682)n.686,a 932,4.1253,1 1257,0.T408,k. Againtt Stmeing of Nettles. 360,7. Goodagaint StingingofScorpionei49,4.301,4°310, “d 336,b, 33752.468 ,21679,8 725,0.852,6°932,2.968,a,1083,a. 1107,b, Fi7 23a 1257;0.13115).1465,y+ {ithe Stinking ofthe breath;7 6;b AceWaeath. Sottches.74,4°736 6,0.114545.1257,dTotakeawaythe Stich in che fide with the paincs shetcofpre. fently.766,8.1251,¢. To cuce the difeafe’Sromacate 402.4 fee Scmrute, To dtyand clenfs the Stomacke:508,2.682,1.1172,.15$8,a. 1$19.c.1623 b, . "To comforta weake and feeble Stomacke. 51,h,62,3,228, a: 984:¢.291 4,434 b,661 £6812 84r,-380;¢.881,1.882,0.992, €1002,¢-1042,b 1048, 1089,0.1156,a1177.8 1202,0.1246,a 9264, k.1363.61367,07.14415d:1451-g.145 2,.1460,b.1501,b + 1518,b.1$21,¢.1533.¢ ~Againtt ctudity ot riwnelle of the Stomacke 64.29.3556 b.43.4s¢ % -68251.89621.1525.68549,a- Goodfor an hor Stomacke 2%4,¢.304,0.306,b''339, a1398,b* | 922, 4.852,6.87651.91 F,4.921 54.958 ,b.1302,4,1326.d.1419,b. #1420,2,.1460,b.1505, c. "Fo card or-cale painies and gricfe- ofthe Storracke 360,0-322,b. 672)4.793,6-877he1032,C1081,c.1105,¢ 1274,f.1281,a1 408 vk, 1420, 21433, b1529, 2. To ncuiay ee dffelic all ventofities or windinefle of the Seoiriitke, 33,4.366.b.1008.a.¥529,¢.1$49,7. : "FO werme ot heatea cold Stomacke.3 32.51,h.178,¢.235 16242 2.245 2:359.2-3 O6gmOemmb 692} 9:726,b.756.c. 7735 7.8115 Be $20 1°82 joAOSAIMOOBMLO 9 ,2.1623,0-1025,a 103474.1030h * 1031,b,1097,2,Mmpgemdos ah 535 4.1542,b 154952. 1612.4 ; Topurgeth: Sitemgekeot andéeuill humours, $08,a,b STpconfume or heipesind’ gnache 67,1 GBmaant 4,c,7 b048.2.1141,0,131 4.b.1336.d. Againft the Store. 3t,d.$69,¢ 708,i.12794; he fower belchings ofthe Stee 98\c,103 4,4 257,¢ 1509.08 , t 65d.653)c.825,¢,841,b,842,0,859,2-907,2°935 £.936,b,984,¢.993,d-1014,b,1016,b.1023,¢.1029, b.1032.¢ 1042,b,1045,a,1061,2,1145,b, 1167,%3206,0.1246,c+ 1291, ce 1315,n,1222.a.1355;b.4328)2.1336,a,1364, 1397) a 1408,0 1431, 61 455 50.146 50-1 $0751°1504.d161 9,c, To allwage the paine of the, Stone.g3 sobsf. 14.46,1,t.1578,0. Good for the Stoneof the kidnies. 180 d.219, d. 281,d, 4202. $70,2+608.a.672 2,682:.707 8.714. €.782,a.876 C921 c998,d 1048,2.1222,b.1247 bag4 bigs hrwzs6.caggs fiigeg ¢, To remouc hot fwellings of the Stones .35$bz Toceafeand curethe burning heare and inflammations of the Dtoneg.279.b ; Topiouske to Htoole See Wellp and Purge Good againft toppings of the Spleen:t74 dro16 k ars8b 1294 f.1314 b 13 88 b 1434 £1446 11447 b. Againft the ftoppings of che Liver and Gall.rg4 ¢ 174 !d 1070 b usb ta94f 1314b 138¢b 1434 £ 1445 i: To open ftoppings of the inward parts, rotg.a 1226 c 12364 1298'0:1366d 1408 o Good for ftraines.37 b 1620 bi Goodagainft the ftrangurtes 24¢ Goh 64h 242 243 a 434 48§a 9722 622d 6214 6710 679b C82m8ui B42a 909 ro1g b 1029. 1037 @ 1048 a 1051 a 10934 NO7zh 114a 1167 at226i 1245 a 1246€1271¢ 1303 M 1364.6 1369 ¢.1376¢8 1445 i1488'b Tohelpethe ftrangling and paines of the mothcr.(ec MPatriz and mother: To recoues ftrength againe 736 b $771 80 € $821 1040 1396 Tohele firipes of the eyes. fee Cieg: Againft Sitama’s or fwellings in the throat; 106 € 279b 896 ¢ roor e+. See Stings entll. To foften the $¢ruma’s or fwellings of the throat 60¢ Todrawffubs outof any part of thebody? 132 f, feo Dhopnes and fplinters. Arcmedy a gaint fnffing of the head throvph coldncffe of the braines.1293 b; A remedy avaintt ftyffing of the Lungs.fee Lungs To cure the Suffocation ot the Matrix or Mothers’ Sec SBatric To healefaffafions:1211 o 4 To takeaway fan-burning32d 2?9 a 317 14664957 dag Z $70 872 a gizh 994 cte26g. Toconfinne fuperflusns humors, 688 a rogr Figerc Good againk afurtt:rs4d s§2 f Topreferuc one fromfyrfettisig. toot g 10976 Toeafe the difficultic of fhpaitowing caufed of coldrheumes $80 a3 To proucke fpeatsgo b 291 ¢ 463 a 572.2 662 b6R8 a zag erg6 2 759£ 799 b 86ra $80¢993 broo2 ¢ 1002 hitorre 1055 ge eo ea iry 124§a 12§2¢ 1404b 1442 m 1465x 1612.8 1619 Toftay fweating 1264 k Goodagainft orto dilloluc hot fioclings thar arc newly begun: 66 cg41 a1018 a, To cure and diffolucall hard fiwellings.71 b 2so'c494b §$7.he 7484 756g &1k 837 845h 896 c. 10070 10240 1086 © 1240, 19% (welling of the throat.327,b.1225,nd for hot fipetlings of the tawes 1§08-b,c. Po allwage Cwailings ofthe tones.196 ¢.254, ¢.1066,b, r211,k, 1388,c. Aremedy for foft fellings.13.45,°. Fo take away any felling inthe legge or arme. 615,2.621,b, To helpe the fiwelting of theloints 74:2.5285b.1066 b. Agsink thet Te breafts and pappes 28,c.66,¢. acg, t28,k, Good againtt fwotmining inthe head called Vertigo.671,f.759, b. 883,d.916 &.t1729b.1367,1. See Mi33inelle and Head. Again fimountng.$67,1.798,6 1343;¢. Goodfor fuch'asarefallen into’a fipoune, or acctiftomed to * Pwoune.360,%-7 :8,b.881,b- , Agood Spzrmp tofotten the belly, and to purge Choller. y 852 328° Afparup fruing for many¢2 cellenr purpofes, 807,f- wih the force thercofazd4,t, Sprung of the infufion of Rofes Sypuupof the iuice of Roles,126 4,xui Flightfuitto the rafte.1a633b.1455,6.15335c. : To remedy the paine of the @eeth.35 5, 2s. 8.735 251.1423, 0.147.0;¢ £475,li.1489;h.25115'.1 545,26, Sce Coothache. To ftop hollowteeth.506,c. 251 d.289,c.310,d.378,¢.391,h.458.¢.508 bs 27/'a.534,4.545,4 §72,2:653,%-661,2.067, b,67 2,2.683,D.688,c,694,b. 697,3.705, € 75650077 458:792,8 8:434.907,b.909, 8.984) a,1001.¢, 101 6,2, 101721019 ,b.2023,c.1024.,b.¢,1029,¢s10375as1 0408-1401, b.1708,a-1086,a,1087,a1104j,1107,4,1 1 20jdeET58,C 125754 ./See-flonres and MPenles. To. ftay the ouermuchflowing of. womens tevineds 419, b.421;c. 480,8.527,¢.678,b.661,c.807 h.857 inl, ¥046,6,209 25441 524,0 1564,bi15 86,a1 Ste: Shontes and Menfew, To takeaway the tertlan Ague.t711,54.25.582,d.712,b.718,¢. gor,e.c188,Anszssd. Good againft long andlingring’ tertiang-1097, c, Goodfor tertiang that procted of choler.3.955¢.969,2:1 565,06 Totakeor {courc away tetters.,b,80% 2.88304 856,¢.900,6.97850115650.1 168,461 360,b.13 93 h.14 443d 1446 te1465.q-1§T1.b.1608;% To cure dangerous tetters,79,d. Good againft,or to helpe the fowle {preading tetter#. 629,a, 3413," Oe nienk thitth.73,c 308,3.398,d,588,a.8 $2,5,88 e,c.098,b1035 1263 8.1303. 14.19,b.142031.1 § 0b 950x,f, 0505,C, 1508, fF 1594,b.1608,d. ; Toquenchthtrtt in hot burning feuers: sx1,d.914.2.1202 b.1431, f.16085d, To draw forth homes fixed in anypart of the body..$57, m. 61 $3,1.872,c.1058,m 1246, d. See SDplintersTobreake or rip en impofthumes ortumors in thethgoatiSce Ba pokhumes. age Goodfor difeafes happeningin the thzoat.4295c+4 50,a.103 5b, & §gybs To Baty the afperityorroughneffe ofthe thyeat.178,¢.77934 79855 .£33 05% Tohelpeche haowes orgriping paines ofthe belly in women after their childingt 33°¢,984.a 1444.4: To walte away hot (Sweihtigg ofthe kernels in the flanke, 883) Sce Kernels. To He ay thefielling inthefpleenc.z42c 6391055 2 1§3 To aflwage thefwellingof the yard.196¢ 1226,1n. To fupple orwafte away hard fwellings of the fundament.876 ¢ + fee Fundatnent5 Toripen hard fwelltngs behind the ears.t3.91 b x Si d Supings. : a Se the topments of the guts, Sec Gute and Col che. To caufe women to hauefpeedie trauell in childeabeating. “S- e SUEDefeat andomen . o cafe or helve womenthat haue hard geauett TOME in 27 childe-besr s and areinprent exttemity,163,d, incl es teariag To helpea @raueller from Merrigalls,t 388.9. si Ointment fora wearied traueller. 1128-4 360 inft trembling and fhakir g ot the heart.fee Good againft trembling of finewes.735,b arith Coes De aici Combe 3 E2366. fecfiecili ngs. To takeaway the {welling and pain of hot tgp ~ 52 a 1391,1.1424,b, i al allied Todiffolue or difcuffe herd tyme BB. 7424-16852, 1052,5,1206,4, 1426,b.1511.g,1525,a. Focontime pore,difsolue ere ,and driue away y coke cold biitio79.665,¢, 682; ke, Good againft the tnrntn: ig ofthe head called Vertig o. fee Diysis nefle and fiptuming. Tohelpethe Epmpanyp.391,2.1473,b 4 Vv O purge the Watnes offaperfluous humors, r. mars.57%,a. See BHy= R T verfinons. aleuie. Togluc together rifts, Ei gafhes, and cursabou ig tsabout the Watnes. Tobones. opea the Watneg of the. Hemorihoides, Benos See Bersop Toreprefle Wapours that hiuder fleepe, 1¢78.d, To ftir vp to Henery,3 2,2 33.«.fec Ant, Good again Wenery. ice Ung To helpethofe that are b'tien with Henomong beafts.34.a,05,0 177,8yb.438,8.471,96454. 4527,0.6§8.€ 691:,974 3 ‘To wafteand confumecold and old fincllings.447 719f: 745 To confumeand take away hot fMellings: 72 f 352¢ 4474.557.. d 615 a 6264 924b 9382 172 £1393 ¢ 1423 61484 b, Totake awaythe hor fSweliings of the uvula and Almonds inthe throat.grc 245 41499 ¢ Sce Bimonds and Uvwla: To open Sipelitugs: 67 g: . Good againft the griping togmentZof-the belly. {ce Welly and To taftenloole terth.400,¢. $2254.719:8,7935.84.958.998,a.143 4d 14 $1,b14 9d $20 ;C.1 5.24 fa, Togluctogether cuts abour thy @endong.fec Cuts To prouoke or bring downe the @Bevnes.95,2.177,0.185,.24 5,¢. Good for inflammationsof the thgoat,281.¢.892.f.1 395s0-149H,2 b 7482.756b-894b900b 9491009 2 tori c 115045428, Againft cheinflamm ations of thie’ Confiie. See Pimovde. Good for teeth thar arefet on edge or aftonied.522,a, g. 1206 a 12111 1226h 1249 a 1261 b 1362f1402 d See Ope tors, To appeafe the Boothache.245,0.359,¢ 493,9.495,¢.607,2.5 19,6 66 °,4,692,b.719.2.741,0.959 4.811108 59,¢,883,2 .896,d.918, i. 9633899 - 62, 1.106732, 1016,b, 10204 4990,¢, 107 ab. Sea. sb 12 544-1 323,b.1 3 52,h, 1360,4,1379,b, 150@,b. 1§84,f To helpethofe that are ftrangled with eating @oavsftoles. see Mothrame. To toke awaythe\Cornes ofthe Maeg. fee Cogneg. Torake awayche roughnesofthetongue.in hor burning Agues.fee Boughneite. Tocurethe difeafe of the @ongue called de Branz, whichis a ruggednefic,. blackenelle,’ and drincile with: a fwelling. 624,d, To chute ftzeled toleg to cut iron or ftene without turning the odz-.639,c. b.69- hn Bq, d.803,.6.8253d.845,b,896 £.998 52109! 2LD02.¢, 1004 °7y 1253 fugit b.(ce Witings, : Goodaga nft Wenomes:4.2.738,9.79 2.d,803,c.82".d..22b 069, 2:993,0,'037,b.1058, kt: 09,b.107,be icy, fat 68,01 162,b, 2475 4.1253)2.1341,¢,1408,d,i4-s,y.f« popfon. 5 : To driue away benomoug bealts. +8 sd. 65 <<. To driucaway Wentofities or windinefle.672.¢:7 6,4,982,0.996 b.1002,d.jorg, b.10295¢.ic 48,d.10$$,2.1666)as1086.4,12 Ate 1§33:d.t53 b,1612,¢.1625,b. fec Mitnde. Good tor thos: hat are bitten of @iporg. 619,d. 738,2.810,d; 849,h, 1057, %\123,41247,c,1373,£1472,b,1620,b. f Tobe prefered fim being bit of the Wiger.833,d. To cure Wicers.1 516.373 dig.05,0,421,2.491, @. $11,3.527,¢6 630,8 793 ,€,813,2.83 62.8 ¢5,b.880,2,1024,3,106g bi 264,me ‘ > the Riera ehee 3261437, d.c518,), o mandihe eg. 2. 50! 7. g 22 hpazén Sage SPEARATOR D se sarees Tocare Ui¢ers of great difficulty orhardto be cured.260,y.42°7. bigt 34d.833,8.1604,b.117 14b.0561,b. ve Tocurc foule rotten and ftinking Wicers. 95,¢-281,2- 3595 ¢é 40250, 54138,719,f 814,¢, 9494.1011,C.1281 b.1393, Co To keepe @hicers from inflammation.6: 5,9.700,d. To dticvp moif virulent Uieerg, ftay th: humotr, ‘and heale them. 3t,fit2195k.1362,d.1398,b.1489,d 1619,b. Toaflwage and confume corrofinc ylcersinany partof thebedy; 1225,p,1226,h,1281,b. Good to clenfe maligne and corrofiue bleers.359,¢.378,d: 626.2 661.20718,b.82 3 5b,132§,0.1402,c'1 43.8 k, ‘ Goodfor,or to ture hollowold and new bicerg.67,1. 168,a, 191.2. 34.95),3 $6,94548,0,792,¢0801,a,858,2. 935,8, 1074,8. 1130, 1249,a-I2 525¢.% 513,b. y To appeafe the rage ot cankerousbicerss 99228. Tofill vp hollow bicerg with flcth,849,¢.1072,4:1224,d. &2 29,04 137 35K-1 424,).143 3,51439.0. To cure venomous bleers, 1218613155 05 For |