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Show Liz.2, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 634. Li: 2. Iris commended againft the infirmities ofthe mouth, andefpecially the ruggedneffe, blacke. D Cuapr. 203. neffe, and drineffe of the tongue,witha kinde offwelling in the fame. Itis dn infirmitieamongg fouldiers that liein campe. The Germans call it De Bgauttwhich happencth not withoutacon. tinuall ague and frenfic. The remedie hereofis the decostion of Selfe-heale,with commonwater, after bloud letting out of the veins of the rongue:and the mouth and tongue muft be often wathed with the fame decotion,andfometimes a little vineger mixedtherewith. This difeafe is thought tobe vnknowneto theold writers: bur notwithftanding if itbe conferred withthat which Paulus Acgineta calleth Ery/ipelas Cerebri,an inflammation of the braine,thenwill it not be thought tobee muchdiffering,if it be not the very fame. He Daifie bringeth forth manyleaues from threddy root,{mooth,fat, long,and foniwhatroundwithall, very fleightly indented about the edges,for the moft part lying vpon the ground ; among whichrife vp the floures, euery.one with his owne flender fem, almoft like thofe of Camomill, but leffer, ofa perfeé& white colour, and very double. r The double red Daifie is like vnto the precedentin euery refpect , fauing in the colour of the floures : for this plant bringethforth floures of a red colour, and the other white as aforefaid. + Thefe double Daifies are oftwoforts, that is either {malleror larger , and thefe againe ei- Cuar. 202, Of the greatDatfie,or eMaudelen woort. Thegreat Daifie. Of little Daifes. @ The Defcription, 2 y Bellis maior. Of theHiftory of Plants: ther white or red, or of both mixed together: whereforeI haue giuen youinthe firft place the figureofthe {mall, and in the fecond thatof the larger. q The Defeription. igi great Daifie hathvery many broad leaues {pred vpon the ground, fome. what indented about the edges,of the breadth of 3 Furthermore,there is anotherpretty double daifie which differs from the firft defcribed only in the floure, which at the fides thereof puts forth manyfoot-ftalkes carrying alfolittle double oures, being commonly ofared colour; fo that each ftalke carries as itwere an old one and the brood thereof: whencethey haue fitly termed it the childing Daifie, + a finger,not vnlike thofe of ground fwell : among 1 Bellis minor multiplexflore albo vel rubro. : whichrife vpftalkes ofthe height ofa cubit/et with the like leaues,butleffer,in the top whereof do growlarge white floures with yellow thrums Theleffer double red or white Daifie. 2 Bellis media multiplexflore albo vel rubro. Thelarger double white orred Daific. inthe middlelike thofe of the fingle field Daily Ru or Mayweed,withoutany fmellat all, The rootis Vy A\ NS RSE V VW Ty ee Se full of ftrings. gq The Place. It groweth in Medowes and in theborders of A fields almoft euery where. ©] The Time. It foureth and flourifhethin Mayand Iune. @ The Names. Itis called (asjve hauefaid) Bellés maur, and alfo Con(olidamedia vulnerariorum, to makeadlt- rence betweene it and Bugla, which isthe tue Confolida media : notwith{tanding this isholden ofall to bee Confolida medycencris, orakinde of middle Confound: in High Dutch, as Fuchfia reporteth, Genfsblumte sin Englith, the Great Daifie and Maudelen woort. ! @| The Temperatures ofthe feThis great Daifie is moift inthe end cond degree,and coldinthebeginning ofthe fame. q The Vertues. a A Theleaues of the great Maudleine woort are good againft all burning vicers and apolteme gainft the inflammation and running ofthe cies,being applied thereto. ent for Thefame made vp in an vnguentor falue with wax,oile,and turpentine, is moft exce Saati B wounds,efpecially thofe whereinis any inflammation,and will not come to digeftion or ™ a are thofe weeping wounds made in the knees,elbowes,and other ioints. oraty Theiuicedeco&ion, or diftilled water, is drunk to very good purpofe againtt the ruptures" C _ inward burftings, ero es “ a i ~ chert i ert end D pote good to be putinto Vulnerarie drinks or potions,as one fimple belong! a E F eflarie to the which effedt,thebeft practifed do vie it.as a fimple in fuch cafes Org) tos re i a few Mallows and butWe if the cruell torments ofthe gout ,vfed with ife affiageth r pi led and made to the forme ofa pultis. fs oe receipt aforefaid vied in Clyfters,profiteth much againk the vehement heat in agu and ceafeth the torments or wringing ofthe guts or bowels. fon eee peel many leaues {pred vpon the ground like thofe of the garden thoteare agian evp ender ftems ; on the top whereof do grow {mall fingle floureslike ao ill, fet aboura bunch of yellow thrums,with a pale of white leaues , fometimes : _ and then red, and often ofboth mixed together, The root is threddy. me nett growin the fields another forcof wilde Daifie, agreeing withthe fora ; - : peat, fawing that it is fomewhat greater than the other, and the leavesare fomwvhat Ore cur; nthe 7 Cua edges, and larger. “4 he DlewItalian Daifie hath manyfinall threddy roots, from the whichrife vp leaues pie thofé |