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Show $$ $$$ - ~~ 2 wt 7 Carum, fine Cartum. ifum, q The Names. Caruwaies. It is called in Greeke xser sin Latine,corwm and Carcum: in fhops, (arni, Simeon Zuthycale £7 2 Anifim Indicumftellatum, t Anifim. : ens Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: Lis. 2 Oe Lina, Anife, Starry headed Anife, leth it Carnabadion : in high-Dutch, $pm and %pmmel : in low-Dutch, Carup faet: in French,dé Caruy : in Italian,Caro ;in Spanith, Carauea, and an article being ioynedyntoit, Alkarawea ; in Englifh, Caruwaie,and the feed is called Caruwaie feed. @) The Temperature, Thefeed of Caruwaies,as Galen faith,is hot and dry inthe third degree, and hath a moderate biting qualitic. q The Vertuts, It confumeth winde,itis delightfull to the ftomacke andtafte, it helpeth concoction, ptouoketh vrine, and is mixed with counterpoy- fons : the root may befoddea, and eatenas the Parfenep or Carrotis. : The feeds confeced, or made with fugu into Comfits, are very good for the ftomacke, they helpe digeftion, prouoke vine, @ wage and diffolue oe -to conclude in @ word, they are Snfwerable to Amie {eed in 0- peration andvertues, : | The Time. s hat the feed is tipi Ttisto be fowne in thefe cold regions in the moneth of May: Iti , Cuap. 414. E : @ TheNames, , : a in Latine Avifum : in Greeke,"aner : in high-Dutch,Bnifs ¢ in low-Dutch, Aniflaet: Mtalian, anifo: in Spanith, Matahalua : in French, 4nzs - in Englith, Anife, and Annife feed. Of eAnnife. @ The Defcription, pia beeen ; ches,fet with He ftalke of Annife is round and hollow, diuided into diuers final] bran : leaues‘next the ground fomewhat broad andround: rhofe that grow BO iagged, like thofe of yong Parfley, but whiter : on the top oft e ftalkes eyeri¢ O18 ne @ The Temperature. i hee writeth, That the feed of Anife ts hot and dry in the third degree : after others,it is hot in eS Pee degree, and muchlefle than dry in the fecond degree; for it ingendreth milke,which it al = Not doifir were very dry, as Galenin his chapter of Fennell doth whether hee will Or no dewire and teftifi in that it dothingender milke,his opinionis that it is not hot abouethe fir de- kierundles or tufts ofwhite floures, andafterwardfeed, which hath a pleafant tafte - cae a) oh ‘Which thing alfo may be in Anife feed, both by this reafon, and alfo becaufe it is feet $ 2 Thisother Annife (whofe vmbels Clu/ius had out of Englandfrom Mafter ines bY M Queenes Apothecarie, and Lames Garret ,and which were brought from the eo - TheviTho. Candifh in his voyage when he incompaffed the world) 1s thusdeferibedby © a foot-ftalks bels were large, no lefle than thofe ofthe Archangelica,made of diuers ¢ ke fet nciod each whereofcarriednot double feedas the common Annife, but more, in 4 tou rr The fe Shesrome, ie waftcth and confumeth winde, and is good againft belchings and vpbraidings of the A and fir ¢allayeth gripings ofthe belly, prouoketh vrine gently, maketh aboundance Of milke R Beinn YPbodaly lutt: it ftayeth the laske, and alfo the white flux in women, cheth es eS it makes the breath fweet, and is good for them that are fhort winded,and quen- B the yeoxing : it helpeth very the dropficalfopreuaile as haue is fit for: fuch »and thereforeit bothThea much.| or hicket, thereofdoth the fmell or eatendry ereeken made of codsfet ftar-fafhion, fix, $,or more, of a. dusky colour, wrinkled, anata one ouer, equalll parts, and open aboue : moft of chefe huskes were empty, yet fome oft i oll w8 the 9 an An ilefe yet 4 aa tafte ; the of the bigneffe ofthat afh-colouredfeed, 1 ¢ } of Orobus : ; alfedit fmoothfhining € ‘ en inthe 4 famewith our common Anifefeed, wherefore they whichfent it to Clans fowr!l the place where it grew itwas called Daimor ; for M'. Candifh hadthename characters, after their manner ofwriting. = @ ThePlace. ‘ ft I bane oft Egypt, and other countries of the es fallen ot It growethplentifully in Candy, ae aeaee Syria, forth hismss ripe feed when the: yeare 1 brought hath it where earden, my in it fowne be temperate, ierefore to conclude, Anife feed is dry in the firft degree, and hotin the fecond. — a cing dried by the fire and taken with honey clenfeth the breft very muchfrom fleg- C erfluitics + and if it be eaten with bitrer almonds it doth helpe the old cough. : 2 ; 2 tis aie aa poses to yong children and infants toeate whichare like to hauethefalling ficknes, D Sto fach as laue itby patrimonie or fucceffion. . ‘ 3 ‘ sane : ttaketh away the Squi or Quincie (that is,a {welling in the throat) being gargledwith E chiaway the Squinancie heOkey, vines 4 Maticke éfuy fj Mineger, and a little Hy flop gentlyboiled together. Cy be? |