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Show 574 Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. xa + 3 Thymum Creticum, ; x Time ofCandy, bien = —$__. 4 Epithymum Grecorum, Laced. Tinie ‘List.Of theHiftory of Plants: aos. ee G fp about fplenefe€ts about g effeéts long continued continued p paines of the head, i and befideshis fingular helpeth the: long Itreheloe ticallmatters, ithelpeth the kepry,orany difeafe of melancholy ; all quartaine agues,and fuch f like griefes proceeding fromthe {pleene. Diofcorides faith, Epithymum drunke with honied water, expelleth by fiege, flegme, and melan- fj holy. i Ofhis natiue propertie it relieueth them whichbe melancholicke,fwolne in the faceandother parts, ifyou pound Epithymumand take the fine: pouder there@f in the quantity of foure fcruples in the liquour which the Apothecaries call Paffam, or with Oxymell and falt, which taketh away all flatuous humoursand ventofities. + The fecoud figure was ofSerpillum Stratum decribed in the feuenth place of the foregoing chapter 5 the third was of 2dardm Matshidi,Tabermbeing the Tré- gougatum alterum of Lobel. Cuar.175. Of Sanorie. q The Kiudes.’ Here: be two kindes of Sauorie; the one that indureth VVinter, and is of long continuance: the other an annuall or yearely plant, that perifheth at the time when it hath perfected his - feed ,andimuft be fowne againe thenext yeare, which we call Sommer Sauorie,or Sauorie of a yeare. Thereis likewife another,whichisa ftranger in England,called of Lobel Thymbra S, Iulia. vi,denying it to be the right Satureiajot Sauorie:whether that ofLebel, orthatwe hauein our Englith gardens be the true winter Sauorie;is yet difputable,for we thinke that of S, Iulians rocke to be rather a wilde kinde than otherwife. + Penaand Lobel do nordenie, busaffirmeit in thefe words,Nullus nonfatetur Saturciam veram; that is,which none candenie tobe the true Satureia or Sauorie. Vid. Adwerfarpag. 182. $ ¥ Satureia hortenfis. VVinter Sauorie. @]) The Place. Thefe kinde s ofand Time growplenti ful! yyin England . and i moft gardens ‘ euery seu where iibte , except OR weithtbnoad lealies, Timcof Candy in that whichI haue in my garden, > : Q TheTime, They flourith from May -vnto Septembe r. — a of may bé called hard Time, or G The Names, common garden Time: the fecond, Broadleaued Time: the gud a third, Time ofCanandy dy ;. our Engliifh womencall it Muske Time : the laft may becalled ne : % The Tem Thefe kindes of Time are hot and aii the chidee @ The Vertues, Time boyled in water arid hony driink en, 1s goodagainft the cough and fhortnes ofche breat); 7ae vrine, expelleth the fecondi he or after-bigeh, and the dead childe, and diffolues’ ed a aoe bloud inthe body . ‘ciame drunke with vineger: clean fethidis the breaft recl . Jung s Telde Aas,and boi upEs, and boyled in Medeor ee ndfalt matrpurg ix, eth andfleg killemeth: worm es. ed@ Oxymoai and So alittra bese benn of three dram with Mede vin eei tn le fale egs er s el, ia orho nied nmip y ftoole tough and clammie flegme,tharpeand chol erie The il take ey i i ine “4 fametaken in lik ¢ fort, is i ood : sae the paine inthefide A and breft, ag again againft the Sciatica, ; the winde inthe f dea anak *° melancholikes fearefull, are as fuch troubled in minde ¢and belly, and is ptofitablealfo for It is good tobe giue nynto thofe thathaue the falling - Epit hymum,after Galen fickneffe to {mell vnto. , isofmo in the third deoree onion mightily oe uall operation in phyficke than Time,being “ opening than Cu/éai7> fot right Sit béFa by heating; drying; good good canfing, fioneffea ofth cited&.torer fle e adica i t mela ncho : and fe, {p! ly,or any other humorint he fpleen,or other difea - T- 4 , 2 Satureia hortenfis aftivas Sommer Sauorie, |