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Show 1030 2a E Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Sr es Liza, Ty SACRE Rae Li. Theroot thereof drunke in wine ftoppeththe laske, andis alfoa foueraigne remedicagaign yp nome and poifon. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, 1031 3 Thapfia vulgaris, ‘Deadly Cartots, Cuar. 410. Oflinking and deadly Carrots, | The Defcription, I He great ftinking Carrot hath verygreat leaues, fpread abroad likewings, refembling thofe of Fennel] gyant (whereof fome haue takenit tobea kinde, but vnproperly) of bright greene colour,fomewhat hairie: among whichrifeth vp ftalk of the heightoftwo cubits, and ofthe bigneffe of a mans finger ; hollow,and fullofa {pungious pith;whereuponatefetatcertaine ioints,leaues like thofe next the ground, but {maller, The floures are yellow, ftanding at the top ofthe ftalkes in fpokie rundles, like thofe of Dill:after which commeththefeed, flarand broad like thofe ofthe Parfnep, but muchgreater and broader. Therootis thicke, garnifhed atthe top with certaine capillaments or hairy threds,blacke without, white within, full of milkie iuice, of a moftbitter, (harpe,and lothfome tafte and {mell,infomuchthat ifa mando ftand where thewind doth blowfromthe plant,the aire doth exulcerate andblifter the face, andevery other bare or naked place that maybe fubie& to his venomous blaft,and poifonous qualitie, 1 Thapfia latifolia Clufy, 2 Thapfiatenuifolia, Small leafed ftinking Carrot. Stinking Carrots. | The Time. They floure in Auguit,or fomewhat after. @ The Names. The French Phyfitians haue acceptedthe root ofThapfia for a kinde of Turbith,calling ir Tur[wn Cineritinm ; notwith{tanding vpon better confideration they haueleft the vfe thereof,efpeci= allyinpurging, for it mightily hurteth the prinicipall parts, and doth often caufe cruell gripings in the gutsand belly, with convulfions and cramps: neuertheleffe the venomous qualitie may bee ‘akehaway with thofe ‘correctiues which are vfed in mitigating the extreme heate and virulent qWalitic ofSarcocolla, Hammoniacum, and Tsurpetum - but where therebe fomany wholefome Sim: plesand likewife Compounds, they are not to be vied. . OF fomeit is called Turpetum Grifeum : itis called Thapfia, as {ome thinke,of the Ifland Thap- x ero = Us, where it was fir: found 5 ot as we deeme, of the likeneffe it hath with Carrots. Hes the people af Sicilia and Apulia it iscalled Ferwlacoli,where it doth grow in great abounance, 1 q The Temperature andVertues. < : iat an perature and faculties in working haue been touchedinthe defeription, ‘andlikewifé "He names, eS eee Cuar.. qi. _2 This fmall kind of ftinking or deadly Carrotis like to the laft deferibe dineach relpedie differen ung that the leaues are thinner and morefinely minced or iagged, wherein con fifts the né ely 1 3. Thecommondeadly Carrotis like ynto the precedent, fauing that he doth a fh er femble the Ralkes and Ieauies of the garden carrot, and is not garnifhed with the ie a of bait + os Of Fennell. G The Defcription. ee firft kinde of Fennell, called in Latine Feniculum: in Greeke, Meade, is {0 well knowne amongftvs, that it were but loft labourto deferibe the fame. eonell, % oat 2 The fecond kinde of Fennell is likewife well knowne beee ae ceed becaufe the feeds thereofare in tafte fiveet like vnto Annife ee Bi mbling aboutthe topoftheftalks : otherwife in feed,root,and euill fmell,tafte and qualitielike. The Place. : Z Enolatd> Thefe. petnicious plants delight in ftoniebills and mountaines: they are ftrange!s a - andwh NonFennell, fauing that the leaues are largerandfatter,or more oleous: the feed gre Hter, and the whole plantin cach refpet greater. q The |