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Show 314 $ Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: Lisi 2 The double crifpe or curled Colewoort agteeth with the laft before deferibed in euery te. foed, onely it differeth inthe leaues, whichare {0 intricately curled, and fo thick fer ouer'witho. oe fall cut leaues, that it ishard to feeany part oftheleafeit felfe, exceptyc take and putafide fomeof thofe iagges and ragged leaues with your hand, 9 Brafsicaflorida, Cole-Floric. ~ Lips 2. 11 Braffica Sabauda, Sauoy Cole. i Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 12 Brafiica Sabauda crifpa, Carled Sauoy Cole. 10 Brafica Tophofa. Swollen Colewoort; brs Brafsica marin a.Anclica; Englith fea Colewoorts, 9 Cole flore, or after fome Colieflore, hat h many.large leauesfleightly indented about the edges, ofawhitith greene colout, narrower an d {harper pointedthan Cabbage : inthe middeft whichleaues rifeth vp a great white head ofh ard floures clofely thruft together, witha 100t ful offtrings ; in other parts like vnto the Coley votts. out to The fwollen Colewortof all other is the ftrangeft, whichI receiued from a worfhipfil merchant of London mafter Nicholas Lete, who brought the feed thereof out of France; whos greatly in louewithrare andfaire floures & plants,forwhichhe doth c arefully fend into Syria uing a feruant there atAleppo,and in many other countries, for the w hich my felfeand likewile we : whole land are much bound vnto him. This goodly Colewort hath many leaues ofa blewith greet orofthe colour of Woade,bunchedorfwollen vpaboutthe edges as it were a peece of leatheret and broiled on a gridiron, in fich ftrange forg that I cannot with words defcribe it'to the ie, The floures growat the top ofthe flalkes,ofa bleake yellow colour. The roor is thickeandftr00§ like to the other kindes of Coleworts. it Sauoy Coleis alfo numbred amon g the headed Colewoorts or Cabbages. The leaues#® aoe great and large very like to thofe ofthe great Cabbage, which turne themfelues vpwares® though theywould embraceone another to make #loued Cabbage, but when they cometo fhutting vp theyftand ata ftay, and rather fhew themfelues wider open, than fhut any neeret gether ; in other refpeas it is like vnto the Cabbage, 12. Thecurled Sano y Colein euery refpeé is like the precedent, fauing that the it hereof doe fomewhat curle or crifpe about the midle of the plant : whichplant if it be opence™ the {pring time,as fo metimes it is,ic fendeth forth branched ftalks,with manyfinall w hite flow at the top, which be ing pat their27afollow long cods andfeeds i, ndede like the commonorfirft kinue > {cribed. t3 Thiskinde of Colewoort hath very riddle rib. euen tothe middle 1 2 larg t e leaues deepelyiagge face refemblinggreat and ranke 2 Doo d 1 bits ey. Ithath agreatand thicke ftalke of three cubits !Dig whereupondoe grow floures, cods,parfl andfeedlike the other Colewoorts. _ |