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Show ae Line: weet wine anddrunke, loofeth the belly gently, and is excellent againft the exulcerationofthe x b ;ey cut in pieces or choppedas herbes to the pot andboiled ina {mall prvi With a piece of mutton,being madeinto potage w ith Ote-meale,cuen as bedipomge ate ma e,whereofa meffe eaten to break-faft,as much to dinne r,and the like tofupper; taken in this peedha {pace of three weekes together without inte rmiffion, doth perfectly cure all faanngr Grote and copper faces,red and fhining fierie nofes (as ted as red Rofes) with pimples,pump es,tubies and ious faces, G Reetaieicshar during te time ofcuring you do vfe to wath or bathethe face with this ia ie * po7 eel {trong white wine vineger,pouder ofthe roots ofIreos or Orricethree dragmes, fearced or boltedinto moft fine duft, Brimmeftone in fine pouderhalfe an outice, Camphire two dragmes, ftamped with two blanched Almondes, foure Oke Apples cut thorow the middleand theiuice of foure Limons : put them all together in a {trong double glaffe, fhake them together veryftrongly, fetting the fame in the Sunne forthe {pace of ten daies a with which let the face be wafhed and batheddaily,fufferingit to drieof it felfe without wipingit away. Theda: ly helpefirie faces,but alfo taketh awaylentils, fpots,motphew,Sun-burne, andall other defomities ofthe face. ‘That which formerly was in the {ceondplace by chenameof (wueemis Turcicus , wasthe fame with the fifth ofthe former Bdition(now the Fonsth)tndis there: as fore omitred. | The Temperature, The leaues ofwilde Cucumbers,roots andtheir rindes as they are bitter in tafte,fo they be like= wife hotand clenfing: The iuice is hot in the fecond degree,as Galen witnefleth,and of thin parts.Ir clenfeth and wafteth away, fiege,but fometimesalfo by vomit, The quantity that is to be takenat one time is from fiue grains to ten,aceording tothe ftrength B ofthe patient. The iuice driedor hardened, and the quantitic of halfea {eruple taken, driueth forth by fiege G adflegme,cholericke humours, and preuaileth mightily againft the dropfie,and fhortnefle of reath , _Thefame drawnevp into the nofthrils mixed with alittle milk, taketh away the redneffe of the D cies, in Bucklers Burie my louing friend hatlrtaken more paines yellowcolour: after which commet Ilers egge, fruit,of the bignes of the faleaity but fomewhatlonger, verie roabftance a the outfide, and ofthe colour ane u mucha the ftalkes,wherein is containe “cofthe big- ter and {malhard blackifh feedsal aun nefie of tares ; which being come ath forth his andripeneffe, it cafteth or {que or water with the feeds,either ofeeor delicate being touched with the et priketh handneuerfo gently, and © ‘hit(efpecially fohard againft thofe that touc ae the plate it chance to hit againtt the face) £fomeitbat fmaarteth long after: whereup® Hsmenot. 14 been called Noli merangertone rootis thicke,whire and longlafting- The Place. hot countiies & It is found in moft of the * mongrubbifh,grauell,& other .ycounties it is planted in gardens in the «afer (which and being onceplanted, faith Dodoneus, it eafily commethvp againe many wee is fpintel true:)and yerfaith he further,that it doth not {ting againe of the root,but ofthelen it 1s Of caftabout:which may likewif€ be true where he hath obferuedit,but in my gard ot for as Haid before,the root is long lafting,and continucth fromyeare to year, q eis perlite ¥ Citrullus officinarum, Citrull Cucumber; £ 2 Citrullus minor, Small Citrull; iPa pingor trailing vpon the groundyw. a 5 fet very roughleaues,hairy,fharp pomGoathe an ouerworne grayifhgrecne ae es bofome of which comeforth long tem rf a ftalkes : onthe ends whereofdoe etapal flourescompofed offiue {mall ae ie * 340 Of Citrull Cucumbers. He wilde Cucumber hath many fat haitie : d full ofiuice,creebranches,very roughand tu, hemnpotiare * q] The Defcription. ‘ ? @ The Vertues, The iuice called Eliterinm doth purge forth choler,flegme,and waterie humours,and that with A force;and not onely by in curious com pofing of it; and thmore exaétly performed the fame thanany otherwhat{ocuer that I haue had knowledge of. wae, Wilde Cucumber, ber,{pirting Cucumbers, and touch me not: in French,(oncombres‘fauvages; Theiuice of the root dothalfo purge flegme,cholericke and waterifh humours,and is good for B thedropfie:but notoffurch force as Elaterium,whichis made ofthe inice of the fruit : the making whereof I commend,to the Jeatned and curious Apothecaries: among which number Mv *. William Welt Of Wilde Cucumber. Cucumis Afininus. | The Time. It {pringeth vp in May,it flourethandistipein Autumne, and is tobe gatheredat the fame time; tomake thatexeellent compofition called Elaterium, q The Names, Itis called in Gteeke swe deme + in Latine,Agreftis and Erraticus Cucumis + in fhoppes, Cucumer afininus : in Italian, Cocomero faluatico + in Spanith, Cogumbrillo amargo : in Englith, wilde Cucums eC Cuar, 341 : $i = om a lik OFthe Hiftory'ofPlants, ey : oeLy hack Lie. 2 —— <7 IP ements > Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. oe, - giz |