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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, Lis. 2 Jeffer, harder, and rounder feeds, of adarke or blackith colour. This growes ot wildewith ys put is fometimes fownein gardens, where it floures in Iune and Iuly. 4 Lire. 2 ? $5 Lathyrus annuus filiquis Orobt. Party coloured Cicheling, This Egyptian differs notin fhape ftom the reft of his kinde, but the floures are of an ele. gant blewonthe infide, but ofan ath colour inclining to purple on the outfide : the cods grow vp. on long foot-ftalkes, and area little winged or welted, and containe but two or threelittle ots red feeds {potted with blacke fpots. This floures in luneand Luly , and thefeedthereofwasfent to Clufius from Conftantinople, hauing been broughtthither out ofEgypt. + 3 Lathyrus anguftifol.flo. purp. Purple floured Chichelings. t Lathyrus Beyptiacus, ChickGnos T Chichelings, : Egyptian The ae. q The Place. mi8 ft Ng in fhadowie woods, and, among buthes: there groweth great ftore thereofin ald combe wood, a mile and a halfe from Greenhithe in Kent,as yougo to a village thereby ed Betfome, and in diuers other places. J 7 fixth groweth in moft graffie paftures, borders offields, and among graine almoft eueric lying an the round 5__ The ftalkes ofthis are fome twoorthree foot long,winged,weake,and voleffe they haue fomewhatto fupport them.V ponthefe at certaine diftances grow winge leaues with two littleeares at their fetting onto the ftalke: thefe leaues confift of fix long and nattow greene leaues like thofe of the other plantsof this kinde ; and thefefix Jeaues commonly ftand - right,by couples onc againft another; otherwhiles alternately :the foorftalke whereon thefe ftane ends in clafping tendrels : the floures are in fhape like the former, but the outer Jeafe is of a faite red or ctimf{oncolour, and the inner leafe white : after the foures come the cods, containing, ea foureorfiue pretty large flatfeeds, whichfwell out of the cods where they licwhich in the pact betweene eachfeed are deprett, like that ofOrobus. This is onlya garden plant with vs,and nom in Tune and Iuly, the feed is ripe in Auguit. I haue for this giuen youLobels figute ofhis La” angutioregramincofolio; which may ferue, if you but make the leaues and cods to agree ae defeription. + ies nd leaning 6 The yellow wilde Tareor Fetch hathdivers very fmal! ramping ftalkes,tough,a fand this way and that way, not ableto ftand ofit felfe without the helpe of props or things tat" along ft the leaues 2 fafhion by it: the feaues are very thinand tharpe pointed : the floures grow ofthe peafefloures, ofa bright yellow colour: the roots are very fmal] long, rough,and in we Ther @ The Time. , time anfwereth the other Pulfes. Theis q The Names... ' ae ic iscalled Lathyrus, tomake a difference betweeneit and Lathyris, or Spurge: ofMatthiit yenum : of Cordus, Erusn [ativum ofLragus, Pifum Grecorum :in Englith, Peafe euerla- Bgteat wilde Tare, and Cichling. niaeipe fecond is the Zvum album [ativum of Fuchfius « Lathyrus ox Cicercula of Dodonaus: Lathysiilorecramineofolio of Lobel. . third is the Aracusfine Cicera of Dodoneus : the Lathyrusflorepurpureoof Camerarius. ; pa by Clufinsis called Cicercula Bixyptiaca : by Camerarins, Aracus Hi anicus,fine Lathyms iacns, ; a fore isnot mentioned bya ny (that I remember).but M'.Parkinfon,in his garden offloures, Thef aie name I giue youit. : ; Pig oa isthe Lathyrasfylueftrisflo. luteis ofThalius : Legumenterre glandibus fimileof Dodonaus: ts iy Soave : and it may be,the Aracusflore Luteo of the Aduer/, Howeuer,I haue put Zalocas OF Aracus forit, whichwell enough agrees with it; I vfe for {ome refemblance it hath Pata tocallit Aphacoides. + ee, ; @ The Temperature andVertues. 5 aine'ches atenoe y Bhace andvertuesare referred to the manured Tare or Vetch ; notwithftancing they Ot meate or medicine. infin ite, inforauchthar it is impoffible to rootit forth, being once gotten “nto the ground.’ isthe —— bedigged vp wits the roots,and both caft into the riuer, or burned. Dott any petnicious andhurtfull weed ofall others,vnto all mannerofgreene wholfome her wood whatfoeuer, @ 7 Lili Cuar. |