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Show x 1$4.0 Of the Hiftory of Plants, + 5 Piper Caudatum, Tailed Pepper, Lis, . together, greeneat the firf kifh ;in tafte fharper and hot,and afterward blac. tt blacke Pepper, yet fweeter, anderofth 40 Common bettertafe # For this figure alfo Lackno beholden to the learned an wleedge myfelte d dil who caufed ittobe drawne fro Sent Cly/; us, t ma branchof fomefoot in length, that he receiued from D: Lamb ert Hortenfius,who brough it t from the Tn: 7 dies, The order of growing Of the leanes and fruit is like thar of th e blacke + but the joints ftand fomewhat thicker tog er, the leafe alfo doth little differ from that eth of the blacke onely it is thinner, of a lig hter gree thought) hatha fhorter foo ne, and (as Cli fits t-ftal ke, the veines Or nerues alfo were leffe immi number, and run from the nent, more in mi fides, rather than along ft the ddle rib tothe leafe, + e —eEeEeEeEeEeea—_nss ~allPeppet heateth, prouoketh vrine, i figure, which icifig! his counpe olus his 0 rfeic/ r Maithijolué t hapte ischap t have omicred inthis eehe ee ae reas ra | . we T His plant climeth and eee wa we with- i e elfeeitmeeteth ~5 or whatfocuer Pepper; all, like vato the Vine, or the blacke ety it forakinde. The leaues shereof fome hold it zard,of the talte of Pepper, yet very plea the palate. q@ The P lace. ans It groweth among the Date trees,and 1 inmoit of the Molucca Iflands, efpecially ao metimes brought,whic the Sp that is, Pepper with ataile aniards do call Pimenta de rabo h : itis like vnto Cu arrifh grounds. The Time. The time anfwereth that ofPepper. q The Names. aa India a; t ee i hath been takencen fortor the This et ¢ is it mot of but not properly 1 eca -4 in Decan, ; - in q Malauar Betre ‘<< ca called Pam : in Molaio, and Canamitis zarat,Panes me =i ? py. qjqu TheVfe and Temperature. i the mouth Thefeaties chewedin ea aa bit; pect eae a YF . ter tafte, whereupon ( faith the ~, ; ee with and thereto fome ‘Areca Ae.as ie: oi oyfter fhels, whereunto they it? in BR i Pyke Griéce, Lignum sft wan keep keepe ) balls, i vp piinto round role vpinto s role i they which iti mouthes sate as-wely Feit fame ining their ese andlittle adhig itis not onely vnto 3the eonfumed | : ae ne by little iil: inant: vital Olan ard tape hee Fee oe ) peel ; ei Licorice heiuice of in out mouthes, or the gis 2 fens Mada traugls, an oe SN etal if inet tedious ote f j Oe of Tndiane RErane ’ Emperic ed among the Empericke Phytitions; Bate te : ee whichis ieee de that the Indians eate 1t a ees ee ping memory : hick plea an Dis ES Eat breatha thenot giue that to te, and but that they eate it after Paine perfon that hath chewed Betegras aE cate ieaftees: aes his mouth left his great man,he h ho Idshis hand before iiay sarNie {peak with'aay me oe = roees Phy Al 7 fame. et ie ning through the ibs running or ribs i uers veines The fruit groweth among ge bee s ng the leaues,very j i a Ly ane ims taile in i fhap e like the i kedly writhed, 5 . Another kinde of Pepper is fo , @ The Temperature. fitians iud ¢ tndian Phyfitians which for the ge,that Pepper is hotin the third degree, moft parr are Emperickes, hol almoft alf other fpice,which/are hot d that Pepper is'cold,as indeed aa > i Wwehauefaid, : : is thought tobe the beg ofall:the | cree. and a ae eee ae en eed eee: G The Vertues, Diof Pg A bee tscorides and ; others act ereeei einn g wit withh himhi , aifirme, that Pepper be putin medica ments for the cies refi i , i : 5 Rpmine nde a s gondso a ay be Defripiod but ee thofe of the greater Binet to duftie ofa longer, fomanbit ofa bisa colour,yneue ri,and bunched or puft vp in dit kers orcelsr,each whereof cont i x ai ncth a round feed fomem karfoneT iuided i aoe o e oatNae ei c e Cardamomum, whofe fac 74% ultié and temperature it is tho = , ught to ; was formerlyy here. dor Betle, fine Betre. er. upon growlong cads in bu nches, a finger long, €, Ireceiued a branch hereof of London, called. M:, Steuen Bredwe ; fa learned Phyfition ll, with his fruit hie at the hands ofa learned P| : B e,o* Betre. Cus oe SY ee baftard Peppers called Betl eth, Piper Ast Amomum,and alfo Longa Vithiopicum : in thops, a. Itgroweth vpon a fmall tree,in manner an of hedge buth,where- The Grecians,who had bians, Fulfé/and Fulfal beft knowledge : oO f Pepper f , do cal litotme : the Latines, Piper : the : in Ital tan, Pepe - in Arasofefiees in Englit Spanith, Pimen,#a:in French , Pepper, , Poryre. inhigh-Dutch, we That oe5;p t ofsAit ias seal hiopia is ¢- ledse‘De. t Ethiopicum, Amomum, Vit a longa, and offome,Carda Opi momum digefteth,drawetb, ofthelightas Drafcerides noteth, 4 This other kinde-ofPep vs from thiopia, calledpeofr broushtynto the ‘country where it grow bebes,tound, full fomewh ro ait Cane Coes ai e ce Pepper, ofa good {mell:at ugh,blacke of colour, a e it groweth byclufters vpems n or ftalkes, n whin ch fo .m. = vna nadlu duiifedly take 7 n for Amomum. The Kini gof Portininought ouer, for f leffe efteemed,and fo himfelfe hinde i he redin the Galechereoe eNetnerey rereaoe . @ The Place, Blacke andwhite Pepper gro win the kin gdome of {0, but not fo good ; and and that very good ; in Malacaalalfo in the Iflands Sunde l kingdome of China, and fome in Cananor, but not ene: there is £reat {tore growing inthe much. America, the tract ofthe country where Nata and Cari - The reft hath beenf; oken inall ofin their { pet aera 1s not fo commonas the blacke,and aphite Pepper is vied there in ftead offle, eetcriocio ns Rae ip ea OfttheHiftory ot Plants. — difperfeth and clenfeth the dimnefle “Lip3z a lh Cou arsasqurs Of Graines, or Grnines ofParal : et The Kindes. ; “foes ers Peare fafhion,, fome s, fome long, others Here be diuers forts of Graines, 5 leffer; Qo00000 greater$ and others q The |