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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants, 1502 Lin, — «Lin.3. Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. @ The Names, This trée is called in Greeke evoand zzgowith Zotain the fecond fyllable: in Latine likewif? Cre Zizyphus, and of Petras Crefcentins,ZcXulus : in Englifh, Iuiube tree. The fruit or Plums arenamed in Greeke gigugs, &steae: Galen calleth them oss aS CAUICEN Dlaing| fhewethin his 369.chapter,intreating of the Iuiube,in which be fet downe thofe thingsih i mentioned concerning Seyica in Galens booksof the faculties of Nourifhments:in Latine likey ik nite Zizypha and Sérica : in fhops, Iuinba: in Englith, luiubes, Thefruit of the Iuiube tree eaten is ofhard digeftion, and nourifheth very little;but being takes in fyrrups,ele€tuaries,an d fuch like confe@tions,it appeafeth andmollifieth the ronghnefleot he throat,the breftand lungs, andis good againft the cough, but exceeding goodfor the reines ofiy backe,and kidneies and bladder, Sel @| The Defcription, i ue Englith Cherrie tree groweth to an high and great tree, the body whereof is of a meane bigneffe,which is parted aboue into very manyboughes, witha barke fomewhat fnooth,and ofa browne crimfoncolour,tough andpliable : the fubftance or timber is z browne inthe middle,and the outward part is fomewhatwhite. The leaues be great, broad, long, fet with yeines or Nerues,andfleightly nicked about the edges the floures are white,of amean bignes,con- fiting of five leaues,and hauing certaine thredsin the middle, ofthe likecolour: the Cherries be round hanging vpenlong ftems or foot- ftalks, with a ftone in the midft which is couered with a pulpe or foft meat, the kernell thereof is not vnpleafant to the tafte,though fomewhatbitter. a 4 The Flanders Cherrytree differeth not from our Englifh Cherrie tree in fature or forme of feanes or floures;the difference confifteth in this,that this treebringeth forth his fruit fooner, and greater than the other : whereforeit may be called in Latine,Cerafusprecox,five Belgica. Cuar. 130. Of the Cherrie Tree. 6 Cerafusvuno pediculo ]plura. The Clufter Cherrie tree, Cerafus Serotina, Latefiripe Chertie tree: , q The Kindes, He antient Herbarifts haue fet downfonre kindes of Cherrie trees. the firtt is great and wilde; the fecond tameor of the garden: the third, whofe fruit is foure : the fourth is that which is called in Latine Chamecerafus,or the dwarfe Cherrie tree. The later writers haue found diuers forts more, fome bringing forth great fruit,otherslefler,fome with white fruit,fome with blacke, others ofthe colour of blacke bloud,varying infinitely according to the climate and countrey wherethey : 5grow. 3 Cerafus vulgaris,ee : The common Englifh Cherrie tree, 3 Cerafus Hifpanica. The Spanith Cherrie tree; OOPTS A Gq The Temperature, Tuiubes are temperate in heate and moifture, @ The Vertues, 1503 epaaasNe yy ——— o 3 The Spanith Cherrie tree groweth vp to the height ofour common Cherrietree: the wood AG "timber is foft and loofe, couered with a whitifh {calie barke: the branches are Knogcate & of fub {tance than any other Cherry tree: the leaues ate likewife greater and longer than any SZ teft,in fhape like thofe of the Cheftnut tree:the floures are like the others in scata 3 ee ar . r3 3 for the- moft part all eeewhite is greater and longer than any,white : thefruit ‘tof colour 7 w are: they at i 7 > n sh y , atfland in the hotteft place where the Sun hath fome reflexionagainft a wall;they are : “thin,and of a pleafant tafte floures ftature, ee inre ; ik tothe Spanith - tree groweth very like sr Eo The Gafcoine: Cherrie 4 TI ‘ad leaues : it differethin that itbringeth forth yery great Cherries, long; ! ae oe : x 7 1 . arrt 2p 1S A hollowneffe vponone fide,and {pottedhere and there will certaine prickles Of putp mott pleafane, and excelleth in beauties se a 1: the tafte is the tik teripe Cherrytree growethvp like vnto our wilde Englifh Cherry tree,with jeaucs, . : |