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Show v—_—_ ak Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. + Cuar.25. Lins th OfFealianTrafi, or Spanifh Galingale. Cyperus Efculentus fine Cault &lore. , Tellian fa Spanifh Galingall, withoutftalke and floure. Lipet = a Be t+ CuHar. 26. Cyperus Efculentus fine Trafi Ita lorum 4 : Tian Trafi,or Spanifh Galingall. Ofthe true Galingale, thegreater andthe leffer. £1 Galanga major. t 2 Galanca minor. Theleffer Galingale. Thegreater Galingale, "Ee affinitie ofname and nature hath induc ed me in this place to infert thee two, the igb gerandthe leffer Galingale ; firt therefore of the greater. 5 | The defcription. x The gteat Galingale, whofe root onely is invfe, and brought to vs from Tava in Eaft Indies, hath flaggy leaues fomet the wo cubit tent is thicke and knotty, tefembling thofe of s high,like thefe of Catf-taile or Reed-mace : t} 1€ our ordin ary flagg es, but thar tl 1¢y are ofa more whitith colour on the infide,and not fo large: Their taft is very horand biting » and what reddithon the outfide. they are fom- 2) The leffer growing in China,and comm only HeItalian Trafi, which is here termed Spanith Galingale,is a plant that hath many {mall roots, hanging at ftringy fibers like as. our ordinary Dropwort rootsdo,buttheyare ofthe bigneffe ofa little Medlar, and haue one end rth in fhops called Galingale, without any additi on, is a {mall rdot of a brownith red colour both within and without ; the tafte is hot and b iting,the finell aromaticall, the leaues (ifwe may beleet te Garcias ab Horto) are like thofe ofMyr tlés, © The xames. xr The firft iscalled by Matthiolus, Lobell , and others, Galanga major. Some think the Acorus of the Ancients : and Penaand e it to be Lobell the Acorus Galaticus ofDiofcerides: But howfo in their Stizp. Aduerf. queftion whitherit be not euer, it is the Cdcorusof the fhops, and by many vfed in Mithridate in ftead of the true. The Indian scall it Lepcuat. ¥© "The leer is ealted Gal anga, and Galanga minor, to dif tinguith it from the preced Chinois call it Lawandon < the Indians Lancua z : we in Englandtermeit Galir igale, ent. The without any addition. @) Their temper andvertue. and as it wefe’crowned like as a Medlar, and it hath alfo fundry fircakes or lines, feeming to di- Thefe €l¢ roots roots ave aze hotand hot anddry dry in tt the third hird ¢degree, egree, but leffer are fomew tomewnh a the 1¢ hotter. hat hotte They ftrengthen the ftomacke, and mitigate thebut thethe lef paines thercof arifing ftom cold and flatu- A Tencies, exceedacubitin length. Stalkes, flowers, or feed ithath none, as John Ponaan ens The fmell], efpecially of the leffer, comforts the too cold braine; the fubftance thereofbei chewed fweetens the breath. It is goodalfo ng B again{t the beating ofthe heart. Theya uide it into feueral parts ; it is ofa brownifh colour without, and white within ; the tafte thereofis fweetalmoft likea Chefnut. Theleauesare very like thofe ofthe garden Cyperus,and fae Verona, who diligently obferued it nighto that city whereasit naturally growes, affirmes ; ut he faith there growes with it much wild Cyperws, which as he judges hath giuen occafion oftheix errorwhogiueit the ftalkes and flowers of Cyperss,or Englith Galingale,as Matthiolws and others haue done, Itis encteafed by fetting therootsfirft fteeped inwater,atthe beginning ofNouember. I haue here giuen youthefigure of itwithoutthe ftalke, according to Pona,and withthe ftalke, according to Maithiolzs and others. @ The names. The Italian Trafi is.called in.Grecke by 77heophraftess wedmsins, Hilf plant..4. 64p. 10. as en Colwmna hath proued at large : Plizy termes it Anthalinm « thelater writers Cyperus Efculentus, aM Dulcichinum - The Italians, Taff, and-D olZolini, by which namesin Italy they are cryed vp an downetheftreets,as Oranges and Lemmonsarehere. 4). The temper andvertnes, : ‘ The milke or creame of 'thefe ‘Bulbous rootes, being.drunke,mundifies the breft and lungs, whereforeit is very good for fuchas are troubled with cougtis. Now you muftbeat theferoots, and macerate themin broth,and then preffe out the creame through a linnencloath, which by fome late Writers is commendedalfo to be vfedin venercous potions. : The fame creameis alfo good to bedtunke againft the heate and fharpneffe ofthe vrine,efpeB cially if you in making it doadde thereto the feeds of Pompions,Gour s, and Cucumbers. The Citifens ofVerona eate them fordainties, but they are fomewhat windy. + Cie re vfefull againft the Collicke proceeding of flatu lencies, and the flatulent affeds of C the wombe ; they conduce to venery, and heate the too cold reines. Toconclude, th againft allcold difeafes, ey are good + epeeTy i lesliecles. * Cuar.27. Si Of Turmericke. § ry is alfo challengeth the next place,as belon ging yet the root, which onely is broughtvs, and invfe to this Tribe, according to Dioftorides's ,doth more On the outfide refemble Ginger, bur thatit is yellower, and not fo flat, bur rounder. The infide thereofis ofa Saffron colour,the tafte hot and bitteri(h 3 it is faidto haue leaues large r than thofe of Millet,and a lea fic ftalke. There is fome varietic oftheferoo ts, forfome ate longe r,andothers rounde r, and the later are the hotter, and they are broug ht ouer off times together with Ginge r, q Theplace. It growes naturally in the Eaft-Indies about Calecut, as alfo at Goa. | Thenames, This wichourdoubtis the Cyperas Indicus Of Diofcorides, Lib. x, Cap. 4. It isnowyulgarly by : C 3 ; molt |