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Show Of theHiftorie of Plants. Lis. 2 : The , long andnarrow, fmooth andglittering 2 ThefecondFriets hood hath many Jeaues r, in forme'like 4 flende itis of rth ethfo comm that l peftel the huske or hofe is narrowand long; , vpon which, colour, as hath alfo the infide of the hofe great earth worme,ofa blackifh purple ne bunch or elufter certai tha growe d, groun the n withi litele hard ro the ground, and fometimies a like the others, ards red: the root is round and white of berries, greene at the firft, and afterw @ The Place, i ally in Tufcane about but common in Italy, and efpeci nd, Engla in ers {trang are Thefe plants anding ‘I haue them inmy witnefleth :notwithft Rome, and in Dalmatia, as Aloifius Ancuillara d @ The Time. Garden. bay 2 837 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. q] The Defcription, Heee: leaues of A farabaccaare {mooth, {mooth, oofa deepe sepe gteene gtee colour, I rounder, tbroader, and is thofeof } ? 101¢e of Sow-bread V rc tendererHtthan Iuy, and not+fcorneredatall, not vnlike to thofe thefloures lie clofeto the roots, hid vnder the leaues, ftanding vpon flende falkes, ofan ill fauoured purple colour,like to the Houres. and husks of Henbane but lefle : are contained fmall feeds, cornered, and fomewhat rough : the roots are many Sat il and fs, gro ing aflope vader the vpper cruft of the earth, one folded within another, ofan vnpleafar tafte, but of a moft feet andpleafing {mell, hauing withall a kinde of biting qualitie ; perfection withthofe of Cuckowpintand Dragons. The floures and fruit of thefe cometo 3 This ftrange kinde of Afarabacca, which Matthiolus hath fét forth creeping on the groun — ofour commonA ftrabacca, hath leaues fomwhat rounder and rougherl i pune? 4rifarum : butPliny calleth it-aes, or Ms; Friers hood is called of Diofcorides, ‘Aetcoen: in Latine, which growethin Egypt is like: Aron ars That , hefaith 16. cap. booke, fourth for in his twenty name Arifarum ; but in my opinion Latine the after Englith in called be or Cuckowpint: it may floures feemetobelike; . about the edges, and fet vponlongflenderfoor-ftalkes : the floures grow hard vatotheg = vito thofe of Cammomill, but muchleffer, ofa mealy.or dufty colour, and not without fmel he roots are longlong and flender, or, creeping creeping vnder v t of theearth, beckith.of a fharpe omtafte, and wed sai the2vpper eruft ol £ This Afarina of utatthiolus, Clufiss (whofe opinion I here follow) hath iudged q The Names. Friers cowle,to which the it may be morefitlycalled Friers hood, or s,as Dale{champius noteth. whereupon the Spaniards name it Frailillo The Temperature, Friers-Cow le to te Tufsilago Alpina 2. of his defcription ; wherefore I giue you his figure in dew of th our Author, whiclyhad the floures expreft, which this wants. ¢ " ee ‘ is like in power and facultie to the Cuckow-pint, yet is ir more biting, as Galen faith. : bedin the third place, vnder theticle Thatwhich was formerly figured and defer chap! ter, and eherefore here omitted, name of Dracontinm menus, in the precedent Cap. 306. x Afarum, Afarabacca. @ The Place, Itdelighteth to growin fhadowieplaces, and is very commonin mioft gatdens. Bee The Vertues. q OF cas ; but it is reported that they flay munning in Thereisnogreat vie of thefe plants in phyfickeof A roots certaine compofitions called the made is xere th that fe likewi ting fores or vicers :and thing,it rorliuing ofany part fecret the nto gputi andbein : s Greeke Collyria, good againft fiftula’ teth the fame, as Diofcorides writeth. } eslias in Greck Itiscalled called in Greeke‘scue, 2 AfarinaMatthioli. Italian Afarabacce. The Names, dfarum : in q Latine, Nard ica: i i Wsallo Baccharis in Pliny, 3 lib, 21 .Cap.21. - 21. Maccr Macer fifaith, ith, ThThattoca steleParep Afarum iseee called Yulgago, in thefe words : Eft Afaron Grace, Vuleago diéha Latines dbed by the Pa @ The Time. her fes Sreene } iti i i herbe is alwaies greene, yet dothit in the Spring bring forth new Jeaues and floutes e fame withthat defe of Arifarnm latifoliuns Matthioli, was the Of cAftrabacca. : This herbe, 4/aron do the Grecians name ; Whereas the Latines /wlcago clepe the fame, : ; Itisfpetal on y peas paris that itwas called ofthe great learned Philofophers cs : wwe? that is, Marti faneus, orthe z bloud of mars :: andofth e French men B i 4/arab a came, whichtk onitfeemeth that 4: likewife Beep iken { vfe, andoeshad Afarabacc word a the word he Apothecaries ame, ; aot people: but there isanother Baccharis differing from Bavsom yet Norncere ie a Stee eegene ar Te call Batcharis, Afarum. i hath been the caufe,that moft couldnotfurfficiently expound his ee ar aes shelleyconcesti = ode amiffe : in” thi - and that Baccharis 34 ‘arum.and i haue beene written at manyy things d TNS. many copies 2 i the Greek copies of4{farum : fefor whenitified in the chapter Y ofDiofcorides,oe is fet downein f afiveet{inclline carde Racchg Oe ae ae it belongeth nor to the defcription of this 4/arum, but to that of that menus re (as a faith)is focalled, becaufe itis not put into garlands:and fo by were foundcor of the old Writers es the deferiptions a aa : tupted didain v4 ey : nue oftentim : “¢ 2 aoe > Ww C itis in this place manifeft, fo oftentimes it cannot {0 eafily ch thing,as gl bef marked inother Dutch > qa2 - in highseltourts sia tee e ee Furthermore, 4/arumis called in French Cabaret z 5 8 : low- utch, Mang cozens - Englith, A farabacca,Fole-foot,and Hazel-wort : + q The T emperature. Tha ie cialad’ ; qualitie ad fie adioyned I ar a acho with i a4 purging 7, with are Afarabacc thereunto, yet not ues of Afarabac igh a certaine anddry, kinde ofca Without inde of aftri Qion or binding. The roots are alfo hot anddry, yet more than theleaues.. the downe thedefited Pelase andareli, d are of thin and fubtill parts : they procure vrine, bring ic aS as © Of Acorus are. ernas Galen faith, to the roots of Acorws, but yet more forceable , andthe fours 7 n : c provoking VEhess he aie meth whichthi, ofa cue elence, hagtiqusarestuatipe.diy ig. and thats oreby them them either either by {arabacea, »reener happi nesare pe felues, opMixed a 2 the roots of Afarabac ay performed by taking things. wir other >“rntxed with TheVertues }b vomit, ee aw fiforth st ¢ phlegmaticke 4 aa a ce and cholericke fick humours, and i withall ithall A ishcllydraw vnc. thicke Moue ¢} Y ;andin this they are more forceableand of greater effe@ than theroots themlelues The le, aues Ss. They are tho, r a ie on tokeepe in hatdfelling cankers that they encreafe not, or come to exulce- B ton : a 1 ing any farther, if they be outwardly applied vpén the fame. gall, and fpleene, again Baie eye againft the {toppings of the liver,»gau ftwens and hard C gainfty ; e : ;purge BS, 2 f gues of long continuance: but being taken in the greater quantities they : Neandchole efpecially , and ve caoler not much lefferhan the leaues (though Galen fay no) by vomit Aaaa 3 One |