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Show ——~OFHiftory of Plan ts geo : Lis, cmon ~ Lime, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants; ne Gofsipium,fine Xylon, ao a den es fome halfe foot long, and three inches broad,darke greene “rtaine=~ {paces growmorewhitith bycouples below,and leau , certaine f . Gdes, eines: at at the the topof, the full of large and eminent veines: O per {ide Fs aieleie mpc -Senalueott f or more’ floures,2 1Dgrowing ypon fc m -ommonly ly an hundred vpon foot huadrec t Dr, alike and is x , all clofe thruft together afterche manner of the Hyacinthof Peru at the‘ ftalkes fome inch — ~ aie -ompofed ,firftit hath fiue {mall greene leaues bending -backe, firft flouring : each floure 1s c ; The Cottonbuth. paft did fowof the feed , which’did Stowv etie frankly,but perithed beforeit cane © perfeion; by teafon ofthecold frofts tha t Ouertooke itin the timeof flouring, : Mier which ferue for the cup :thenhath it other fiue Icaues foure times laiger than the g on the vnderfide and of a pale colourwithfome ems ¢and thefe are greene a and {couer them; nd b backe b end colour, pleafantred a them)of mayfo terme ‘as g re fiue little ke orchiue thred ele witha infides, omtheir ’ ee sitebine ; . ake : ot ‘like pene etal ftalkes ofthis plant are vay = — iuyce. $ ie 5 ace, and perifheth when it hath perfectedhis fruir, Ea as many otherplants do, ea It groweth, as befoteis rchearfed, in the countries of Norembega, a y fummes great owed hathbett who Raleigh, Walter Sir Knight e honourabl uerie thereof; where are dwellingat this ss ay men, @ The Names; Cotton is called in Greeke zéim, and reat Latine, Xylum, and Gofipium after the Grecke: in fhops; Lanugo; Bombax, and Cotum - in Italian; Bombagia : in Spanith, Alzodos- inhigh-Dutch, Baumol: in Englith and French, Céitton, Bombafte and Bombace, Theophrafus hath made mention hereofin his fourth booke; cap, 9. but without a name 3 and hefaith it isa tree in Tylus which beares wool. Neitheris itany maruell ifhe took an vnknown fhrubor plant, and that groweth in Countries farre off, fora tree : e¢ing alfo in this age (in which very many things come to be better knownethan in times paft) the cotton or wool! hereofis called of the Germanes (aswee haue faid) 23qum fool, thatis 3 Wooll ofatre e; It fpringethvp, floureth and flourifhethboth Winter aid Sommer,as do many tsSie It dit s downe with vs euery Winter and comes vpin the Spring, an plants of thatcountrey. our floures in Auguft, but never bringet h forth the cods with vs,by reafon of the coldnefle of imate. es '5 the e ie i‘ a: q The Names. and other of the prouinces adioyning,ber peopleof Pomeioc § man ; aas of tocthat ane’ otherneuertafted le’ofPome peop is vied pracret The fille maidens parts toconerthefe Virginia, in other places theyvie a orVincetoxicum Indianums ofNotembega. fit and proper names for it :in Englith,Virginia Swallow-wort, or t 1¢ Silke-wort @ The Nature andV ertues. . ca veour owne ne knowledge -doe. hsof his phyficall vertues, dey we i kinde 3 ak: lepias }Vit rein p :wehaue thought ‘4 /clepias ofrimoffefe Wifanck white A Wefindenothingbyreport, or otherwife of onelyreport ofthe aboundance of moft pure filke wherewith the who € plat emt are wood 4al, + The leaues beateneither crude, or boyledin water, and applied asa pultetic, B araty apshelis ot again , gainft fvellings and paines proceeding of a coldcaufe ~ Themilky iuyce, whichis veryhot, purges violently , and outwa ie PI : P i in it,and they befteeped tetters, to fetch fteepedin thelike like, 4/p i056 if they hai offFE skins,if fetch haire = ey Ni Car: 3355 to be numbred amongtrees. Ofthis Theophraftus writeth thus; It isteported that the fame Ifland (viX, Tylus) doth bring othmany trees that beate wooll,which haueleaues Plisy writing ofthe fame;/i6.19.cap.1.faith thus: like thofe ofthe Vine,&c. The vpper partof Egypt towardArabia brinSeth forth a thtub whichis called GofSipion; or Xylon, and therefore the linnen that is made ofit is ek xlina, It is (faith he) the plant that beareth that wooll wherewith the garments are made Ich the Priefts of Egypt doweare. q The Temperature, hcease Cotton(according t6 the opinion ofSerapio) is hotand mioift : the woollit felfe is ty. @ The Defcription. : aS Whereas indeedit is tather an herbe orfiriall fhrub, and not Th Of theBombafte or Cotton-Plant. | The Time. Cottonfeed is fowen in plowed felds inthe Spring of the yeare, and reaped and cut down in haruelt, eenas corne withvs ; andthe ground 5 D muft be tilled and fowne new againe the next yeare, andvfedin fuchfore atwedothetillace forcorne and grain : for it isa plant of one yere, = a es hot ach ofthem : theft fiueingirt a fimall headlike a button, greenith vnderneath, leh Aare Th nie given you the figure ofone floure bythefide of our Authors figare, | 901] ae Fae eee aaaEy ord. Notwithftanding the Lord. No’ g myfelfe 3 yeayes high,and fom! fj Fe ofacu bit He Cotton buth is a low andbafe Plant,hauinino g fmall ftalkes ereupos ate C ; nches, wh rec feions higher; diuided fromthe loweft part tothetopinto fundry {mall ier eit fet confufedly or without order a fewbroad leaues, cut for ete 4 pe ieee not walle and fometimes i more, as Naturelift J i to Ibeftow, fomewhat 2what cine indente ae u of agrayilh . colon 1a the leafe ofthe Vine,or rather the Veruaine Mallow, but leffer, oe the Ezimmes o 8 « ound, and mong which comeforth the floures, ftanding vpon flender foot-ftalkes , areth th e fruit," *e Cotton whereofate ofa yellowcolour, the middlepart purple: after which serciti offinewh of the bigneffe of a Tennife ball wherein is thruft together agreat en in fhape ; Tt G es Be fe Of Curon'is good againft the The Vertues, cough, and for them that are fhortwinded: italfo ftir A vp the luftofthe body by.inc reafing naturall feedwhereforeit furpaffeth, The oyle preffed out ofthe feed taketh ckles, {pots, and other blemithes ofthe skin. * cae ofthe woo! 1 burned ftanchethawayfre B the bleeding ofwounds, vfed in reftri@iue medici nes, Cc Toe eoticke, and is more reftrictiue than Boleit felfe. ani the 4, afthe commodities ofthe wooll of this plant were fuperfluous,common experience D Orin Yly vfeand benefit we receiue by itthew them. Sothatit were impertinent to our hiwool] ee ofthe making of Futian, Bombafies,and many other things that are made of the : creof, wooll ; among whichis wrapped vp blacke feedof the bignefle o apoio creo ordung ofacony. The fruit being come to maturitic or ripenc pe f the groundi into fourepartsor diuifions, and cafteth forth his wooll andfeed ae “eds anexeat thered in his time and feafon. The rootis fmall and fingle,with few th a wooddyfubftance, as is all the reft of the plant. y 4 re Mediterrane4 1 feags CY"if q] The Place. eth abou Itgrowethin India, in Arabia, Egypt,and in certaine Iflands e : grol N es adiacent.| It i §} on “A merchant prus, Candy, Malta, Sicilia, andin other provinces ofthe nea i Tripolisand Aleppoin Syria, from whence the Factorofa wor! a diners pounds ae 16 fter Nicholas Lete before remembred, did fend vatohis faid mat Sceah the fuccelleweH™ ; feed ; whereoffome were committedto the earthat the impreffion Cuar. 336. Of Dogs-bane. | The Kindes. Her bas: : ie: i aca other an a of5 Dogs-banes :the onea elymbing t enyrtub, = or clambering Sas plant ;the q The |