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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Cuap. to. Lis.2. and whitith blay floures ; in whofe placecommeth finall cods,wherein is containedfeedlike thar @ The Kindes, ae. ‘Befides thefe there is another plant; whofe figure which hete I give wasbyour Authot fome ofthe water, and ofthe fea, ‘ formerlyfet forth in the precedent chaptet,ynder the title of Sinaprfylueftre , together withalarge kinde thereof, vnder the name of Sinapi fativumalterum, Now I will onely. defcribe the later, whichI haue fometimes found in wet places : The root is wood y': the ftalke fome foot Ing , cre fted, and hauing many branches, lying on the ground:the Jeafe is much dinided; and that after the mannerof the wilde Rocket : the floures are of abright yellow; and ate fucceedéed by fhort crooked cods, whereinis contained a yellowith feed, + 2 Erucafylueftris, Garden Rocket, 24.7 vponthe ground, with long leaues like vnto common Rocket,or rather G roundfivel I,hauing {mall Of Rocket: yee be fundry kindes ofRocket , forne tame, orof the garden ; fome wilde, or ofthe field ' F x Erucafatina. OF theHiftory of Plants. Wilde Rocker, t 3 Eruca fylueftris anguftifolia. $4 Erica aaflurtiocognata tenuifolizy Narrow leaued wilde Rocket. Creffy-Rocket, A G Zo a G ae e; le; j : Rs. hath leaues like thofe ofTurneps,but not neere fo pofacubit,& fomtimes twocubits high, weakand op whereofg ‘eof growthe flonites ofa whititiith lowith , which bein colour, and fometime i s yelfeed, but {maller. g paft, there dofucceed long cods,wh ich containe the feed,not . vnliketo tape a : 2 Thecommon Rocket, whi ch fome keepe in Gardens, and Rocket, is leffer than the Rom whi ch is vfually called thewilde ane Rocket, or Rocket-gentl e, morelagged. The floures be yellow,the cods alfo flendere the leaues andftalkes narrower, and r the feed thereofis reddith,and biteth the tongue. ; i 3 Thiskinde ofRock 0 et hath lon narrow lea ues almo : kerand ae ee fatter, refe1mblingratherthe ieaaues i et OfMyag yagrum,alto a gether e eee auingthatthe bran ynla iker an si ofthe reft ofthe ch, flou pagaiS avons ae aR re, andfeed are like the garden Rocket i ocket, though fit a 1 whofe cenfure Lobelins is effeés . indtie t by that reuerend andexcellent Herb atift Car it felfe wa = ~fles E re oe tl es ‘ke tocallit Coufine to the kindes OFGre ler roi fite, oni eoccti— narimt neand Jeau Sk rowipe th thinSai Of cs, e -11Cs. é other. The leaues are much diui ded, andthee flou res a yellow. lithe ney and che 5 Thereis is a wild kind of Seaeap Ler which wh; ie Rocket hath long weake and tender branches eothe trailing vpon @ The Places Romane Rocket is cherifhed in Gardens, Commonorwilde Rocket groweth inmoft gardens ofit felfe : you may fee moft bricke and ftone walls about Londonandelfewhere couered with it, The narrowleaued Rocket groweth neere vnto water fides, in the chinkes and creuifes of fone walls among the morter. I found itas ye goftom Lambethbridge to the village ofLambeth.vns dera fmal| bridge that you mutt paffe ouer hard by the Thames fide. ; as T found Sea Rocket growing vponthe fands necre vnto thefea in the Ifle of Thanet,hard by 2 houfewhereinSir Henry Cripedid {ometimte s dwell, called Queakes houfe, E | The Time, aoe Kindes of Rocket floute in the moneths of Tune and luly, and the feedis fipe in Seps er, The Romane owne feet. Rocket dicth euery yeare, and técouerethit felfe againé by the falling Of his a q thé |