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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 212 1 Broficavulearis fatina, Garden Colewort, Ling (|)isib ~~OF the Hiftory of Plants: 2 Brafsica fatina crifpa. Curled Garden Cole, a The Defcription. + He Garden Colewort‘hath many great broad Jeaues of adeepe blacke greene colour: mixed withtibs and lines ofreddith and whitecolours : the ftalke groweth out ofthe middeft from among the leaues, branched with fundry armes bearing at the toplittle yellow floures : and after they be paft, there dofucceedlong cods full of round feed like thofe ofthe Turnep, but fmaller, with a wooddy root hauing many ftrings or threds faftnedthereto. 2 There is anotherleffer fort than the former,with manydeepe cuts on both fides even to the middeft ofthe rib, and vety much cutled and roughed in the edges; in other things it differeth not. 3 Thered kitide of Colewortis likewife a Colewort of the garden, and differeth fromisthe commonin the colourofhis leaues,whichtendvntoredneffe ; otherwife very like. 4 There is alfo founda ¢ettaine kinde hereofwith the leaues wrapped together into 4 round head or globe, whofe head is white of colour, efpecially toward Winter when it is ripe. Thé root is hatd, and the ftalkes ofa wooddyfubftance. + This is the gteat ordinarie Cabbage knowne cuery where, and as commonlyeatenall ouer this kingdome, + 5 Braficacapitatarubras Red Cabbage Cole, 3 Brafica rubra. Red Colewort. 6 Brafstcapatula Open Cabbage Cole; 4 Brafica capitata alba, White Cabbage Cole. 5 There is another fort of Cabbage or Joued Colewért which hathhis leaues wrapped. together iftoa roundheadorglobe, yet lefler than that of the white Cabbage, and the colour ofthe lcaues of ter red than thofe ofthe former, en loued Colewort hath avery great hard orwooddy ftalke, whereupon dogrowvery arge leaues ofa white greene colour, andfet with thicke white ribs,and gathereththe reft of the clofely together, which be leffer than thofe next the ground; yet when it commethto the Autting vpor clofing together, it rather dilatethit felfe abroad,thanclofethall together. 7 Double Colewort hath manygreatandlarge leaues , whereupon doe grow here and there ther {mall iaggedJeaues, as it were made ofraggedfhreds and iagges fet vponthe {moothleafe, ‘ tucth fhewof a plume orfan offeathers. In ftalke, root, aud euery other part befides it ce with the Garden Colewore, <A e |