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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 956 +13 Ramanculus hirfutus Alpinus flo.albo. Lisa ‘Lis. 2: 1 4 Ranunculus montanus Pirinp ares: Rough white floured mountaine Crow-foot. Roughpurple floured mountain towfoot, Ofthe’ Hiftorie ofPlants, 2 Ranunculus dulcis multiptere. Double wilde Crow-foot. + Ranunculus maximus Anglicus, Double Crow-foot, or Batchelors buttons. Oi A We i Tura, againft thecity of Geneua, whereas it floures in Tune, and ripenst montanws3had the figure and defcription hereof from D*.reas he calls it Ranunculus 3 Ranunculus albus multiflorus. Double white Crow-foot. ? @ The Place. sand other Thetwelfth kind of Crowfoot growethin moft places of York-fhire and Laneafhire hele Souin euery medow,but not found wildeint bordering fhires ofthe North countrey,almoft therly or Wefterly parts of England that I could euer vnderftand of, a The Time. It floureth in May and Tune: the feedis ripe in Auguft. q The Names, ‘ 3 The white doublé Crow-foot hath many great leaues deeply cut with great gafhes,and thofe {nipt about the edges. The ftalks diuide themfelues into diuers brittle branches, on the tops whereof do growvery double flouresas white as {now , and-of the bigneffe of our yellow Batchelors button. The rootis tough, limber, and difperfethit felfe farreabroad, whereby it greatly increafeth. ; oscwlas 4 Ranw The Globe floure is called generally Ranunculus globofus: of fome, Flos 7rollins, 0 Alpinus : in Englith, Globe Crow-foot,Troll floures, and Lockron gowlons. q The Place. Thefirftandthirdare planted in gardens for the beauty ofthe floures,andlikewife the fecond,which hathoflate beene brought out of Lancafhire vnto our Londongardens,by a curious gentlemanin the fearching forth of Simples,M'. Thomas Hesketh,who Cuar.368. foundit growing wilde in the townefields ofa {mal Of Doubleyellow andwhite Batchelors Button village called Hesketh, notfarre from Lathamin Lancafhire. G TheTime. G The Defcription. They floure from the beginning of Mayto the eaues of adecft He great double Crow-footor Batchelors button hath many iagged! TowHoures greene colour ;among whichrife vpftalkes, whereon do grow a ye oft he mice 1s ceeding double, ofa fhining yellow colour,oftentimes thrufting 108 inate the a ofthe faid floures one other {maller floure : the rootis round,or fathioned likea ie ot ie 1 is whereof hath caufed it tobecalled of fome S. Anthonies Turnep,or Rape Crow ser wrapped ina clufter of rough knobs,as are moft of the Crow-feet. ith many ease 2 The double yellow Crow-foot hath leaues of a bright greene colo vyevardt ie branches trailing vponthe ground; whereon do growvery double yellow fomaifferenc® ia cedent,but alrogzether lefler. The whole plant is likewife without any manife he greater . that thefé figures do neuer bring forth any fmaller floure out ofthe middle ofee ; other doth, ahd'alo hath no Turnepor knobby rootat all,wherein confifts moe end ofIune. : @ The Names. Dioftorides hath made nomention hereof; but 4puleius hath feparated the firft of thefe from the others, intreating of itapart, and naming irbya peculiar nameBatrachion, whereuponit is alfo called Apuley Batrachton,or Apuleius C row-foor. It iscommonly called Rapams D. Anthony ox Saint Anthonies Rape: irmay becalled in Engli(h, Rape Crow-foot: it is called generally about Loadon, Batchelors buttons’, and double *Crowy-foot : in Lit; Dutch, ? |