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Show Of the HiftorieofPlants. Lr Le Of the Hiftorie of Plants. q The T cmper ature. Cuar. 425. OfSpignell,Spicknell,or Mewe. Theft herbes,efpecially the roots of right Meon, is hot in the third degtec,and drie inthe fe cond. q The Defiription. Gg TheV ertue;, Pignell hath{talkes rifing vp to the height of a cubitanda halfe,befetwirhleaues refembling Fennell or Dill,but thicker,more bufhie,and more finely iagged ; andat thetopof I the ftalkes do grow{pokie tufts like vnto Dil. The roots are thick,and full of an oleousfubftance, {melling well, and chafing or heating the tongue,of a reafonable goodfanour. I Loum. Spignell. 1053 Thetoots of Méon, boiled inwater and drunke, mightily open the {toppings ofthe kidnics A andbladder, prouoke vrine and bodily luft,eafe and helpe the ftrangurie, and confume all wihdi= nefeand belchings of the ftomacke. ; ‘The fame taken with honie doth appeafe the gtiefe of thebelly, and is exceeding good aB - all Catarthes, ngs, theumes, and achesof the iointes, as al fo any phlegme which falls pon the ifthe fame be laied plaifterwife vponthe bellies of children, it maketh them to pifle well Cc They clenfe the entrails, and deliuer them of obftrudtions or ftoppings : they prduoke — D + 2 Meumalterum ? emis Italicum, Italian Spignell. dtive forth the ftone,and bring downe the floures : but if they be taken more than is requifite fhog eaufethe head-ache; for feeing they haue in them more heat than drineffe,they carry to the héad ray moiftureand windie heat,as Gales faith, ; Cuar.42.6. OfHoreftrange,or Sulphurwoort. q The Defcriptivn, 1 Viphurwoort or Hogs-fennell hath a ftiffe and had ftalke full of knees or knots befe¢ with leaues like vnto Fennell,but greater,comming neerer vnto Ferula,or rather like the on Cone ofwilde Pine-tree,andat the top ofthe ftalkes round {pokie tufts full oflittle aia ures,which do turne into broad browne feed. The roor is thicke and long; I haue digpa mia as big as a mans thigh, blacke without,and white within, of 4 trong and grie- wikebrn’hn full of yellow fap or liquour,which quickly waxeth hardor dry,{mellingnot much rion ea Sulphur s which hath induced fome tocall it Sulphurwoort;hauing alfoat thele td the vpperface ofthe earth,a certain buthofhaire,ofa browne colour,among which lesand ftalkes do {pring forth. asherattkinde ofPeucedanum or Hogs-fennell is very like vnto the former,fauing that the Gt eta etuila: the roots are nothingfo great as the former,burall the reft ofthe plant doth sks theother in greatneffe. cttstackfy prtie kinde of Peucedanum or Hogs Fennell, wh ich Pena found vpon Saint Vin- iyftiono , tiftow,whofe picture he hathfet forth in his Aduerfariawhich that famous Englifh 4tnherent memorie;D.Turver found there alfo,fuppofing it tobe the right and trie Peucekethetishep doubt itisa kinde :it groweth not aboue a foot high, arid isin fhape aid leaues OF Mattiabut et they be fhorter and lefler,growing fomvvhatlike the writhed Fennel] p is bichon Bonne aremorelargely writhed, and the leaues are ofthe colourof the bran. fick 2- There isa baftard kinde of Spignell like vnto.the former, fauing chat the 7 finely cut or iazeed: the floures are tufted more thicker than the-former:the roots are" feed like Dil 4 a pale greene colour. At the top of the branches growfinal] white tufts, hauing andfull of fap. + Theg Bit: ught good to eat. : ; : tt for ree cof this our Authour formerly gaue(yet vafitly,it not agreeing with that deferipbefound it alone: sitmay be he thought it the fame with thatof Dodon.his defcription , becaufe ot 10 @ The Place. 7 e and tywvixt Aplebi Mew,or Meon’ groweth in’ Weftmerland,at a place called Round-twhat be Kendalt,in the parith of Orton. | and(as it haut Baftard Mewe,or Meum,crowethin the wafte mountaines of Italic,and the hes e been told me)vpon Saint Vincents rocke by Briftow,where I {pent two daies to fee jr,but it Wa not myhaptofind it, therefore I make fome doubrofthe truth thereof. q The Time, Thefe herbes doe flourein Iune and Iuly,and yeeld their feed in Auguft. The Names. yee: i Itis called of rhe Grecians po ornée_: likewife of the Latines, Meum : ofthe Itaiane ¢ Imperatrix.: in diuers pl aces of Spaine S47". Apulia,as satthiolus declareth,it is ealled it is named 1% Penella : in High Dutch, Beerevourts 3 in French,Sifire: Rucllius faithb thar edin Englifh,>f : Anethwm tortyofum.and fjluefire.ot writhed Dil,andwilde Dill: alfoit ts call or Spicknell,offome Mew,and Bearewoort. The fecondmay becalled baftard Spicknell. fnalne(ey4 se and flenderer, of a goodtafte,fomewhat fharpe. The rootis thicker than ‘Ud, this hath “eB _ denen Among the people aboutBriftow, and therocke afores “and the Pessedaa fame ade if ul abernamontanus. This is the Selinum montanum pimilum ofCla she refer ‘=hderadees f ite se tie ne he miftaken inhis Pinax, Beiuort seer obe. fe uit ewe ih : the toot of this is black Without,and white NOrlydivi 3) i the top about the t hicknel te ofones finger: the leaties are finall and gteen, Sorbie sH ete fitie parts; and thefe againe fubdiuided by threes : the ftalke is fome fixe Be “it penance into firadry branches, crefted, broad, and at the toppes ofthe Muelon nn cy ft fhoot vp ; appearlittle vmbels ofwhite floures very fmall,and con- me cates apiece. The feedis blacke,fhining andround, two being ioined together, as Ma»fone Deka ee Itfloures in May, and ripens the feede in luly: Ireceiued in Iu] Breet ce nis Frei Briftow,bythe meanes of my oft nientioned friend Matter George oyeaeted 1tvpon Saint Vincents Rocke, whereas the Authours of the Aduerfaria report Ttet 3 © Tie |