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Show “7282 Of theiiftory ofPlants. "hte AVB. 3, Gatantasin Hypociftis is much mote: binding’ infirmitiesS thatcomeof Aux 4 BY, Ss itis.a fire ‘témedie forall or ef Auxes voiding of bloud,the whites, the laske,and the bloudy flix :but ifit be requifit'to frenethen thee part which is ouerweaknedwitha fuperfluous moifture, it doth notably comfort and frenaphe, oe the fame. wegen : : ; Itis extellent to be mixed with fomentationsthat ferue forthe ftomacke and Nuer, It is putiinto the Treacle of Vipers, to the end it fhould comfort and ftrenpthen wédke bodies, Lis. 3. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. be 28 1283 If There is found in Germanic, a certaine plant like to Ciftus,and Ledon,but much leffer, ctee. he : i , ooh y bs ae ping ypon the ground, vnleffe it be propped ES TL CHG SPeae penetra, ne: whereupon do grow Jeaues leffer than thofe of Ledonor Ciftus,very likero that of our Eng: jithwhite dwarfe Ciltus,of a full fubftance,fleightly haire 1, wherein is contained. atough inice* ‘orslittle Rofes,or i 24 Als Tanfie, ofa yellow bir colour lei teh A : the roots be flenders the wilde the floutes are {mall like yooddic,and fomething red. as Galeg writeth. 4. \Helianthemum albam Germanium. The white dwarfe Ciftus of Germanic. “Cuar.6. Ofother Plants reckonedfor dwarfe kindes ofCittus. 1. 2. Helianthemum Anglicumlitenmvel album, Englith yellow or white dwarfe Ciftus. ' @ The Defcription, He Englith dwarfe Ciftus,called Of Lobel, Panax Chironinm (hut there is another Panax ofChiro defcription, which I hold to be the true and right Pavax, notwithftandinghe hathinferted itamongft the kindes of Ciftus., as being indifferent to ioyne with vs andothersfor the infertion) is a low andbafe plant creeping wponthe ground, hauing many{mal toughbiarches,ofa browne cglour , whereupondogrow little leaues fet togetlsr by couples, thicke fat,and ful offubftanee,and couered ouerwitl a foft downe: from,the bofome whereofcome forth other leffer leanes : the flouresbefor they be openare {mall knopsorbuttons,of a browne colour mixedwithyellowsand being open and fpred abroadare like thofe oft wild Tanfie, and ofa yellowcolourywithfom yellower chiues in the middle : the root § thicke, and ofa wooddy fubftance. 2 The fecondis very like yntothe prect dent, fauing that the leaues are Jong, anddot noe stow fo thicke rhruft, rogether , andat morewoolly : the flotires are greater, and04 5 Helianthemum Sabandicum. The dwarfe Ciflus of Satioy. 6 -Helicothemum anguflifolium. Natrow leafed dwatfe Ciftus, white colour, wherein'the efpectall-difterchc: eonfifteth. The rootis like the former. a This differeth not from the lat defcribed,fauing that the foures hereofare vety white,and others yellow, wherein they efpecially differ. The |