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Show ee aes es Ofthe Hiftorieof Plants. $66 ich no doubt may There bealfo other forts of Bindiweeds, whichbe referred to Nil Auicennawh bekinds of W#/, fornothing, gainfaithit whythey fhould not be fo. Therefore toconclude, this : of Sera, beautifull Bindeweed,which we call Convolvalus Carulens is called of the Arabians Ni/ Habal Nil: about Alepo andTripolis in Sysia theinhabitants call it Ha/mifen: the[talians,Campe. g#aaXurea > Of the beautifull azured floures,andalfo For de notte,becaufe his beautic.appeares mot inthe night. Of the Hiftory of Plants. Lis. 2 “Gnwhich are three graines, lefferthan thefeedes of Stauefaker] towhich defcriptio nthis bj cw Bindweedis anfwerable. The Temperature. Convelvulus Caraleussor Nil,as cAuicenfaith, is hot and dric in the firft degree:but Serapio maketh it tobe hor and driein'the third degree. q The Vertues. It purgeth and voidethforth raw,th icke,flegmaticke,and melancholicke humonts:it drities out A all kindeofwormes,but it troubleth the belly,and caufetha readinefle to vomityas Auicen faith it worketh flowly,as Serapio writeth sin whom more hereofmaybe found,but tolittle purpofe, where. forewethinke goodto paffe itouer. 867 hardnedsis greatly vied in Phyficke: for which confidetation, there is not any plant growing vpon theeattl,the knowledge whereof more eoncetneth a Phyfition,both for his fhape and properties, thanthis Scammonie,which Pena calleth Lactaria [canfortaque volvula,that is,milkie and climbing Windweed,whereofit is a kinde; although for diftinéion fake [haue placed them as twofeuerallkindes. Andalthough this herbe be fofpected,and halfe condemned of fomelearned men,yet thereis not any other herbe to be found,whereof fo fmalla quantitie will do fo mitch good: neither could thofe which haue carped at it,and reproued this herbe,finde any fimple in refpeét of his vertues tobe put in his roome ‘and hereof infueth great blameto all prattitioners, who hate not endeuoured to bee better acquainted with this herbe, chiefely to auoid the deceit of the craftie Drug-feller and Medicine. maker ofthis confected Scammonie; brought vs from farre places, ra- thertobecalled 1 feate infected Scammonic,or poifoned Scammonie, than confe&ed. But to auoid the inconueniences hereof, by reafon of the counterfeiting andill mixing thereof: I haue therefore thought good tofet downe what I haue taken out of the diligent,andnoleffe learned ob: fernations of Pevaseoncernins this plant, Ammo 1561501 1562.71dadver[pag .272. Sequinus Martinellus an Apothecarie of Ve$3 5cammonium M onfpeli ene, French Scanimonie. nice,being a moft diligent fearcher of Simples, that hemight haue the right Scammonyof Antioch,trauelled into Syria,where from the citie of Alepo hee fent an roo. weight ofthe iuice Cuar.319. of Scammonie of Antioch,prepared and hardhed into a lumpe,atthe making whereof he was prefent himfelfe. This man fent alfoof the feeds thereof,which in all points anfivéred the cornered feed of Volubilis ; which being fowne in the beginning of the Springat Padua and Venice,grew vp to the forofa braue & So0dly Convolvulus,in leaues,floures;and fhew folike vito our Ciffampelos,that a man would haue takenit for the famewithout controuerfiefauing that the root wasgreat, and in bigneffe equall Of Scammonie,orpurging Bindweed. + 2 Scamonea Vademina. 1 ScammoninumSyriacum Scammonie of Valentia. Syrian Scammonie, to the great Brionié, as alfo in tendernefle. The outward bark of the rootwas ofa dusky colour, and white within’: the inner pith beeing ‘taken forth feemethin all mens sadieraiches tobe the fame and the beft allowed Turtith officinarum : and yetit differeth from Turbith, in that, that it is more brittle, and will more eafily bee broken,though the pith in. Scammonié bee ne te emitnayG leffe gummieandful of milkie inice, than Turbith. Further Pena reporteth, that afterward hee fent of this feed vnto Antwerpe,where it grew ‘very brauely, the climing ftrings and branches growing vp to the height of fiueor fix cubites, notdiffering fromthat which was fowne imItalie. Alfo William Dries of Antwerp,a moft exéellent Apothecary,did cut ofthe branches of his Antwerpian Scammonie from the root,and. Cohfened the 3 as driedthem,planted the feeds in his garden, and to differ g nett roots With the Turbith of Alexandria,and could notfind them the makin Nisa, the one from the other in any point. But he that will know more concerning bie,in the tm reatresin and vfe of Scammony,let him reade Penain his chapter of Scammo- ; thot which visti cited wherehe fhall finde many excellent fecrets worthy the noting 5 cunnee know how tovfe fuch rare and excellent medicines. eas nee RrOWving nat oH of Valentia (whereof I haueplentie inmy garden)is alfoa kinde ofBindweed,. 3 swallis cai, by the {ea fidevpon the grauelly hore, by the mouth ofthetiuer Rhodanus, at a] The Defeription. 1 ; det, iRe of Sysiahath manyftalksrifing from one root, whichare longeb rhings like the clafping tendrels of the vine,by which it climeth and taket hol es= foot ous el as are nextvntoit,. The Jeaues bee broad , fharpe pointed like thofeo hedge Bindweed :among which come forth very faire white floures tending toaP | . ad ‘nice tha b becint : : j fathion, The rootis‘ long,thicke,and white within : out ofaes which is. gathered a 11° Tyedaed jew chan i Aguas Marianaswhere the Apothecaries of Montpel lier gatherof it great Pee tioch.This Ris to hardenthe milkie inice thereof,to vie itin ef of Scammonie of n+ ‘filets Plant bringeth forth manyflendér branches, which will climbe and very well tunvpon mountethto the height of fiue orfix cubits, climbing 8c r ere therewith,and tampine ses yi.eing fupported PINS like the firft kinde ofScammohie, The leaves ate greene, {mooth,plaine, #0 a pointed, |