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Show Of the Hiftorie ofPlants, ee ae Feehan Sere Tos tocome necre yntothe temperatureof the common Mallow,andto be ofa mollifying facultiebys his vfe in Phy ficke isnot yet knowne,andtherefore canthere be nocertaintie affirmed, Cuar. 356. 939 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. “7 ube ds Lis.2, * ‘Theherbe and roots dried beateninto moft fine pouder,and giuenhalfea fpoonfull fafting,and B and twenti¢ dates tothe like quantitic to bedwards in red wine,oroldclaret, for thefpace of one prooued, wherebyI have my felfe hane often cether, cureth mitaculoufly ruptures or butfings, as sottencrowsies and credit: if theruptures be in agedperfons it hall be necd full to adde thereto i. the powderofred fnailes (thofe whithout thels) dried inan ouen, innumbernite, whichfortif Of Cranes-bill. the herbs in fuch fore, that itneuer faileth, although the rupture be grear.and of long continuance: it likewife pr ofiteth much thofe that are wounded into the body, and the deco.tion of the herbe made in wine.sprevaileth mightily in healing inward wounds,as my felfe haue likewife proued, q The Kindes, Here be many kindes of Cranes-bil,whe reoftwo were known to Djofcorides, onewith the knob: byroot,the other with the Mallowleafe, Geranium Columbinum. CHAP. 357 gj The Defiription, Douesfoot,or Cranes-bill. ye hath manyhairy ftalks, trailing or leaning toward the ground, of a brownih color, fomewhat kneedor iointed,wherup- Geraninrs Robertianaums bill,or Storks-bill, as are alfoall the other ofhis kinde. The rootis flender,with fomefibres annexedthereto. are $+ 2. Thereis another kinde ofthis with larger ftalkes andleaues,alfo the leaues ate more deeply cut in and divided,and the floures areel- ther of the fame colouras thofeofthe common kinde,or elfe fomewhat more whitith.Thismay the bodies of trees that are cut downe, and in moift and fhadowie ditch banks.. becalled Geraniumcolumbinum mains dean folr« The Time. #, Great Doues foot. : 3. Tothis kinde may alfo fitly be referred the GeraniumSascatile ofThalius :therootls ~- Tt floureth from April] till Sommer béalmoft {pent:the herbe is green inwinteralfo,and is hardly hurt with cold; and threddy,, the leaues are fmoother, te ri morebluntly cut about the edges , andtvam Pe rent than thofe of the firft deferibed, yettom i and otherwife like them : the oe om a The Names. Itis called in high Dutch,aRupsechts beat ¢ in low Dutch, Robgechts kruits and thereupOn itis named in Latine,Ruberta,and Roberti her. ba: Rutlins callethit Robertiana ; and we, Rober. tianuin: of Tabernamontanus,Rupertianum : in Englith,Herbe Robert. Hee that conferreth this Cranes bill with Diofcorides his thitd Szderitis anded, and thebills like thole ofthe“Me™ plenti 0 os ; Matter Goodyer found it growing, the bankes by the highwayleading tecy : G The Place. Itis found neere tocommon high waies,defart places,vntilled grounds,and fpec walls almoft euery where. p z Towne allyspond ‘ @ The Time. pencfle in : It fpringethvp in MarchandAprill : foureth in May, and bringethhis fe ede to ri thall plainelyperceiue, thatthey are both one, andthat this is mot apparently Sideritis 3. Diofcoridss », for Diofiorides {etteth downe three Sideritides, one with the leafe of Horehound; the next with the leafe'of Fearne ; and the third groweth in pail and Vineyards: the natiue foileof Herbe Robert agree thereunto,and likewife the leaues, tion like vnto Cheruile,andriot vilike to thofe of Corianders, according to Diofcorides defcrip- une. : @| The Temperature. «| The Names. on aut in L lumbine. Co . : Dutch, Supuen Poet sin French,Pied de Pigeon : hereuponit maybe called Geran a ania 20° in Englifh,Doues-foot,and Pigeons-foot : of Diofcorides,Geraninmaltcrum: offome,P4 [m It is commonly called in Latine, Pes Columbinus : in High Dutch, Scavte Gruina, Le The Temperature. ‘enslean erto foder _ Dotes foot is cold and fomewhatdrie,with fomeaftriGiion or binding,hauing p iOine together. A me ©] The Defcription. Erbe Robert bringeth forth flender weake Pia brittle ftalks {omewhat hairiejand ofa reddith colour, as are oftentimes the leaues alfo,which are iagged and deepely cut, like vnto thofe of Cheruile,ofa moft loathfomeftinking {mell. The floures are of amoft bright purple colour ; which being paft,there follow certaine {mal heads,with fharpe beaksorbils like thofe of birds : the rdotis {mall and threddie. | The Place. Herbe Robert gtowethvpon old walls,as wel thofe made ofbricke and ftone,as thofe ofmud or eatth:it groweth likewife among rubbith, in colour,round,cut about the edges, and like vato thofe of the common Mallow: amongftiwhich comeforth the floutes ofa bright purple calor: afterywhichis the feed, fet togetherlike thehead andbil ofa birdawheruponitwas called Cranes- end. + ir Hetbe Robert. on do growrough Jeaues of anouerwornegreen ford towards London, neete'vato the Of Herbe Robert. a The Vertues, acethinfat ‘ > yaget Irfeeme th,faith my Author, tobe good for greeneand bleeding wounds,aud aflwas) mations or hor fvellings. he : Hetbe Robert is oftemperature fomewhatcold ; and yet both {couring and fomewhatbinding, Patticipating ofmixt faculties. is z @ Thé Veriues. " thingPom for woundsandvicers of the dugs &fecret parts,it is thought to ftanch ne A oe tofcorides doth attribute to his third Sideritis:the vertueofthis, faith he,is applied to heale Ploudy wounds, Cuar |