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Show 376 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. by Ba 2 The fecond kind of 4aemone hath leaues like to the precedent,infomuch that itis hard to diftinguith the one fromthe other but bythe floures onely : for thofe of this plant are of a mof bright andfaire skarlet colour, and as doubleas the Marigold ; and the othernot fe. The toot is “OF the Hiftory ofPlants. Lis. 2. 9 Anemone Matthioli, <Matthiolus white WVinde-floure, § Anemone Geranifolia, Storkes bill Winde-fioure, knobbyandverybrittle, as is the former, 3. Thegreat duemone hath double floures, vfuallycalled thé Anemone of Chalcedon (whichis acity in Bithynia) and great broadleaues deeply cut in the edges, notvnliketothiofe ofthe field Crow-foot; ofan ouerworne greene colour: amongftwhichrifeth vp a nakedbareftalke almog vato the top, where there ftand two orthree leaves in fhape like the others, but leffer ; fometimes changedintoreddith ftripes, confufedly mixed here andtherein the {aid leaues. Onthe topof the ftalke ftandeth a moft gallant floure very double, ofa perfe& red colour , the which js fome. ferue, butis. carried away with the winde. The rootis thicke and knobb y- lour, as. aforefaid. 5 _Thefifth fortofAmemone hath manyfmall iaggedleaues like thofe of Coriander , procee. ding froma knobby rootrefembling the rootof Sulbocaftanum or earth Chefnut. Theftalkerits vp amongft the leaues oftwohandshigh, bearing at the top a fingle floute, con{ifting of a paleor a 4 The fourth agreethwith the firft kind of 4vemone,in roots, leaues, ftalks,and tha pe ofRoutes, differing in that, thar this plantbringethforthfaire fingle red Houtesjand the otherofavioletco. @SEassCOOLED,ita remy times ftriped amongft the red with alittle linc or two ofyellow inthe middle 3 from which mid. dle commethforth many blackifhthrums. The feed is not to be found that I could eueroh. borderoflintle purple leaues,fomtimesred, and often ofa white colour {et abouta blackith poi tall, thrummed ouer with many {mall blackith haires. 6 Ancmonelatifolia Clufij. Broad leaued Winde-floure, $7 Anemone latifoliaduplofianfir, The double yellow wind-flous, Xo Anemonetrifolia, ; ‘Three leaued Winde-floure. 6 Thefixthath very broad feaues in ref;ped ofall the réft of the Aventones, nor wnlike to tho ofthe commonMallow, but greene onthey pper part,andtending to redneffe vnderneath,like the Ieaures of Sow-bread. The ftalkeislike thatof the laft defcribed, on the top whereof growes4 aie yellowftar-floure, witha head ingirt withyellowthrums. The root (faith my Author) is afing* long,thicke and knobby. ; oe 7 There isalfoanother whofe lower leaves refemble thofeofthe laft deferibed, yerthor which grownext aboue themare more diuided or cut in : amongft thefe leaues rifeth vp 42 fom ; 3a |