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Show 30 Of the Hittory ofPla nts. Lip 1 Ofthe'Hiftory-of Plants, fuchplaces that graffe which in the Hijtoria Lugdu vais fet forth’ vndex thie hain a Grain ” Lana. tum Datefchampy: the ftalkes and leauesiare much like the common medowgraffe, bur t] at they are more whitifh and hairy ; the head or panicleisalfo foft and Woolly,and it is common y ofa gray,or elfe amurrie colour. ; 2 , ‘ 7). Theréis to be found in fome bogs in Summettime about the endiof Iuly a préttyruthie gaffe fome foote orbetter inheight, the ftalke is hard and rufhie, hauing-fomethree idints, at each whereoftherecomes forth aleafeas in othergraffessand out! of the bofome ofthe two vps permoft ofthefe leaues comes out a flender ftalke being fome2 or3 inches high, and at the top thereofgrowes'asin a little vmble aprety whitechaffie floure;,andat, ornighto the top of the maineftalke there growthreeorfoure {uchfloures cluftering together vpon little fhortand flender foot ftalkes:theleaues are but finall,and fome handfull or better long; rth the roote I did not obferue. This feemes to haue fome afinitie with the Gramenjunceum aquaticum,formerly defcribed inthe ninthchapter. Ineuet found this but once,and that w as in the companie of M. 74 As Smith,and. M, lames Clarke, Apothecaries of London; we tiding into Wind fore Foreft vpon the {earch of rare plants, and we found this vpona bogge neerethe high way fideat the corner of the great parke, Ithinke it may very fitly becalled Gramenjunzenmleucanthe mum NN hite floured rufh-grafle. 8 Thelaft yeareat Margate in the Ifle of Tenet,neere tothefea fide and by the chalkycliffe Iobferueda pretty litle grafle whichfrom a {mall white fibrous roote fent v panumber of ftalkes of an vnequall height , for the longeft, which were thofe that lay partly {pred vpon the ground, were fome handfull high,the other that grew ftraightvp were not fo much ; and of this, oheinch and halfewas taken vp in the fpike or earewwhich was no thicker thanthereft.of the ftalk, ,and feemed nothingelfe buta plaine {mooth ftalke, vnleffe you looked vponit earneftly,and the might perceiueit tobe like Darnell graffe:wherefore in the Iournal! that I wrot of thisen you Sim- CHar. 23. Of (jotton Graffe, @ The defcription. His fitange Cotton graffewhich L’obelins hath compichended wndeer the kindes Of Rufhes ; notwithitanding that ir may’ paffe with the Ruthes; yet’I finde in mine owne experience, that it doth rather refemble gtaffe than rufhes, and may indiffer ently betaken for cithér,for that it doth participate ofboth: ‘The flaike is fmall and tufhy, sarnithed with manygraffy leaues along ft the fame,bearingat the top a buth or tuft of moft pleafant downe or corton like vito the moft Ane andfort white filke. The toor is vety tough, {mall and threddy. 2 This Water Gladiole,or graffy Rufh, of alldchers is the faire and mot pleafant to be hold, and ferueth very well for the decking and trimming vpof houfes, becanfe of the beauty and brauerie thereof: confifting of furidry {inal feaues, of a white colout mixed with carnation, growing at the top ofa bareand naked ftalke; flue oF fix: foot long, and’ fometime more, ‘The Icaues are long andflaggy, not muchvnlike the common reed. Theroot is threddy,and not Jong. 1 Gramen Tomentariuns. Cotton Graffe. : 2 Gladiolus paluftris Cordé. Water Gladiole, pling voyage,I called it pag.3 .Gramen parvummarinum [pica Loliacea, I iudge it to bethe that Baxhineinhis Prodromus,pag.19 hathfet forth vnderthe name of Gramen Loliaceum minusfame icafimplici. Itmaybe calledin Englith,Dwarfe Darnell Graffe, y The Darnell graffe that 1 comparedthe eare ofthis lat deferibe dynto,is not va the Gramen forbginum (which our Author called’ Datnel-graffe) but another gtaff~ e growing inmoft places withftalkes about fome fpanhigh,but they feldome ftand vptight, che eare is. madeinft like that whichhereafter chap.58.is called Lolinm rubrum, Red Darn ell,ofwhichI iudge this a variety dif fering little thereftombutin fmallneffe ofgrowth. ro Wpon Hampfted heath I haue often obferued a fmall graffewhofe longeft leaues are fel. dome abouetwoorthtee inches high,and thefe leaues are very greene, fmall,and perfeatly round. like the Spartum _Auftriacum, or Feather-graffe : I conld neuer finde any ftalke or eare yponit s wherefore I haue brought it into the Gardento obferue it better. In the forementioned Teanell Pg -33- youmay finde it vnderthe name of Gramey Spartium capillaceo folio minim um It may be this is that graffe which Bauhine fet forth in his Prodromus,pag.1 1 wader the title of Gr, amen {parteum Monjpeliacum capillaceofolio minimum.1 haue thought goodinthis place to explaine m oe ning bythefe two names tofuch as are ftudious ofplants, which may happen to light oy chain eewey were not intendedfor publi cke) tr vpon our Tournall,that they need not doubt of my Imuft not paffe over in filence two other Graff es, which for any thing that Iknoware ftrangets with vs,the one I haue feene whith M. Parkinfon, andit is fet his Prodromus. The other by forth by a of Losellin the fecond part of his Adverfaria 744.68. The Aeo n: i Bauhine fitly calls Gramen alopecuriode s (pica 4fpera,and thinkes it to be Gram, Babiisdeum Dalsfehan _ pij defcribed Ait. Lued, 4 pars 432.) hath a fibrous and white f yhich arife ftalke diuided by many knots,orknees iffe : the leaues are like to etreen ner:the eare is rough,of fome inch ie ‘ oe in length, and growes as it were vpon one fide Cenk ik rire careat firft is greene, and {hewes yello withl ittle flowers in Auguft aia 12 This other Graffe which Zobelin Gramen Scoparium Ichamipanmiculis Gallic the quotedplace figures and defcribes by the name of um, hath tootes fomecubit long. {lende (for of thefe are made r oo “ ftiffe. Lh ANT SN iy Nain ( H ! i ff id Sg Dy di Si TRS SRN SSSMCR NTT OES wy Wis ea S| PAR RNS Bu SORAN the head brufhes which are vulgarly vfed) the fitawis flender. an fe e bit high, being heere and there ioynt ois ed like to other Grafles : the top hath NE a ares ftandingafter the mahnerof Cock s foot Graffe, whereof it isa kinde ba ncaa atur tly. Orleance, and maybe called 10 EnglifhBru boa th-grafle. Cay The place and timby : * Cotton graffe gtoweth vpon Dogsand fuchlike mootifh places,andit is to be feene'vpont the bogs on Hampfted heath. It erowethlikewife in Highgate parke neere London, 2 Water Gladiole groweth in ftanding poolés, motes, and water ditches, ] found it ingreat plencybeingih company witha Wotthipfull Gentleman Mafter Robert Wilbraham, at a Village Cuare many/orher places’ the:feafon anfwieréshall oth¢?s: aThengmese 14 ‘Grane Tomentofumisicalled likewile uicasbombicings. ofCordus,Linumpraten[e,and Gite at : : : Dalit Hieronymi rony 3 e Peatium Bockj, In Englith Cottoyf eral. Water + eter fifteenerniles fiom TLonllsd called Buthey.)Tt-groiveth likewifenecre Redriife by London, and |