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Show 1406 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: — —— 1 Nerium.five Oleander. The Rofe Bay. 2 Nerium flore albo. The Rofe Bay with white floures 1407 : Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. L1B. 3- Lis. 3. : i (hamarhododendros Alpigena, Dwarfe Rofe Bay. Z the hils as ye go from Trent to Verona, which in Iune and Inly are as it were couered witha {carlet coloured carpet, of an odoriferous fa- uor,and delectable afpea, whichbeing fallen there commethfeed andfaire berries like. fparagus. q The Place. The placeand time are expreffed in the des {cription, | The Names. This may be called in Englith, Dwarfe Rofe Bay of the Alps.1 find not any thing extant of che vertues, fo that Lam conftrained ta Jeaue the reft vnto your ownedifcretion. +. The otherplantour Author formerly defecibed inthis chapter in the 2.place by the name of Chamarododendros mont ma,I hone here omitted becaufe hefetie forth before by thenameof (‘iftus LedumSilefixcum,giuing 2. figures ahd ene defeription,in the 1. and 12, places ofthe 8.chap. ofthis 3.Booke, Cua v.68. Ofthe Bay of q The Defiription. Laurus, q The Place. Thefe growin Italy and other hot regions, byriuers and the Sea fide : I haue themgrowing my garden, @ The Time. 7 he Names, dendron,and Rhododaphne,that is to fay,Rofea arbor,and Rofa Laurus :in fhops, Oleander : in It 9 in French, Rofagine ; in Englith, Rofetree, & q 7 he Temperature and Vertues. ; p This tree being outwardly applied,as Galen faith,hath a digefting facultie: but ifit be swe? takenit is deadly and poifonfome, not only tomen,but alfotomoft kindesof beatts. : B The floures andleaues kil] dogs,affe s,mules,and very manyof other foure footed beafts :>a) mendrinkethemin winetheyare a remedy againtt the bitings of Serpents,and the rather fA added, . The weaker fortof cattell,as thee pand goats, © beenfteeped; are fure tdsdie: a yh Bay or Laurell tree commeth oftentimesto the height ofa tree ofa mean bigneffe;ir is full ofboughes,coueare long, broad,hard, of colour greene, {weet- ote This plant is namedin Greeke tem,by Nicander sex: in Latine likewife Nerion, and alfo 2° Oleandro: in Spanith,4delfa,Eloendro,and Alendro Bay,Rofe Bay tree and Oleander, N red witha greene barke : the leaues thereof In my gardentheyfloure inluly and Auguft: the cods beripe afterwards. @q The Bay tree. sae if they drinke the waterwherein the leaues>* ly fmelling,andin tafte fomwhat bitter : the floures along ft the boughes andleauesare of a greene colour : the berries are more long than round,and be couered witha black tind, or pill: the kernell within is clouen into two parts,like that of the Peach and Almond,and other fuch, of a browne yellowifhcolour, feet of fmell,in tafte fomewhat bitter,with alittle fharpeor biting qualitie. 2 There is alfo-a certaineother kinde hereof morelike toa fhrub,fending forth out of the roots many off{prings,which notwith. ftanding growethnot fohighas the former; and the barkesof the boughes be fomewhat Cua. 67. Ofdwarfe Rofe Bay. Gq The Defiription. Warfe Nerium,or Rofe Bay,hath leaues which forthe moft part are alw fmallofa palé yellow colour like Box, far leffer than Oleander : the who bieftature,leaning this wayand thatway,as notabletoftand vprightwi hes are coueredandfet full of{mall flouresOfa fhining {carlet or cr n cx red: the leaues be alforenderer, andnot fo hard: in other things not valike. Thefe two Baytrees Diofcorides was not ignorant of s for he faith, that the one is nar« rowleafed, and the other broader leafed, os like, rather harder leafed whichis more q The Place, "The Laurell or baytree groweth onig EEN ByeiES Laurell trees |