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Show AaAppear ap the Hiftory of Plants. very like thofeofthe comfmooth fhort foot-{talksjoneona foor-ftalke : after which follow cods pedleaues, a little hairy by the edges, fet on eachfide ofa long middle rib, whichis about nine or leaues, neere ten inches in length, without tendrels : the floures grow forthof the bofomes of.the the tops ofthe ftalkes,on long round ftreaked hairy foot-ftalkes, ofa very pale yellowcolour, like thole of Securidaca minorbut bigger,growing clofe together in fhort fpikes,which turne into {pikes of the length of two or three inches, containing many, {mall three cornered cods about an inch long, growing clofe togetherlike thofe of Glaux vulgaris, each cod containing two rowesoffinal] fixe comered Peafon, monfield peafon, but lefferjan inch and'a halfe long containing foure, fitte,or field peafonand ofthe fame tafte; of afand colour, or darke obfcure yellow,as big d4scommon Lathyrus paliftris Lufitanicus Boelij of leaues which grow Hath alfo flat skinnie ftalks like the faid Lathyrus latiore folioout the paire {carce worthicto indeed are nd florelutco,a Lathyrus of thofe ate as onthe ftalke are exceeding {mall colour,like to flatfoure cornered feeds, three orfoure in each row, ofa darkeyellowith or leadith thofe of Secaridaca minor, but three or foure times as big, oflittle afte : the root is fmall, flender, white, with a few threds, and groweth downeright, and perifheth when the feed isripe. I firft ga- be called leaues : the other paire of leaues are about two inches long, abonehalfean inch broad,and algrow fiombetweenethofe {mall leaues,on flat foot-ftalks,an inch long : betweene which leaues on thered feeds of this plant in the garden of mygood friend M*.Job,Parkinfon an Apothecary of Lon. long, commonly two fo grow thetendrels : the floures grow.on foot-ftalks which arc fineinches the vnder leaues-are colour,and ed ofabrightr being leaues coucting afoot-ftalke,the great vpper big don, Anno 1616. peafon,no fomewhat paler: after commeth flat cods,containing fe uen or cight {malhround. tipe ofa than a Pepper corne,gray and blacke,fpottedbefore theyare.tipe, and whenthey asa-fal ly. Fabaveteram ferratis folys Boely. fomwhat blacke colour,in tafte like commonPeafon : the ftalks,leaucs,foot-ftalkes and coddes.are : hairy and rough. Pifum maculatum Boely., ler,and in the manner.of Hath alfo flat skinnie ftalks likethe faid Lathyras latiore folio,out ( two fmall f rp pointed leauesad® the growing of the leaues altogether contraric. This hath alfo at the top, has | ioyningto the ftalke: betweene which groweth fortha flat middle rib with tendrels Theyare like tothe fmall commonfield Peafonin ftalkes, leaues, and cods ; the difference ‘is, the floures are commonlyfmaller, and ofawhitith greenecolour : the Peafon are of a darke gray colour, fpotted with blacke fpogs in thewliketo blacke Veluet ; in afte they are:alfolike , but fomewhatharfher. Thefe peafonI gathered. in the garden of M*. Jota Parkinfon,a skilfull Apothecarie ofLondon; and they werefirft brought out ofSpaine by Boelins a low-Countrey man. | foures, the great couering leafe being ofa bright redcolour. and the two ynderleaues ofa blewith purple colour : afterwhich follow {mooth cods, abotie twoinches long,containing,fide, fixe,or than © feuen fmooth Peafon,of a browne Cheftnut colour,not round, but fomewhat flat, more long parted feeds thereoftome,in Amnoi1620. Isl. 31.1621. # uing on eachfide(not onea ‘aint another)commonly rhree blunt topped Ieaues, fometimes three onthe one fide,and two onthe other,and fometimes but foure in al!,about an inch anda halfe long: | the floures grow on foot-ftalks, about two or three itiches long,cach foot-ftalk vfuallybearing two broad,efpecially thofe next boththe ends of the cod,of the bigneffe and tafte ofcommonfield peas eftivus flore Luteo, Iuly. 28. 16213 This is like Lathyris latiorefolio Lobelg, in ftalks, leaues,and branches, but {mailers the ftalks are two orthrec footlong, made flat with two skins; with twoexceeding {mall leaues growing on the ftalks, one oppofite againft another: betweenewhich {pring vp flat foot-ftalks, an inch long; bearing two exceeding narrow fharpe pointed leaues, three inches long : betweene which grow fon. Iuniperusflerilis, "This {hrub'is in the manner Ofgrowing altogether like the Iuniper tree that bearcth berries,ons | ly the vpperpart of the leaues of the youngeft and tendereft bowes and branches are ofa.more ved difh Stcene colour: the floures grow forth of the bofoms ofthe leaues,ofa yellowith colour,which the tendtels,diuided into manyparts at the top,and taking hold therwith:the floures are {mal and growforth of the bofomes of the leaues, on each foot-ftalk one floure,wholly yellow, with purple | neuer exceed three in one row,the number alo ofeachrowof leaues:.each floure is hike to r {mall bud,more long than round,neuergrow ing to the Iength ofa quarter of an inch, being nothing elfe tained feuen round Peafon,fomewhat rough,but aftera curious manner,of the bigneffeand tafteof middle ftem,in the end turning into {mall duft,which flieth away with the winde, not muchvalike firakes. After eachfloure followeth a {mooth cod,almoft round, two inches long, wherein is con- { but very fmall fhort crudely chiues,v Lathyrus aftivus Baticus florecaruleo Bocly. This is alfolike Lathyris latiore folio Lobely put {maller,yet greater than that with yellow flours, having alfo adioining to the flat ftalkes,two eared fharpe pointed leaues,and alfo two other flender fharpe pointed leaues,about foure inches long, growing ona flat foor-ftalke beetweene them, an inchand a halfe long,and one tendrel between them diuided into two or three parts:the floures are large, and growonlongflender foure-fquare foot-ftalkes,from the bofomes ofthe leaues, on each foot-ftalk one:the vpper great coucring leafe being ofa light blew,& the lower fmaller leaues of adeep:-r blew :which paft there come vp fhortflat cods,with two filmes,edges, or skins onthe great flat cornered, Peaion, vpperfide, like thofe ofEruilia Lobel, containing within foure or fiue bigger thanfield Peafon,ofa darke fand colour. Lathyrus eftivus edulis Baticusflore albo Boely. 49 This is in fat skinnyftalks,leaues,foot-ftalks,and cods,with twoskins on the vpper fide, and 1a all things elfelike the faid Lathyrus with blew floures;only the floures ofthis are milk white #the fruit is alfo like. Lathyrus aftivus flore miniato. : Thisis alin skinnic flat ftalks andleaues like the faid Lathyris latiorefulio, but far fmallerjnot three foot high : it hathalfo {mall fharppointedleaues growing bycouples on the ftalke,between whichgrowtwoleaues,about three inches long,ona flat foot-ftalk halfan inch long:alfo between ch thofe leaues rowthe tendrels:the floures are colouredlike red Jead,but notfo bright, grerioe moorh thicke and clofe thruft. together, faftened toavenimiall that of Taxus fPerilés : on this {hub is neuerfound anyfruit, 15. M@2q.1621. field Peafon,and ofadarke fand colour, V Hen the lat theets of this worke were on the Preffe,I receiued a Letter from from M*. Roger Bradfhaghewherein he fent me inclofeda note concerning fome plants mentioned byour Au; thorwhich Ihaue thought fitting here toimpart to the Reader : he writes not who itwas thatwrit them;wherefore I cannot acquaint you w ith his name,but thanke him,though vnknowne,for his de- | fiteto manifeft the truth,and fatisfie our doubts in thefe particulars. | ) eAeM TRIN INN ti Rr —Tea ee Lathyrws eftivus dumetorum Baticus Bocly Ecaufe youwrite that Gerard; Herbal is vpon a review, hauethought goodto put youinmind Dwhat Thatie obferued touching fomeplants which by himare affirmed.to grow in. ourNerthern atts : firft the plant called P/rola,whichhe faith growethin Lanfdale,I haue made {earchfor ic the hace of twentie yeates, byt no fuch is to be heardof. Sea Campionwitha ted floute was told him growethin Lancafhire: ho fuch hathever bin feen byfich as dwell neere where they fhouldgrow. White Fox-gloues grownaturally in Lanfdale.faith he, it is very rare to,fec one in Lanfdale. Garden Rofe he writes sroweth about Leiland in Gloucrs field wilde: Thaue learned the truth tom thofe towhomthis Glouers field did belong,and I finde no fuch thing, only aboundance of fed we? : Mwilde ronnie “wilde pappie, f call Corne-rofeis there feene. which the people White Whor hire: Thaue there,but none could Yare labouring vpon the mountains where the V Vort atrceae This is like the other wilde Beanein ftalks, floures, cods, fruir, and clafping tendrels,burit dif. fereth fromit inthat the leaues hereof(efpecially thofe that growneere the tops of the ftalks)are notched orindented about the edges like the teeth of'a faw, The rootalfo peri fheth when the feedis ripe. Thefeeds of this wilde Beane were gathered by Boelivs'a Low-country man,in Beticaa partof Spaine,and by himfent to M* William Coys, whocarefully preferued them,and alfo im- a 1629 oe 1628 |