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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plan ts. I Py rola, Winter Greene, Lis. 2 Lis. 2. £ 2 Pyrola 2 tenerior Cluf. Of theHiftoryofPlants. grow floures like to thofe of t {cribed, yet fomewhat larger,ofa purple colour;which fading arefucceeded by fiue corneredfeedveffels containing a 5 Monophyllon. OneBlade, Thefmaller Winter-Greene’ very {mall feed ; the rootsare long &creeping. It growesalittle ftom Vienna in Auttria in the woods of Entzeéftorf, and in diuers places ofBohemiaandSilefia. 4 This from creeping roots fends vp fhort ftalkes, fet at certaine {paces with {mall,round, and thin leaues.alfo fnipt about the edges,amongft whichvpona naked fterh growes a dloure of a prettybignes,confifting offiue white fhatpith pointed leaues withten thteds,anda long poin- tell in the midft. The feedis containedin fuch heads as the former, aiid it is very {mall.This growes in the fhadowieplaces ofthe Alpes of Sneberge, Hochbe Durrenftaine, towards the roots of great mountaines, (/uf- + 5 Monephyllon,or Vaifoliumath aleafe not muchvnlike the greateft leafé of Iuie; ‘with manyribs or finewes like the Plan- taine leafe ; which fingle leafe doth alwaies {pring forth ofthe earth alone, but whenthe ftalkerifeth vp, it bringeth vpon his fides two leaues, in fafhionlike the former ; at the top of which flender ftalke come forth fine {mall floures like Pyrola-whichbeing vaded,there fucceedfinall red #3 Pyrola 3.fruticansCluf. Shrubby Winter-Greene. £ 4 Pyrola 4.minima Clif. Round Jeaue d Winter Greene, berries. The roote is fmall, tender; and creeping farre abroad vnder the vpper face of the earth, q The Place. 1 Pyrola growethin Lanfdale,and Crauen, in the North part of England,efpeciallyina clofé called Crag-clofe. 2 Monophyllon groweth in Lancafhire inDingley wood,fix imiles from Prefton if Aunder: nefle ; and in Harwood,neere to Blackburne likewife. q The Time. : 1 Pyrola flourethin Iune and Iuly,and groweth winter and fommer. 2 Monophyllon floureth in May,andthe fruit is tipe in September 1 @ The Names. Pyrolais called in Englifh Winter-greene: it hath beéne called Limonine ofditers, but vntruly. 2 Monophyllon, according to the etymologie of the word, is called in Latine 7néfolivm: inEnglith,One-blade,or One-leafe. @ The Nature: Pyrola is cold inthe fecond degree,and driein the third, Mone lois hotand dry of complexion. @) The Vertues, te ; Pyrola* isa mot s ar wound-hearbe,2 either giuen inwardly, or appliedoutwardly :the leaues D 4 > whereof ftampec ned,andthe iuice madeinto an vnguent,or healing {alue,with waxe,oile, and turpentine,doth cure wounds,vlcers,and fiftulaes,that are mundified from the callous & tough Matter,which keepeth the fame from healing. he decoétion hereof madewith wine,is commended to clofe vp and heale frlles,and inwardparts: it is alfo good for vicers of the kidneies,efpecially wounds of the en. B made with water, and ~< Toots of Comfrey addedthereto: ‘, aeleaucs ofst anophyllonsor Vaifolium,are of the fame force in wounds with Pyrola, efpecially Cc fan sa Is among the nerues and finewes.Morcouer,it is efteemed of fome late writers a moft peta oie ieie againft the peftilence,andall poifons,if a dram ofthe root be giuen in vingger mixvn Wine or water,and the ficke go to bedandfiveat vpon it. Curar; |