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Show & , Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants= ———— Lis. T, aoe 34 : yet fome terme it uma Carc and a, merit by the name of Terra moft Writers, andin fhops,calledcall it Turmericke. zh Crocus Indicas, andwein Englith e and vertuese pti * . . * @ The temperatur and sit ns, ae uctio: ee on oO obftr ee, and|hatha qualitieE rages ir d degree, ¢ tainly hotiin the thir cold i the t This rootiscer againf ,and dife Taun ow nft the yell s agai is vfed with goodfuccefle in medicine pers of the liver and fpleene. Cap. 28. OfZedoarie. in Edoarie is alfo a root growing naturally Cathe woods of Malavar about Calecut and f arelarnanor intheIndies , the leaues thereo ;the root 1s ger than Ginger, and much like them differentfiof parts of fting confi but , large alfo as ; theircoround s other all, andfm ‘gures, fomelong, infide, Tour is white,and oft times brownifhon the + Zerumbeth, fine Zedoaria rotunda, Round Zedoarie. Ofthe Hiftorie ofPlants: retell “Tipen - eeeaheaaia ean the maleis barren, and growet it groweth againe of the feed. And they affirmelikewife that obferue anyfuch thing: neuer could I yet ; fhoots yong ofthe againe to fometwo yards andan halfe + 3 There growes a Ruflytothe thicknes of a Reed, and is very porous and light,and it e; kingdom inthis grounds three yards high,in diuers fenny ained in teddifh vfually make mats,and bottom chaires there with. T he feeds arecos tufts,be ot vnlefle in waterss $ king out atthe top thereof. The roots arelarge andioynted,and it gre wnes not much diffewe and common likewife is Ruth, fharpe the or tus, 4 Tuncusacu v houfes and chamd,fitee pointe {harper and , rougher harder, but ring from Inncus lenis, to duftand filth turne they pithy and foft fo are others bers than any of thereft ; for the much lo found Jaf: will ic that with much treading ; where contrariwife this ruth is fo hard to fomefoot in heigth, hagrowing Ruth of kinde {mall pretty another salfo +5 Therei y Horfe-taile: This ruth hath of the or uing {mooth fralkes whichend ina headlike to that places, but not fo frewatery m growes It thereof. e alfo one little joynt towards the bottom quentlyas the former. + I Tuncus leuts. CommonRuthes. a Tunes acutis. Sharpe Ruth, or hard Ruth. g out of them, and they haue many fiberscommin fg ard but theyare taken away together with the outw ine-like fmell, and fomewhat an g medic a ftron haue e roots Thef vs. to come ethey rinde befor tafte. l vngrateful \ |, The names. fe figure we here giue you) und(who nd thero ria,a Zedoa e Some call the long parts ofthef roots fferent, whenasindeedtheyare but parts of the fameroot,as Lobell Zerumbeh, and make themdi : others and Zerumbeth difterent,as _Anicen andothers haue well obferued. Some make Zedoaria ofEgines and Serapio. Some thinke it tobe *anée Rhafe as one, them make and them ound conf ,and ‘Gu, sic lenis eects wire 5 It isan Aromaticke ta: but thatis not fo; forhe faith, 2 seusndérrur was it , That d faid haue fhoul he asif much ias ents whichis : therefore chiefely mixed in ointm put into ointments for the fmells fake, which in this isnowayes gratefull, but ratherthe contiarie. ‘A @ The temperature and vertues. Teishot and dryin the fecond degree itdifcuffes flatulencies, and fattens bya certaine hid- cke, Onions,ortoo denqualitie. It alfo diffipates and amends the vngratefull {mell which Garli and ftings of tnuchwine infe@ thebreath withall, ifit be eatenafterthem. It.cures the bites venomous creatures, ftops laskes, refolues the Abf{ceffes of thewombe,ftayes vomiting, helpes . the Collicke, as alfo the paine ofthe ftomacke. like fuch and plague, the againft Antidotes in vfed much is and wormes, Itkills all fortsof B contagious difeates. $ Cuar.29. OfRufhes. Donotheteintend to trouble you withan accurate diftinGion and enumeration of Ruthess forif I fhould, wouldbe tedious to you, laborious to me,and beneficial! to neither. There_ fore Iwillonely defcribe and reckon vpthe chiefe and more note-worthy of them beginning aig ‘ with the moft vfuall and common. £ a] The defcription, 1 The roots ofourcommonRuthes are long andhairy,fpreading largelyin the ground, from which,as fromoneentire tuft, proceed a great company offmall rufhes; fo exceedingly we knowne, that] fhallnorneed to fpend muchtime about the defcription thereof. Py @ The place. oweth in fertile fields, and meadowes that are fomewhat moift. anding pooles, and by rivers fides in fundryplaces. hs groweth vpon dry and barren crounds,efpecially neere thefurrows of plowed need not fpeake of their time ofgrowing, they being focommon as they ate. q 7he names. d : low Dutch The Ruth is called in Greckeseine: in Latine Zvscus : 10 high Dutch ssinken $ in : There et forts of Ruthes befides the former, whofe pi@ures arenot here exprelt, and thexrather, for that the general! defcription of Ruthes, as alfo their common vfeand feruice, Bieler + in Italian Géwnco : in Spanith twaco : in French Jone : in Englith Ruthes. 2 3. TheGrecians havecalled the Bull-Rufhsesiee- The greater are commonly in many ; : places termed Bumbles, harpe pointed, and without knots. Their tuft or flower breaketh forth a little beneaththetop, vponthe ane fide ofthe Ruth, growing vponlittle fhort ftems like Grape clufters, wherein 15 contained the feed after the fafhion ofa fpeares point. The rootsbe lender and full of ftringsPliny, and Theephraftus before him, affirme that the roots of the Ruth do die euery yeare, and that 4 Luncus acutus is calledin Greckeségere+ In Datch ferent 262eters. 4 ; By Dalefchanipis, Innes dine 5 This iscalled by Lobell,[uacus aquations minor C spits Equifeti uatnus, Or Club-Ruth, «| TH i affe W This great are fufficientto leadevs tothe knowledge ofthem. or Bul-_Rufh, 0 ater-Graffe oo npor Se 100ts forth many whichbe ‘round , fmooth, f{prings., flrait wwiggic leaues:bringeth any — orc fteadof ae it growet srowetll it 1. Juncusleuisis that Ruthwhich Diofcorides called gsincneia |