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Show 1196 Of the: Hiftorie ‘of Plants. Lis. a Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. ~ Lise. ny upon he did not onely piffe bloud,but alfo it moftwonderfully guthedforth,bothathis nofe and Thedried herbelaied among garments keepeth them from Mothes and othervermine, | The Names, Itis called in Greeke ma, oras it is found in Pliny his copiés Carphos: in Latine, Ferm Gre. cv: Columella faith that itis called Sigqua:in Plinywe read Silicia : in Varro,Silicaa:in high Dutch; sBockboene sin Italian, Fienereco: in Spanith, Alfornas : in French, Fenegrec : and in Englith; Fenegreeke, “| The Temperature and Vertues. Itis thought according to Galen in his booke of the Faculties ofnourifhments,that it is one of A thofefimples which do manifeftly heat,and that men dovéeit for food,as they do Lupines; forit is Cuar. 500. Of Fenugreeke. takenwith pickle to keep the bodyfoluble,and for this purpofe it is more agreeablé than Lupines, fecing it hath nothing in his owne proper fubftance,that may hinder the working. G Lhe Defcription. Enugteeke hath a Jong flendertrailing ftalke, greene, hollow within, and dinided into divers ‘{mall btanches : whereon do growleaueslike thefe ofthe medow Trefoile, but rounderandleffer; greene on the vpperfide, on the lowerfide tending toan ath colour: among which comefinall'white floures,after themlikewife long lender narrow cods,in which do lic final] vneuen feeds; of a yellowifh colour: whichbeing dried, hauea ftrong {mell, yet notyn- pleafant: the rootis fmall,andperifheth whenit hathperfe dedhis feed. 1 Fenumgrecum. £2 Fenumeracumfyluefire. Fenugrecke, Wilde Fenugreeke. The inice of boiled Fenegteeke taken with honie is goodto purge by the ftooleall mannerof E comipthumors that remaine in the guts, making foluble throughhis flimineffe, and mitigating panethrough his'warninefie. t And becaufe it hath init a clenfingor {couring facultie, it raifeth humors out ofthe chef :but C theremuft be added vnto it no great quantitie ofhonicleaft the biting qualitie fhould abound. Inold difeafes of the cheft without a feuer,fat datesare to be boiled with it,but when youhaue D mixed the fame iuice preffed out witha great quantitie ofhony,and haue againe boiled it ona foft fire toamean thickneffe,then mutt youvie it long before meat. Inhis booke of the Faculties of fimple medicines he faith, that Fenegreck is hot in the fecond B degreeand dry in the firft: therefore it doth kindle and make worfe hot inflammations,but fuch as uelefle hot and more hard are thereby cured by being wafted and confumed away. Themeale of Fenegrecke,as Diofcorides {aith,is of force to mollifieand wafte away:being boiled F wihmead and applied it taketh away inflammations,as well inward as outward. Thefame being tempered or kneaded with niter and vineger, doth foften and wafte away the G hatdneffe ofthe mile. : Itis good for womenthat haue either impofthume,vicet,or flopping ofthe matrix,to bathe and py fitinthe deco tionthereof. Theinice ofthe deco Aion preffed forth doth clenfe thehaire, taketh away dandraffe, {coureth tuning fores of the head,called of the Greecians éxepx: being mingled with goofe greafe,and putvp ‘manner ofa peffarie,or mother fuppofititorie,it doth open and mollifie all the parts, about the Mother, ~ Gteene Fenegreckebruifed and pounded withvineger,is a remedicfor weak and fecble parts,and K thetatewithout skin,vicerated and raw. Thedecodtion thereof is good againft vicers in the low gut, and foule ftinking excrements of J, tholethat hauethe bloudy flix. Theoile which is preffed out thereof fcoureth haires and fears in the prinic parts, Thedecoétion SS M aBenegrecke (eed, made inwine, and drunke with a little vineger, expelleth all N Silhumors in the fomacke and guts. ; hefeed boiled in winewith dates and hony,vnto the formofa fyrrup,doth mundifieandclenfe © Hebreaft, and eafeth the paines thereof. Themeale of Fenegreek boited in mead or honied water,confumeth anddiffoluethall cold hard P Mpotthumes and fwellings,and being mixed with the roots of Marfh Mallows and Linfeed effe- ~ ‘eth the fame. 3 Itis Vety goodfor womenthat haue any griefe or fwelling in the matrix,or other lowerparts, if a Seybathe thofe parts with thedecoction thereof made inwine, ar fit ouer it and feat. B 'Sgood to wath the head with the decoétion of the féed,forit taketh awaythe feurfe,feailes, Ri “Sand all other fuchlike imperfections. 2 There is awildekinde hereofferuingto little vfe, that hath fmal] round branc he: knees orioints: from eachioint proceedetha {mal tender foorftalk,whereon do growt hree hebole ; and no more,fomewhat fnipt about the edges,like vnto thofe ofBurgundie Haie: from ts roug's whercofcomeforth {mall yellow floureswhich turne intolittle cods : the rootis GCS andpliant. Of Horned Clauer, and blacke (laners @| The Defiription, q The Place. -iethert Fenugteeke is fownein fields beyond thefeas : in England wee fowa {mall quantit our gardens. mber.atwhatti™ op @ The Time. : Athath two feafons of fowing,according to Columellaofwhichoneis in Septem! si onthede itis fowne that it may ferue forfodder againft winterthe otheris in the end of Januarie, ginning ofFebruarie,notwith{tanding we maynot fowit votill Aprill in England. Cuar. soi « TH Hehorned Clauer,or codded Trefoile,groweth vp with many weakeandflenderftalks 4 lying vponthe ground : about which are fet white leaues,fomewhat long,leffer,aud nar fnofs qe n)0 the other Trefoiles: the floures grow at the tops,of the fafhion ae fhining yellow colour: after ant i: which come certain ftraight cods,bigger cm oo é ae: aes at their ends,in which are contained little round feed;the root is hard and wood~ sadeth forth young {prings eucry yeare, Hbhbh 3 +ai Sener D_ mouth. 1197 a} |