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Show GES a ES teeee Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lis. i q The defiription. Orneof Afiatbeareth a long great ftem orftalke, coucred with great leaues like the great Cane reed, but muchbroader, and ofa darke brownifh colour towards the bot- tome:at the topofthe ftalkes growidle or barrentufts likethe commonReed, fomtimes ofone colour, and fometimes ofanother, Thofe eares whichare fruitfull do growvpon the fides of the ftalkes, among the leaues, whichare thicke and great, focoueredw ith skins or filmes, thataman cannotfee themvntill ripeneffe haue difcouered them, The graineis of fundric co- fours, fometimesred, and fometimeswhite, and yellow, as my felfe haue feene in myneownegarden, where it hath cometo ripeneffe. Of the Hiftorie ofPlants. @ Thetime. It is foweninthefe countries in Marchand Aprill,and the fruit is tine Stee Tipe @ Thenames, t Turky wheatts called of fome Frumentum Turcicum,and Mil Mai=,or Mays. It in all probabilitie was vnknowneto theantien thors. In Englith itis called Turky corne, and Turkywheat. :The tor , @| Thetemperature and vertues, Blew Turky wheat. nourifhment, it flowly defcendeth, and bindeththe belly, as that doth which is made of Mill or Panick. Wehaueas yet nocertaine proofeor experience concerning the vertues ofthis kinde of Corne; although the barbarous Indians, which knowno better, are conftrained to make a vertue ofneceffitie, and thinke it a good food : whereas we mayeafily iudge,that it nouritherh but little, andis ofhard and cuilldigeftion,a more conuenient foodfor fivine than for men, Vly Cuar. 62. Sorghum, 26 Turky Millet, ‘2 Of Turkie Mille, q| TR ce(cription. 'Vrky Millet isa ftranger in England. Ir hath manyhigh ftalkes,thicke,and jointed commonly with fome nine ioynts , befet with many long and broad leaues like Turky VVheat: : & a) = = = > is} a4 at the top whereofgroweth a great and large tuft or care like the great Reed. Thefeed is round and tharpe pointed, of the bigneffe ofa Lentill,fometimesred, and now andthen ofafuller blacke coJour. It is faftned witha multitude offtrong flender roots like'vhto thréds : the whole plant hath the forme of aReed : the ftalkes and eares when the feed is ripe are red. q The place.. It ioyethinafat and moift round; it stoweth AS = S 8 = BB > = = Ss S 8Ss = oY pa 4 hy Inhs the Iflands adioyning, as alfo ofthe Eaft and Wet Indies, do call it ata <S Rg oo Ss s ve = Thee: 1. Seotembes li) o ptemober, Turky wheat doth nourifhfar leffe thaneither wheat,rie, barley, or ores, which is made thereof is meanly white,without bran: it is hard and dryas Bis ket is,andThebread hath ; i init noclammineflé at all ; forwhichcaufeit is of hard digeftion,andyeeldet! 1 to the body little or no 6 FrumentumIndicum carulenm. 5 Framentum Yndicum rubrum. Red Turky wheat. 21 in Italy, Spaine, andother hot regions. 2 The flalke of Turky Wheat is like thatof the Reed, fu ll of fpongiepith,fet with many ioynts, fiue or fix foot high, bigge benea th,and nowandt hen: ofa purple colou r,and by little and little {mall aboue: the leaues are broa d; long, fet with vaines like c the topofthe ftalke on alke t {panne lon g, like vnto the feather top thofe of the Reed, The eares bea ofthe commonReed, diuided into manypluntes hanging downward, em pty and barren withoutfeed yet blooming as Rie doth Thefloure 1s eitherwhite, yellow, or purple,that is to fay, euenas the fruit will be *The containedin very bigge cares, which Fruit is growout ofthe ioynts of the falke three or foure from one ftalke, orderlyplaced one aboue another, coucred with cotesor filmes like huske s and itwereacertaine fheath , out ofwhich do ftand long andflender beards,foft and tehder Ieaues,as if Jaces that grow vpon Sauorie, but great . likethole er and longer, euery one faftned vpon his owne feed. The feeds are great, of the bigneffe ofcommon ts the care, and in the outward part round :peafon, corneredin that part wherebythe eeaftned being ofcolour fometimes white. now and 10w, purple,orred ; of tafte fireetand then yelpleafant,veryclofely io yned togetherin a es sereortan ias.This ; eight ers tenne h oror tenneor orrankes, ight ingorgraine hath many roots, ftrong,andfull yhea tog: of firings. genie! © Theplace. oe rete eriS1NGs n € Of gi grain ge were were firft firkt broug broughhtint t Spainee, , andth eninto other prouii nces of Euand then Or oo a me pee out ofAfia minorinto o Spain , whichis the Turks Dominions 5 but out of : atthe tands adioyning, as out Ameof Florida and Virsini rembe fowor fet it, and toon secant de vie i ceeen and ds Vmuch irginia, or Nore OFbe the of mbeg theyvf awhe wre to re ee it grow eth higher than ig other countries. eIris antecin the garde ns of t thefe g thefe North Norther reo? ns, wher ernene regio therei c e tit comm metf eth to ripen i effe when the th out out toto be t alle fe h as my1 fal t befaire>and and hor, f: felfe haue feene i myne by proofe in owne carden d P, o ¢ ¢ fom- i a THe | The time. This is one of the Sommer graities, andis ri pe in Autumne. | The names, The Millanois and other people of Lombardy callit Melegua,and Melega: in Latine, Melica : in Hetruria,Sazgina : inother places ofItaly,Soreho: in Portugal, MiliumSaburrum : in Englith,Turky Mill, or Turky Hirfle. r $ This feemes to be the <4¢ilinm which was brought into Italy out of India, in the reigne of the Emperour Nero. the which is deferibed| IY Pliny, lib. 18. cap.7. q The temperature andvertues. Thefeed of Turky Mill is like vnto Panicke in tafte and temperature. The country People fome- times make bread hereof, but itis britt le, and of little nourifhment, andforthe imioft part it fer- ueth to fatten hens andpigeonswith, CHAP. |