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Show Ofthe Hiftorieof Plonts. Laeghae + The names of fuch as I haue added haue been {ufficientlyfet forth in their titles and, ftories. ¢ The Nature, The yellow Ly/imachiawhichis the chiefe and beft for Phyficke vfes, is coldand drie, andyery ] aftringent. @ The Vertues, Theiuice,according to Dis{torides,is good againft the bloudy flix,being taken either by potion or Clifter. ‘ It is excellent good for greene wounds, and ftancheththe bloud: being alfo putinto there fthrils,it ftoppeth the bleeding at the nofe. The fmoke of the burned herbe driueth awayferpents, and killeth flies and gnats in ahoble, whichPliny {peakethofin his 25 -book,chap.8. Snakes, faith he,craul! away at the{mell of Loot ftrife. The fame Authouraffirmethinhis 26 booke, laf chap. that it diethhaire yellow whichis notyeryvolike tobe done byreafon the floures are yellow. Theothers haue not been cx perimented, wherefore vntill fome matter worthy the notingdoth offer it felfe yntoour confideration, I will omit further to difcourfe her cof, The iuice of yellow Ly/imachia taken inwardly, ftoppethall fluxe of bloud,andthe Dyfeateta or blondyflix. “Issazak ~~ Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 481 merly defcribed, pag. 274.+) but thoiter.: whichcame not to ripeneffe in my garden,by reafon that it was dtied away withthe extremeand vnaccuftomedheat ofthe Sun,which happened in the yeate 2590. fince whichtime from yeare to yeare it bringeth feed to perfection, Further,D jofcori. des andPliny Ao report,thatit is without floure orfeed; : q The Place, t dt groweth in the moift medowes ofItalie about Bononia and Vincentiazit groweth inthe garden ofmy friend M*. Zohn Mition in Old-ftreet,and fomeother gardens about towne. The Time, It floureth in Aptill and May;whenit hathtaken {att hold andfetled it felfe in the eartha yeate before. q The Names, It is called Epimedium : [aur thought goodto callit Barren woort in Englith ; not becaufe that Diofcorides faith it is barre bothoffloures and {eeds,but becaufe(as fome authors affirme)being drunkeit isan enemie to conception, q The Temperature and Vertues. Galen aftirmeththat it is moderately cold,with a waterie moifture : we haue as yet no vfe hereof in Phyficke, The iuice put into the nofe, ftoppeththe bleeding ofthe fame,and the bleedingof woundsad mightily clofeth and healeth them,being made into an vnguent or falue. The fame takenina motherfuppofitorie of wooll or cotton, bound vp withthreds (as them nerthereofis,well knowne to women) ftaieth the inordinate flux or onermuch flowing ofwomen termes. It is reported, that the fume or fmoke of the herbe burned 5 dothdriue awayfliesand nitsand all mannerofvenomousbeatts, Cuar- 30. a Barren VVoort. +Cuar.x, Of Fleabane. y= AMmaior, Great Fleawoort. £ 2 (onyXa minor vera, Smal}Fleabane, Of Barren-woort. @ The Defiription. 0 His tare andftrangeplant was Aa mefrom the French Kings Heat 8 Robinus, dwelling in Paris at uit at theblacke head, inthe flreet call bout du Monde, in Englifh, Theem® loncf, world. This berbe I plantedin myst & in the beginning of Mayit cme ' of the ground, with {mall,hard ue crooked ftalks: whereupon grow rou ke Al fharpe pointed leaues,almoft Uxe” thar is to fay,Sauce alone,or lacxe™ hedge. Lobel and Dod.fay, that th are fomewhat like Iuie , butin™ ment theyare ratherlike Al/art : thet s fhipt about the edges, and tuminrs felues flat vpright, as aman pce hand vpwards when heereceive”) ™ 5 Vpon the fame ftalkes come!0 is, ¥ Wee ques, floures, confifting of fourelee oie outfides are purple,the ed *5 On fide red,the bottomey el 0 part of a bright red co! ( + to wic that of our Au ftanding in thefigures, their nominati- Ons & hiftorie,nor oneagreeing with an. other, hath caufed me wholly toomir the defcriptions of our Authour,and to giue you new, agreeableto the figures. to gether with an addition ofdiuers other plants belongingto this kindred. Bei here ts One thing I muft aduertife x Conyza matorof Matthrolus,82 it is chat z and creeneth almoft vpon the “t face ofthe earth. It beareth h ty final! cods like Saracet Hefmalneffe of the number of thefe plants here formerly mentioned, the confufion notwith. , you ofwhichis,that our Authour inthe . floure fomew! athollow. The1 $ Jenofigure Of it,buras it were forgetting 1s, where al fo another figure was put forit; tt confeffe that this is as fitor afitter placefor it, but whofe matter, not methodI indeauour to amend. |