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Show 24.0 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lise2, The fecond growes in ditches, ftanding waters, and rivers; as onthe ftone wall that bordereth vpon the riuer Thames by the Sauoy in London, \ Oe Wilde Radith. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 141 tough : vponthe branches whereofgrowlittle white floures, Therootis long and hard, creepi farre abroadin the ground,in fuch fort that when it is once taken ina panos, itis not pofhibi¢to rootit out,for it will vnder the ground creepe and fhoot vp and bud forth in many places farre abroad. The rootalfo is fharp and biteth the tongue like pepper, whereofit tooke the name pep- rwort. 2 Raphanus aquaticus, q] 1 Raphanus filueftris. ~~Lrpiae es 3 This which we giue youinthethird place hath a fmallfibrous root, the ftalke growes vptothe heightof two cubits,andit is diuided into many branches furnifhed with white foures7. after which follow feeds like in fhapeandtafte to Thlafpi, or Treacle muftard. The leaues are Water Radifh: fomewhatlike thofe of Woad. Thisis nourithed in fome Gardens of the Low Countryes, and Lobell ee the firft that gaue the figure hereof, and that vnder the fametitle as wee here giue youit. $. 2 Raphanusfylucftris Offic. Lepidinm Azineta Lob, Dittander, and Pepperwort. Yipim eS == 1 Raphanus rufticanus, Horfe Radith. \) ; The Time. ‘They floure in Iune, andthefeedis ripe in Auguft. | The Names. t Thefirftof thefeis Rapiftrum flore albe Eruce foljs,ofLobell : Armoratiajor Rapiftram alot of Tabernamontanus : and Raphanus{ylveftris,of our Author : in Englith, wilde Radith. The fecondis Radiculafylveftris of Dodoneus:and Rhaphanus aquaticus or paluftris of others: in Englith water Radifh. | The Temperature, The wilde Radifhesare of like temperature withthe garden Radifh, but hotter anddrier. q The Vertues. A Diofcorides writeth,that the leaues are receiued amongthe pot herbes, andlikewife the boi led root, whichashe faith, doth heate,and prouoke vrine. ee ee village neere London called Hog{don, in the field next vnto a farme houfe leading to Kings-land, where my very goodfriend mafter Bredwell practitionerin Phifick,a learned and AMiaenr fearcher of Simples, and mafter William Martin one of the fellowfhip of Barbers and Chirurgians, my deere aud louing friend,incom pany with him foundit,and gaue me knowledgeof the place,where Cuar.7. OfHorfe Radifh. @ The Defcription. Orfe Radithbringeth forth gtcat leaues, long, broad, fharpe pointed and fnippeda- bout theedgesof'adeepe greene colour likethofe of the great garden Docke,callet, : q The Place. Horfe Radith for the moft part groweth andis planted in gardens,yet haue I found it wiide in fundric places, as at Namptwichin Chefhire, ina place called the Milne eye, and alfo at a {mall of fome Monkes Rubarbe, of others Patience, but longer and rougher. The ftalke is flender andbrittle,bearing at the top {mall white floures : which being paft, there follow {mall cods, whereinis the feed. The rootis long and thicke, white of colour, intaite fharpe, and vety muchbiting the tonguelike mutftard, x : 2 ~Dittander or pepperwort, hath broad leaues, long, and fharpe pointed,of a blewith greeme colour like woad;fomewharfhipt or cut about the edges likea fawe.~ - The ftalke is round 20! rough * it fourifheth to this day. PS ar is planted in gardens, andis tobe found wild alfo in England in fundry places, as at wee by Ouenden in Effex, at the Hallof Brinnein Lancafhire, and neere vnto Excefter in the eft parts of England. It delighteth to growin fandic and fhadowie places fomewhat moift. Horfe Radith 7hts, Teta ete ith ffor the moft part floureth 5 in Aprill or May, andthe feed is ripe in Auguft, and in tee eldome feene,as that Petrus Placentins hath written,thatit bringeth forth no feedat + Dittander floures in une and Iuly, oe G The Names, Horfe Radith is commonly called Raphanus rufticanus,or Magms,and of divers agro |