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Show Lisi2. Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 252 Litséze : Of the Hiftory: of Plants. ————— iit a eel places fundry in couered be muft bed The thicke. handfull ofan thereon caft earth fifted fine 253 iE narrower. The floures decking the tops the vpperleaues are not fnipt;nor dividedat all, and are fethen thofe of Crefles,andthe feedit arelef s veffel {eed the , ofthebranches are fmall and white y,fometimes fingle, otherwhiles felfe exceeding fmalland ofa blackifh colour; the root is wood + hes. branc two diuided into with hoopes or poles, to fuftaine the mat or fuch like thing that it muft be couered with in the night, and layd open to the Sunneinthe daytime. The whichbeing {prung vp, andhauing got. ten threeleaues, you muft replant them abroad in the hotteft place of the garden, and mott fine and fertile mold. Thus may youdowith Muske-Melons, Cucumbers, and all coldfruits that require hafte, for that otherwife thefroft will ouertake them before they come tofruit-bearing. + They mayalfobe fowenin good moldlike as other feeds,and viually are, £ q The Place. I haue found it in “Tr groweth vpon old wals and roughplaces by high waies fides,andfuch like: core fields about Southfleete neere to Grauefend in Kent, | The Time. Iberis Cardamantica. Nafturtinm Indicum cumflore & femine. Sciatica Creffes. Indian Creffes with floureandfeed. It floureth according to the late or earely fowing of itin the fields, in Iune and Iuly. «| The Names. Sciatica Crefles is called in Gtecke izes,and xatayermet: i Latine Lberts : of Plinie,Heberis, and Nafturtiunfylueftre,and in likemanner alfo Le. pidinm. Thereis another LepidivimofPlinie : in Englith, Sciatica Crefle. + The firft defcribed may be called Sberis Cardamantica tenutfolia, Small leaued Sciatica Creffes, The fecond, Theres latiore folio, broad lJeaued Sciatica Creffes, £ @ The Nature. Sciatica Crefle is hot in the fourth degree, Hil | Hhle andlike to garden Crefles both in fell and in tafte. | The Vertues, The rootes gathered in Autumne,faith Di. ofcorides, doe heate and burne, and are with goodfucceffe with fwines greafe made vp in mannerof a plaifter,and: put ypon fuchas are tormented with the Sciatica: it is tolieon the gricued place butfoure hours at the moft, and then taken. away, and the patient bathed with warme water, and the place afterwards anointed with oile,and wooll laid onir;which ; things Galenin his ninth bookeof medicines, according to the place ereeucd,citeth out ofDenso crates,in certaine verfes tending to that effect. q] The Names. . This beautifull plantis called in Latine, Nafturtivm Indicum- in Englith, Indian Creffes. Al though fome haue deeméd it a kinde of Connolvulus, or Binde-weed - yet 1am well contented that itretaine the former name,for that the fmell and tafte thew it tobe akinde of Creffes. Cuar.sy. , q The Nature and Vertues. Weéhaue no certain knowledge of his nature or vertues, but are content to refer it to the kindes of Creffes, or toa further confideration. Cuar.t4. ea fharpe and biting the tongue as thofe of Creffes. fmall long and narrowleaues like thofe of Garden Creffes. The floures be very 125 _ andyellow ofcolour, the feed-veffels belittle flat chaffie huskes, whereinis the fee aMgah pe Be: The branches be long, tough, and pliant like the other. The flowers be ee each f ef pera a" tial long cods,hauing leaues. growing among ft them: in thefe vipretefall tough white withit ofareddith gold colour, fharpe and very bitter intafte. The rootis fmall, + ; pisces coms pei of panite Creffes hath leaueslike vato thofe of Dandelion,fomewhat Ciatica Creffes hath manyflender branches growing froma ftalke ofa cubit highywith and without, andofabiting tafte. Anke Creffes hathlong leaues, deepely cut or jagged vpon both fides, not vnlike to thofe of Rocket,or wilde muftard. The ftalkes be {mal,limber orpliant,yer very tough, and wil twift and writhe as doth the Ozier or water willow,wherupon do grow {mall yellow flowers,which being paft there do fucceedlittle flender cods,full of {mall feedes, intafte @| The Defeription. r - q The Defcription, ) Of Sciatica Crofes. Of Banke (refles. ¢ ses) Theplantwhofe figure I here giue youin ftead ofthat with the narrower leaues of our At thor, hathleaues fomewhatlike Rocket,burnot fo deepecutin,being only fnipt about theedge wal mall biting feed like the other of thiskinde, The fell of this plant is very d t i Crefleee s is foun d in ftonie places among rubbith, by path waies, vpon earthor mudde 3 sandin other yntoiledplaces, @ The Place. The |