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Show 424. 3. Of the Hiftorié of Plants. Lina, — Listed, Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. he. Thethird kinde, whichis the fea Plantaine, hath {mall and narrowleaues like Bucks-ho, q The Names, buttvithout any maniteft incilure,cuttingsor notcheswponthe ond fide:among which rifethpa {pikic ftalke,like the commonkinde, but fimaller. Holoftewn is al(o called by Dodinaus, Plantago anguftifolia albide, Ot Plantago Hifpanienfis : in Ens glith, Spanithhairy {mall Plantaine,or flouring fea Plantaine. $ 5 Holoftenim, fine Leontopod. Cret. aterm The other Candy Lyonsfoot, Catanance of Diofcorides : thewhich Hovorivs Bellus willnot allowof : Bawhine calls it Holoftesm, fine Ltontopodium Creticum. t 4 Holofteam, fine Leontopodinm Creticum. Candy Lyonsfoot, to The fourth is called by Clufius, Leontopodium Creticum : by fomeit hath beene thought tobe Thefifth is Leontopodinm Creticum alterum ofClufius the Habbures of Camerarius ; and the Holo. frenm Creticum alterum of Bauhine. + The Temperature and Vertues, Galen faith, That Holofteum is of a binding anddryingfacultie. Galen, Diofcarides, and Pliny haue prouedit to be fuch an excellent wound herbe, that it prefently clofeth or fhutteth vp a wound,thoughit be very great and large :and by the fame authority I {peakeit, that ifit be put intoa pot where manypiecesof flefh are boyling,it will foder them to. ether. Thefe herbes haue the fame faculties and vertués that the other Plantains haue,and are thought tobe the beft ofall the kindes. { That which was formerly in thefourth place ofthis chapter; vnder the ndme of Holofteusa petraum, you fhall finde hereafter vnder the eulatus : for vader that name our Author al(o gauc ano:her figure thereof, wath a defeription 3 and I indge it more fidly placedin that place, than Plantaines. Cua. ico. tithe of Mufcws comihere amongft the Of Sea Buck-horne Plantaines. 1 Coronopus. 3 Coronopus, fine Serpentina minor; Sea Buck-horne; Small Sea Buck-horme. % 4 Thefetwofollowing Plants are by Clufius and Bawhine referred tothis Tribe: wherefo Ithinkeit fitting to place them here. The former of them froma reddifh, and as it wereLot root growing lefleby little and little, and diuidedinto fibres, fends forth many Jeaues, 22th hoary, an handfull long, and hauing three neruesor ribbes running ‘along ft each ofthem samongtt thefe comeforth diuers foot-ftalkes, couered with a foft reddith downe, and being fome to three inches long,hauing heads fomewhat thicke and reddith : the floures are whitith,withab® @ The Defcription. kith middle, which makesit feemeasifit were perforated or holed. Now whenthe plantgn old, and withers, the ftalkes becomming more thicke and ftiffe, bend downe their heads rowel the roor, fo that in fomefort they refemble the foot ofa Lyon. i 5 This Plant whichis figured inthe vpper place(forI take the lower tobe amexadterfigt of the laftdefcribed) hath leaues like to the fmall fea Plantaine, but tenderer, and ftanéifs 7 tight , and amongft thefe onlittle foot-ftalkes growheads like thofe ofP/yl/iam, but prettict, ofawhitith ted colour, £ a | The Place, The two firh row in moft of the kingdomes of Spaine. Carols Clufius-writeth, that hee fae fawgreater or whiter than neere to Valentiaa city of Spaine, by the highwaies. Since,they™ beene foundat Baftable in the ifle of Wight, andinthe ifles of Gernfey and Iarfey. fle, Thethird doth grow neere vnto the fea in all the places about England where 1 haue traule . seeally by theforts onboth the fides of the waterat Grauefend .at Erith neere London; se Effex ; at Rie inKent, at Weft-Chefter,and at Briftow. , dives + The fourth and fifth grow in Candy, from whence they haue been fent to Padua and otherplaces. «af! HAI TWN Kil é rr HAL f i) ‘He new Writers following asit were by tradition thofe that haue ~ written long agone, haue beene content to heare themfelues fpeake and fer downe certainties by vncertaine {peeches ; which hath wrought fuch confinfion and. cotruption ofwritings, that fo many. Writers, fo many feuerall opinions ; as may moft euident- ly appeare inthefe plants and in others ; And myfelfeam contentratherto fufferthis fear to paffe,than by corre@ting the error, to renewthe old wound. But formine owne opinion thus I thinke, the plant whichis reckoned forakinde of Coronopus.is doubrieffea leinde ofHolo/téum : my reafon is, becaufeit hath graffie’ leaues, or rather leaues like V etonicafylaeftris or wilde Pinks, a toot like thofe of Garyophyllata or the {p1kie eare of Holoftewm or Sea Plantaine :whiclare certaine arguments that thefe Auens,and writers haue neuer feenethePlant, but onelythe pi ture thereof, and fo haue fet downe their Opinions by me N n 1s |