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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 532 ‘tieen the Hiftory of Plants: Cuar. 14.4. OfSampter. ; after which fucceedpretty large midftof whichftandsa little white floure parted alfo intofue of Primrofes, but bigger : the rootis ra d like that feedveffels which containe an vnequall re perfected. It growes naturally in diuers placesof thefeedis as foon gle and flender, and dies as andii. ‘Auttria,and amongit the corne about the Bathes of Baden , whereas it floures in April f 2 2 Grithmum Spinofum, Crithmum marina, Thornie Sampier, RockeSampier. pens the feed in Mayand lune. ¢ @ The Place, Androface will not grow any where but in water: great {tore ofit is about Frontignanby Mont * pellier in Languedoc,where eueryfifher- man doth knowit. The fecond groweth vpon old Lc one and mudwalls :notwithftanding I haue(the more tostace 7 Matthiolss great iewell) plantedit in mygarden. @ The Time. Thebaftard Androface flourcthin Iuly,and the feed is ripein Auguft, q The Names, F ndrofaceis of fomecalled Vimbilicus marinus, ox fea Nauell, The fecond is knowne andcalled by the name of Andyoface altera Matthioli. $ 7 @ The Temperature. andlele tobe, it thought Galem than drie more qualiticand Thefea Nauell is of adiureticke hotthan others haue deemedit : there can no moifturebefoundinit. @ The Vertues. _ Sea Nauelwoort prouokcth vrine, anddigefteththe filchineffe and fliminefle gathered inthe ioints. Two drams of it, as Diofcorides faith, drunke in wine, bringeth downegreat ftore ofvrineoutof their bodies that haue the dropfie, and maketha goodplaifter to ceafe the paine ofthe gout, Cuar. 153. Of Rofe-woort, or Roferoot. | The Defcription. Ofewoort hath maiyfmall,thicke,a cdfat Rofe-root. tems, growingfroma thicke and kn¢ root: the vpper end of it for the mot ar ftandeth out of the ground,and is thereotapy plith colour, bunched & knobbedlike thesoot of Orpin,with manyhairyftringsh ing the at,ofa pleafant fmell when it is broke damaske rofe, whereof it tooke his nan leaues are fet round about theftalks,¢ the bottometothe top,like thofe of the Orpin, but narrower, and more fniptabor edges. The floures growat the top ofafautys low colour, q The Pl It growethveryplentifullyin the N of England, efpecially ina place called borough Fels,neere vnto tl 1e brookes fide notelfewhere that I canas yet finde ollh™ whence I haue hadplants for my garden, @ TA we We. the It floureth and flourifheth in Tuly , ana feed is ripe in Augutt. q The Names. PES Some haue thought it hath ta ken tie Rhodia of the Ifland in the Meaitetta called Rhodes : but doubtleffe it to ok Rhodixvadix,of the root which fmelle oes Engli(h,Rofe-root,and Rofe-woel a yao 1ead, | et g i q T. eVertues, le of Rofes and Jaid tothe temples ofthe head ircaferh the pa® paneth ihe 2 Crithmum chryfan hen Golden Sampier, <2 7 Wiis= @| The Defiription, Ocke Sampier hath many fae and thicke leaues, fomewhat like thofe ofthe leffer Purflane,ofa fpicy tafte with acertaine faltnefle ; amongit whichrifeth vp a ftalke, dividedinto many {mal f{praies or {prigs;on the top wher. of doegrow fpokic tufts of w hitefloures, like the tufts of Fenell or Dill, after that commeth thefeed like the feed of Fenell, 1 but greater. The root is chicke and knob- bie,being offmell delightful & pleafant > Thefecond Sampier called Pa/lizaca marina,or Sea Parfnep,hath longfat leaues, very much iagged or cut euen to the middle rib, fharpe or prickley pointed, which arefet vpon large fat iointed ftalks. on the top whereofdo growtuftes of whitith,or els reddifh floures. The feed is wrappedin thorniehuskes. Theroot is thick and long,notvnlike to the Parfnep, very good and wholefome tobe eaten, 3 Golden Sampierbringeth forth ma- ny {talks from one root,compaffed about witha multitude oflong fat leaues, fet to# gether by equall diftances ; at the top whereof comeyellowfloures- The feedis like thofe of the Rocke Sampit- a The a ay |