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Show ~~Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Lani 2 They floure in Iuly and Auguft. Inter Sauorie is a plant tefembling H yflope, but lower,morce tender and brittle: MJ icbringedh forth very many branches, compafied oneuery fidewith narrowand fharpe pointed leaues,longer than thofe of T ime;amongwhich growthe floures from thebottometo the top, out of {mall husks, ofcolourw hite,tending to'alight purple, The root ishard and wooddie,asis the reft oftheplant. ; Sommer Sauorie groweth vp witha flender brittle ftalke ofa foot high, diuidedint o fittle branches: the leaues are narrow, leffer than thofe of Hyfope, like theleaues ofwinter Sauorie,but thinner fet vpon the branches. The floures ftand hard to the branches,ofa light purpletending to whitenefle, T he rootis {mali,full of ftrings, and perifheth whenit hath perfeaedhis feed. 3 SatureiaS anctiluliani, Rocke Sauorie. : 3. This {mall kinde ofSanorie, which Lobel hathfer forth vnder the title of Thpv. bra S.Tuliani, becaufeit groweth plentifully vpon the rough cliffes of the Tyrrhenian fe in Italie,calied Saint Iulians rocke,hath ter der twig gie branches an handfull high, ofa wooddie fubftance,fet ful ofleaves fromthe Gttome: tothe top, very thicke rhruft tose. ther like vnto thofe of Time, fauing that they be fmaller & narrower, bringing forth atthe top of the fprigs a roundfpikietuft of fmall purplith floures: The whole plant iswhitifh, tending to a bleake colour, and ofaverie hor and fharpe tafte, and alfo well {ind ¥ 4Ssatureia Cretica, Candie Sauorie. ling. ¢ 4 This in the opinion of Hoan Belus,Clufius, and Pona, is thought,and not without good reafon,to be the true Thymbns, OrSatureia Of Diofcorides and the Antients,or (befides that it agrees withtheirdefcription, it is to this’ day called in Candie s#waN Spt) Clufius defcribes itrbus:1t fends forth manybranchés immediatély from the roote likeas Tyme,and thofe quadrangulargaugh, and of a purplith colour : vpon thefe grove alternately little roughifh Icaues much like thofe of the true Tyme ;and out oftheitbofomes comelittle branchesfet withthe like buctlefferleaues. The toppesofthe brancuts are compafied with a rundle madeof mal little leaues, whereout comefloures offine purple colour, and like the floures of Tyme, beeing diuided into foure parts, wheredltte lowéFisthe broader, and hangsdowne: Ti vpperisalfo broad but fhorter, and theother twoleffe. Outof the middle of the fioue come five whitifh threds, pointed 7 browne,and a forked ftile. The feed is {mal and blacke like that ofTyme! The root hat and wooddie. It floured withclufas(who® ceiued the feedes out of Candie fromm rius Bellus) in © Gober and Nouember. ¢ Gq The Place. They are fowne in. Gardens, aid foorth their floures the firft yeare of the fowing, Th q The Time, | The Defcription, 2 Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. | The Names, Sauorie is called in Greeke s/ue, neither hath it any other truename in Latine than Thymbra. The Interpreters would haueit called Satureia, wherein they are repugnant to Colwmella a Latine Writer,whodoththewa manifeft difference betweene Thymbra and Satureia, in his tenth booke, where hee writeth, that Sauorie kath the tafte of Tyme, and of Thymbraox the Winter Sauorie. Et Saturcia Thymi referens Thymbraq;faporem. t Notwithftanding this affertion of Columella, Pliny lib.19 .cap.8.makes Satureia;or Sauorie,ta be that Thymbra whichis called alfo Cunila. Sauorie in High Dutch is called unel Saturep, and Syadaneyp : in Low Dutch,Cenlen 3 which name,asit feemeth,is drawne out Camila : in Ialian,Savoregeza : in Spanith, Axedrea,and Sagorida: in French,Sarriette : in Englith, Sauorie,Winter Sauoric,and Sommer Sauorie. q The Temperature andVevtues. Winter Sauorie is of temperature hot and drie in thethird degree, it maketh thin,cutteth, it clenfeth the paffages:tobe briefe,it is altogetheroflike vertue with Time, Sommer Sauoric is not full fo hot as winter Sauorie,and therefore faith Diofcorides, more fit to bevfed in medicine: it maketh thin,and doth maruelloufly preuaile againft winde: thereforeit is with goodfucceffe boiled andeaten with beanes,peafon,and other windie pulfes,yea ifit beappli: ed to thebelly ina fomentation, it forthwith helpeththe affeas of the mother proceeding froma winde, Cimr, 176. Of Dodder. Cuftuta five Caffutha. Dodder. @| The Defcription. Vfeuta, ot Dodder,isaftrange herbe, alto: gether without leaues or root, like ynta threds very muchfnarled or wrapped to- gether, confufedly windingit felfe about bu- thes and hedges, and fundty kindes ofherbes. The threds are fomewhat red : vpon which growhere & thetelittle round heads or knops, ringing forth at the firft flender white floures: afterward a {mallfeed. @ the Place. This herbe groweth vpon fundry kindes of herbes,as vpon Tyme,VVinter Sauorie, Germandet, and fuchlike, taking his name from the herbe whereupon it doth grow,as that vpon Tymeis called Epithymum, vpon Lineor flaxe Epilinum: andfo ofothers,as Dodonaws fetteth forthat largezyet hath he forgotten one among the reft, which groweth very pientifully in Sommer fetfhire vpon nettles : neither is it the Icaft among many,either in beautie or Operation, but comparable to the bef Epithymum : following therefore the example of Diofcorides, Thaue thought goodto call it Epiurtica, or ta- ther tmxaag,,and fo of the reft according to the herbes whereon they dogrow. @ The Names. The greateft is called in thops euery where Cufintaz and ofdiuers becaufe it POE *laxe |