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Show . ° Ofthe Hittorie of Plants. a RS, Lisi, creation ofthe mindewhich 1s taken hereby, cannot be but very good. and honeft for they adie nifhand ftir vp.aman to thatwhichis eomelyand honeft;forfloures through their beaurie, variety Lis. 2. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 3 Violamartia purpurea multiplex. The double gardenpurple Violet. 5 Viola martia lutea, YellowViolets: ofcolour,and exquifite forme,do bring toa libe rall and gentle manly minde,the remembranceof honeitie,comelineffe,andall kindes of vertues. Foritwouldbe an vnfeemely andfilthie thing (as acertaine wifé manfaith) for him thardoth looke vpon and handle faire and beautifull things,and who frequenteth andis conuerfant in faire and beautifull places,to haue his minde not faite, but * fithie and deformed. ; | The Defcription. He blacke or purple Violet doth forthwith bring from the root manyleaues, broad, {lcightly indented in the edges,rounder than the Jeaues of Iuie: among the miditwher. of fpring vp fi ne flender ftems,and vpon euerie one a beautifull floure fweerly {melling , of a blew darkith purple,confitting of fiue little leaues, the loweft whereof is the greateft;andafter them doe appearelittle hanging cups or knapsywhich, whentheybe ripe,do open anddiuide themfeluesinto three parts. Thefeed is {mall,long, and fomewharround withall. The roorconfifteth ofmany threddie ftrings. 2 Viola flore albo, The white Garden Violet, 1 Viola nicr ive purpurea. The purp > GardenViolet. +6 Viola canina [ylueffris. Dogs Violets, or wilde Violets. growing vponthe hills in Lancafhire,neere vnto a village called Latham ; and thoughhe brought themintohis garden,yet they withered and. ps ned, The wholeplant is defcribed to be like ynto the field Violet, and differerh from it, in that this plant bringethforth yellow floures, yet like in formeand figure, but without {mell. 6 Thewilde field Violet with round leaues rifethforth of the ground fron a fibrous roor, withlong flender branches, whereupon do grow round {mooth Jeaues. The floures growat the top ofthe ftalkes,ofa light blew colour: + and 2, Thewhite garden Violet hath many milke white loures,in forme and fig urelike the pe dent : thecolour ofwhofe floures efpecially fetteth forth the difference. ; de n fingley! (3 The double garden violet hath leaues,creeping branches,and roots like the S96foub!goures olet ; differing in that,thar this forvof Violet bringethforth moft beautifull fweet¢ andthe otherfingle. 4 % igferet Thewhite double Violet likewife agrecthwith the other of his kinde,and ote chis pl the colour. For as the lat defcribed bringeth double blew or purple floures:contrari? beaseth double white floures,which maketh the difference. done anywhere 5. The yellow. Violet is by nature one ofthe wilde Violets, forit groweth ele ache into but vponmoft high andcraggie mountains,from whenceit hath bin divers times resdutirieA garden,out itcan hardly be broughtto culture,or growin the garden without eos who found ¥the relation of a Gehtleman often remembred , called M'. Thomas HeskoPs croit this growes commonly in VWoods and fuchlike places, and floures in Iuly and Auguit. There is anothervarietie of this wilde Violet,which hath the leaues longer, narrower,and {harper pointed. Andthis was formerly figured and defcribed in this place by our Author, ¢ ; 7. There is foundin Gérmanie about Noremberg and Strasborough, a kinde of Violet whichis altogethera ftrangerin thefe parts. Ie hath (faith my Author) a thicke and rough root ofawooddy fubftance, from which rifeth vp a ftalke diuiding it felfe into diuers branches; of a wooddy fubftance ; whereupon grow long iag- ged leaueslike thofe ofthe Panfey- The floures growat the top,compaét of fiue leaues apicce,of a watchet colour. 5 @ The |