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Show Lisge Ofthe HiftoricofPlant! ————— + 12 Fi - i way -Pemey ye ferthe greaterthan TheotherSheeps Scabious of our Author(accordins tothe hgure)‘" 1s Pf ; . : . . : | o r ; re high,with {lender rough branches (et with leaues not foot ora better lafidefcribed,growing r . "> =e fome . he cdves : the foures are in cole nd thane lite th “ olour and thape like thofeos res arc muchdiuided bur onely nicked about the edges : tl Cee eee oe eer a ob. le, and likethat of a Rampion. wl wi thé his the root the 1€ | la(t deferibed, or of the blewdaifie eis LS ;se circa is htefingle, aaa and th like Panne a Rampion, lence Fy. Rampions.cal! tothe izes Columna (the feed and milkie juice inducing him hath refer'd this tothe Ra pions,callins Sp pbell calls it Scabsofamedia: and Dodonens, lepton na it Rapuntinm (montanum capitatum Lepr ae ; aS ee : A Baal minor. 13 Tothefe little plants we may fitly adde another fmall onerefer'd by Crufias to this Claf eS and he Daifies, it Bellis caru carla mon.mon d termes ters Dathies,an refers it to the yet Banhinerefer and called Stabio/z.10./iue repens:ae ion‘is thus ; The rootishard, tanafrute(cens,butitmatters notto which we referre it : the defcript = di apetey ite peomee the furface unonthe : muchch vpon : {preds AM ek , foFe thatit ete 8and creeping forth many; of the cgre und, fending blacke, thicke, fmooth, steene leaues, like thofe ofthe blew Daifie, not fharpe pointed, but endingawe grafsie but not vnpleafant {mell,and fomewhat abitiere hauing a certaine ficure anheart, valgarly 1.0 avd balls fome hand hiphaann g =e ae Ce eee WU high,haun and hottafte:out of the middeit of thefe leaues growflender nakedftalks fome hand , yet fometimesota thefamecolour e thofe of> Diuells bit,andof ontheir rops,lik floures round 0 : : a : : : : c fA i sril land ghter blew crow he mountaines of Hungary and Auftria, It floures in Aprillan lighter blew. It growes inth Lene ee Oss é May, and ripens the feed in Iuly and Auguft. $16 Scabiofarubra Indica. Red Indian Scabious. OfjcheHinory.of Plants, Linzi, ° ttalkes; b neh lee little | ftalkes ofPethe » ffflourerejents 5 fc forth which Marigolds. Cs a are whic 1dt ereforcOre are ade the fides termed fitl) y term , as in Daifies and Martgolds, plants, ding.ge This growes on Brow 16. in Gardens, and floures t at the fame time wi The ftalkes o } 1. red Scabious grow fome cubit or more } 1 many very {lender brauche s,which at the tops carry fi ‘ ne ; oe ; other forts. of Scabious,that is,of manylittle Houres diutded int them are ofa perfect red colour, and haue {mall threds with pendants at mide ofeach of thefe little Houres, which are of awhitith colour,ai leaues are greene, 4 and veryyee much dividednot or cutin. TheDee ftarry ee ea POE: t commingfo pretty fhe x rol des fet erg Fb Fe ras aee lb ane) erifhes as foone as 1 Scabiouaes,andcalls it Scabiofa fixtpaucten hisun it ie Clufias makes feed, iat ) f' Indica. It floures in Luly, gems i fil iach eea y pe al H Peat deic and 17 The fame Authour hathalfo giuenys the figure at certaine fet morehigh, cubits or,Pee fome three ftalkects which hale ethics orale! Ee fendsa vpa bait Reue Oo ete eh Gant e es met others,which at there tops carry blewith floures in long fea Te 15a ge ieg ins up einy eek whitifh feed. The roote is whitith and fibrous,and dyes euery vy i OF( @ The Place. $17 Scabioft «ftivalis C SommerScabious. Thefe kin ‘ almoft every where The fttange forts srow in paftures, medowes,corne fields,andbarren fandy grou ; ; )varden, yetare they flrangers in England. The Time. They floure anidflourith inthe Sommer moneths. ¢ : qT he Names. Scabious is commonlycalled Scabiofz,diuers thinke it is named ve, which fignifieth a feabb aid a certaine herbe fo called by 4 : 1 donot know, faith Hermolaus Barbarus, whether it Seabions which 4éti«s dothcall Pfra,the fmoake of which being burnt dothkill cankers of little wormes. The Author of the Pandeéts doth interpret Scabiofa to be Diofcorides his Stabe Dioftondesdefctibeth Stebe by no markes atall; being commonly knownein his time ; and Galen in his fittbooke of Antidotesfaith thus: There is fourid among {tvs a certaine fhrubbyherbe, hot,very thatpe and biting,hauing alittle kind ofaromaticall or {picy fmell,which the inhabitants do call Cihmbade, and Stebe fingular good to keepeandpreferuewine:but it feemeth that this Steve doth ditfet fomthat of which he hath made mentionin his booke of the faculties of medicines whic! sprectlrwith that of Dio/corides : for he writeth that this is ofa binding qualitywithout bitine: { thatitcannot be veryfharpe. Cals ; ; | Zee. Temperature, i Scabiousis hot anddryin the later end ofthe feconddegree,or neere handin the third; and of thin and {ubtile pares ; it eutteth, attenuateth, or makeththin, and throughly concoéteth toug and groffehamours, ‘ Soa 2 Po @ The Vertues; Scabious feoureth the cheft andlungs; it is good againft an old cough, thortneffe of breath, A 5: Paine1 thefides, and fuchlike infirmities 3 e of the cheft. 5 The fame prouoketh vrine,and purgeth nowand then rotten matter bythe bladder, whichhap: B De Peneth ct when an impoftume hath fomewhere lien withinthe body. : : , a in sheeem it cureth fcabs,if the decoétion thereofbe drunke certain daics,and the juice G e . =. s ; a the wh! feuenth Scabious of Clufizs,andwhichhe termes sreci 14 This(whichisthe tye oo 1 thas fetat eac colour ofthe floure)hath round,flender, tiff, and ereeneftalkes fet She rom U yellow tith ; ; re lesuesthat ¢ e ae .e 5 ne two largeand muchdiuided Ieaues of awhitith greene colout; thofe leaues th : i branchesald root before the ftalke grow vp are broader, andleffe divided ; vpon-the topsof U0 07javbe italkes grow floutes like thofe of the common Scabious, being white or Oot cord inds throughly open) ofa whitith yellowcolour; which fading,there follow. ¢ ede as narykinde. This floures in lune and Iuly,and growesvery plentifully in allthehivys ' 4 dry Meades of Auftriaand Morauia. 15 There is alfo a kinde of Scabious hauing the leaues much cut gn Ca iffering ba lik to thecommon fort,of a blewith res like purple colour,but differing falkes and floures th 10th ‘i The later Herbarifts doealfoaffirme that itis atemedy againftthebitingsof Serpentsand py afi Fee hvenomous beafts, being outwardly applied or inwardly taken. 9 “e)nice being drunke procureth fiveat, efpecially with Treacle; andit {peedily confumeth = \Ctes,ifit be giuen in time,and forthwithat the beginning : but it muft be vfed often, B ltisthouet Rat. re againft tae Solall peftilent afte ae feuers. that forceable,and pit tobe j 1 ty were all nothingele than the varieties ofone Plant, being of the x 2. ge 4. Seabiol t ar s:T haue of thefe onely ird.and inother places put fuch figures as eat the ordinaryflliedeioed Seabsoneashegure feat dhouldhanebeenecrewasfu the« eso rhe plant defended by me in the fa |