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Show = La mig, ~~ Ofthe Hliftotie of Plant. faftened tothe boughes,witha firme,hard,and fibrous ftalke : this fruit containes a whitifh pulpe whichthe Ethiopians vfe in burning fevers to quench rhe thirft,for it hatha pleafant tarencleabi its retaineth dried becomesfriable,fo that it may be broughtinto pouder with onesfingers, yetablackthining Andeyris,of aciditie:in this pulp lye feeds like little Kidneis,or the feeds of thetrue e fowne brought forth a'plant hauing colour,with fomefibres commingout of their middles:thef of Winter.Clu/. leaues likethe Bay tree,but it dyed at theapproch the LiXoom aquaticumsor water “py Ananas Pinias,or Pine Thiftle isa plant having leaueslike $399 Fructus tetragonns., The fquareCoco, 16 Fabe Agyptia afinis. 1553 Sengteehe, fomew hat (harpe and prickly about the edges : the ftalke isround, carrying atthe top . aitua (oalee therofone fruit ofa yellowtih co.oar whea it is ripe,of the bignes ofa Melon,¢ouered at the top of thefruit, and jiketinde:the fmell is gratefull, fo newhat ltke thac of the Malocorone: figure, which they fetin fometimes belowitcome forth fiuch ouds-as youfee here prefented in the thegrouad and preferue the kindby in ftead-of feed:the meat ofthis fruit 1s feet &very pleafaur of thereof,which though talte,8¢ yeelds 309 J nourithment, there are certaine fmall fibtes inthe meat frequently feed thereon. 7 they do not offzad the mouthyet hurt they the gumsof {uchas too cur ofPnigh the top: 16/The fore of this is fonewhac ftrange, foritis like a large Poppy head fmooth : the cir. very olour, brovnithc ofa wrinckled, aad memoranous s the fubftance thereofwa tothe ftalke euen {maller {mallerand growes it fo inches,and nine cunference at the top isabout euen and was fruit ofthe top which feems to haue carrieda floure whercto this fruit fucceeded:the like an Acorn, al. initwere orderly placed 24.cauities,in each whereof was contained little Nut colour, & the kernel within mottati inch long,and as mach thick-the vpper part was of a brownith not how it grew,but with a came, this whence neither {gatne coald Lufius y.C mould wasrank and all by the nameofFaba deferibed Antients the which thac be may, it hinks ¢ y great deale of prodagilit z orypiia. me of Coxco Cypote,that is the Nut Cypote: “17 The former of thefe two Clufius receined by thena afh colour, rough, lower partof an Itisofadusky browne colour, fmooth, and ‘hining, but on the 2. hee receiued bythe nameof . The figure ng the drawi fe 1a expref well not er did Paint which the t of an ance totha dras del Peru, (1.) Almonds 0! Peru:the thell was iike in colour and fubft Almen forme ofthe thell was difdimond and the kernel! not valike neither in fab tance nortafte:yet the ,and thefevery rough. harp fides ferent, for it was triangular, witha backe ftanding vp,andtwo called Buenas noches, ards Spani the s which lvulu 18. Thiswasthe fruit ofalarge kind of Convo The feeds were of afooty coot Goodnight,becaufe the floures vie to fadeas foone as night came. cornered head. You may lour as big as large Peafebeing three of rhem contained ina skinny three 18. 2.cap. .t:b. s,Exet Clufin in f fe more bereo ctures to haue been fome kind of In19 This isthe figure ofa fquare fruit which Clufizs conie n inches long, and a foot and halfe feue was rinde, th finoo a with ed couer dian Nut or Coco: it was . {quare to quare fromf e dbour,being foure inches anda half fending forth many branches, which 20 About Bantam inthe Ea‘ Indies growes a tall tree AlmondsofPeruy aft = 7 / ary:it carries cods fix inches ne fet thicke with leaues long and narrow bigger than thofe of Rofem d,whichopen themfelues long,and fiue aboue,couered with a thin skinwrinckled and fharp pointe , wherewith they ftuffe ny matter y Cotto or wooll foft ofa full nd are parts,a fine into fof below e for certaine vfes: amongft the downelye black cafhions,pillowes and the like, an { al(o Coin fomeed to the downe. _ feeds like thofe of Cotton,but leffe,and nor fa%en becaufe it catties the figure ofan Hip21 This which Clufcalls Pa/ma (ace fera,or the Bag Date, ers who h as found ina defart [fland in the Antlantick ocean,by certaine Dutc marin pocras bag,w em 22.ormorcinches long,and fome obferned whole woods thereof :thefe bags were foneofth threds croffing.one another,ofa browwith ly woue {trong eft place, broad the broadin inches feuen Aa y Llldllliyp C. G \Y \\ Lely, \Ni ANT WS AN N\Nyyy"NINN iN) INNIMA HNN mrsyy N fMg" G themfromthetree). were filled withfruit nifh yellow colour. Thefe fachels (as they report who cut others,as round as if they hadbin torwere thefe thin all:wi and huske ut of the bigneffe ofa Waln r:in the midft ofthefe were white hamme a with e them ned,and {o hard that you could fearce break aL upine. afterwards bitter like kernels,tafting at che Arf fomewhat like pulfe,but as I haue been told by divers: fomie who 22 The tree which carries this roughcod is very large, . Clufins alfo notes that they hauebin tius [fland faw itin Perfia,8¢ others that obferued it in Mauri two inches broad, of adubrought from diters places:the cod is fome threeinches long,andfome one,two or more round nuts skie red colour,and all rough and prickly: in thefe cods are contained on one fide,where theyare faftened tothe cod orfeeds of a grayifh ath colour,hauinga little {pot heyfhew awhite kernel very birterand brokent e,but break edil ng hard,and diffict It to they areexceedi e,and forne haueoffered to {el them ofthef fome haue and ynpleafant of ratte. Lhaue feen very many e,though nothing in facultic like blanc refem {mall for Eat Indian Beazor,w hereto they haue fome tryall) for Lhaue been told by fome them(if L maycredit reportywhich L had rather do than make re vomits thattheyare noifonous;and by othets,that cheyfrongly procu Indies (as Clufiva was tald) Kaye Batt the in called s figurei this in fed »2 The lone cod expref ,and fix inches long:the rinde was thick,black, baksitwas round,the thickneffe of anes little finger fowrith fafte,which theyaffirm was catable, ofa pulpe ard nedah hard and wrinckled,and it contai fome inch broad,membranous, rough,and and The other was.a codof fome inchand halfe long, a thin film d with opening into two parts,and diftinguithe ofa brownith colour, harp pointed.and fafhioned little b: rries, hauing golden {ports foure cels. i vin were contained (carlet Peare informed wascalled Daburi. idles. This growes in Brafile, and as Clufius was chapter you may finde the ce ofthe tenthfigure and defcription inthis fingleé Pppppp on i Ia ce ae]t- $17 Coxco Cypote. Amygdala Peruane:., qua. $20. Arboris laniferefili : A codofthe wooll- eating trees gS + Of: the Hiftory of Plants. Lin, 3. STR SEP Ear7eear 1552 |